Battle Talk ~ Battle Royale VII

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isaiah 1:18

New member
Originally posted by D the Atheist
A “ god” was very helpful with the killing of Witches and keeping the Crusades rolling along though, wasn’t it? (And other stuff :) )

My quoting of Stalin was meant to avert this very thing of tit for tat one upmanship. Sometimes, atheists think the world would be a better place if we just got rid of theist thinking. (and in some respects, yes.) But atheists cannot claim any better.

In short, eliminating "god" solves nothing.

(Hey, even Hitler was a "good" "Christian". Ever see what was on the belt buckles of SS troops? Gott mits uns - god is with us.)

D the Atheist

New member
Originally posted by isaiah 1:18
No. :chuckle:

Anyway, to answer the second part of your question from you rother post; A twin is a clone. But if you know any twins, they are only twins in appearance.

The ultimate real-world test to see if you have a soul would be to invent a teleportation device that merely transmits your molecules to another location. Like in Star Trek. Interested to see what comes out on the other side.

Can't say that it will work or if the idea of the machine is even plausible because... without corroborating evidence....

So the alleged soul would not transmit in this alleged transporter? The evidence or even a hypothesis would be nice to help explain this point of view?

And how do you know the twins have souls, let alone separate and individual ones?

D the Atheist

New member
I would not wish to eliminate religions. I would like that children not be taught particular religions as being correct interpretations of reality

D the Atheist

New member
Originally posted by isaiah 1:18

(Hey, even Hitler was a "good" "Christian". Ever see what was on the belt buckles of SS troops? Gott mits uns - god is with us.)

Nearly right Isaiah. It was actually "Gott ist mit uns."

isaiah 1:18

New member
Originally posted by D the Atheist
I would not wish to eliminate religions. I would like that children not be taught particular religions as being correct interpretations of reality

Yes, you get no argument from me there. That is if the state does such a thing (and it does by all sorts of sneaky endorsements). Parents however, are free to do as they wish.

So the alleged soul would not transmit in this alleged transporter? The evidence or even a hypothesis would be nice to help explain this point of view?

No. I'm not saying that. I'm saying that it can't be determined until an experiment is conducted. That's the scientific way. That is why I find many key points of the evolutionist argument more a matter of wishful thinking than of science since they are trying to arrive at conclusions that have no basis in fact or experimentation, yet call themselves scientists. They are theists like us except their god has become a god of scientific gaps.

And how do you know the twins have souls, let alone separate and individual ones?

I'm lazy so it's my fault that you misinterpreted. What I mean to say is; I don't see what all the hub-bub is about cloning. For those who believe that they have a soul, such as myself, just from interacting with twins, you can see that they are dictinct sentient beings sharing only physical traits and raely if ever internal traits. So clone away. Twins are nature's way of doing it. You're not creating life, you're merely manipulating protein sequences. The technique could one day eliminate the genetic disposition to cancer among other genetically trasmutted diseases.

But of course, you know I can't prove they have a soul. I haven't been given enough information in the texts(bible) to even know what it is clearly. In fact, I have a hard time figuring out exactly the difference between soul and spirit is as it would seem that we have both.


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Originally posted by PureX

Oh c'mon! We have stories about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, too, are they then to be taken as evidence of their existence?
You don't REALLY want to make this analogy do you? I'll give you a couple of days to think about it and retract it.

Originally posted by PureX
Somehow, I doubt very much that this is what you're trying to do. If you are interested in observable and repeatable evidence for evolution, all you need do is go to the library and read a few reputable books (not written by religionists) about the scientific study of the theory of evolution and I'm sure will find evidence a-plenty.

I have been to the library and I have had a few associates check up on stuff. The info is a bit old, but if it has changed I'm sure I will be apprised. I find that Stephen Jay Gould, noted paleontologist of Harvard, and Dr Colin Patterson, paleontologist of the British Museum of Natural History, think the Darwinian model is WRONG because the fossil record does not support it. They have their own theories as to how the species evolved.
I watch a dog show and I see all kinds of dogs. In spite of all the cross breeding done, we still have dogs. There are lots of variations, in keeping with Biblical statements that animals reproduce after their kinds. But there is no new DNA introduced in the dogs. All the variations shown are a result of combining information that already exists in the DNA.


New member
Originally posted by Wadsworth
ALL religions, including Christianity fall down when it comes to explaining mans inhumanity to man. Christianity has the most blood-soaked history of all.

Oh PLEASSEEE. More people have died because of Darwinism than because of the Bible. Adolph was a Darwinist, as evidenced by the move to have the German High Court declare that Jews were non human (read less evolved), and thus not under the protection of the law. Adolph had the reference to God put on stuff just to fool people. Then we have Joseph Stalin, who starved millions because they were "inferior".
The Bible is very clear as to why man is unjustly violent. Its called selfishness, and it is classified as "sin". There is just violence, and it is called "protection" or self defense.


New member
Originally posted by bmyers
The question, however, was not "evidence," but rather "proof"....

I said evidence because when dealing with the proof of God it is pretty rare that one event will be taken as absolute proof, especially if the event is fairly old. To me, the resurrection is the proof of Gods existence. From there it is no stretch to think that God can convey His attributes to man in the form of the Bible. As was mentioned in an earlier post, the biblical God has a personality, he is not a “thing”. He defines himself in the Bible. And why can’t he exist as he has described himself ?

Originally posted by bmyers
OK, but first you'd better specify just what you mean by "the Darwinian model."
Chuckie himself described the Darwinian model: random changes in the cells of living creatures caused some to survive better than others, and also lead to new creatures.

Originally posted by bmyers
...proposed by the laymen (a label which covers pretty much everyone on the creationist side of the discussion, by the way) would suggest.
So Mark F. Eastman ,M.D.; Wayne Frair, Ph.D.; Patricia Nason, Ph.D., and a couple of hundred other lettered people are laymen ? Do laymen get published in the professional journals ?

Aussie Thinker


The Darwinian theory is being borne out more and more as genetic scientist map creatures genomes and establish as FACT that all creatures had a common ancestor.

How does creationism explain the massive change over time that has occurred on this planet ? Was God creating and recreating etc.. did it take him that long to get it right ?

You don’t like the analogy between God and Santa ?? Why ??

Both were created by man.. both cannot be proven to NOT exist. For you it is a cruel analogy because your God is SOOO important to you. But to us he is a mere figment of your imagination.. he is just as childlike to us as Santa is to you.. you just never grew out of your fantasy.

D the Atheist

New member
Originally posted by Bigotboy
Oh PLEASSEEE. More people have died because of Darwinism than because of the Bible. Adolph was a Darwinist, as evidenced by the move to have the German High Court declare that Jews were non human (read less evolved), and thus not under the protection of the law. Adolph had the reference to God put on stuff just to fool people. Then we have Joseph Stalin, who starved millions because they were "inferior".
The Bible is very clear as to why man is unjustly violent. Its called selfishness, and it is classified as "sin". There is just violence, and it is called "protection" or self defense.

That’s an interesting slant on history achieved by being very selective.

History itself came to a standstill as far as good reporting was concerned when Christianity and politics melded to create the Dark Ages. This and shortly after was not a good time to be alive. The godly forces supposedly representing everything that is good, killed, maimed, burned, supported slavery, forcibly imposed Christianity on as much of the New world as they could and generally went about making a…holes of themselves.

One would have thought that as Christianity was in complete control that ‘heaven’ on Earth would have been the order of the day.

Yes, dictators have behaved badly in a likewise manner, but it must be remembered that dictators and tyrants do as their names imply.

How about we talk about freely chosen Atheism, as opposed to dictatorial or militaristic Atheism, in democratic societies.

A good example is the land down under (Australia) which has one of the highest orders of non-belief on the planet. It is also one of the greatest places to live with very low murder and violent crime etc rates.

The more religion a society endorses, the more unsettled is the society. Extreme examples are in the headlines every day.


Banned by Mod
Originally posted by LightSon
Greetings Heino and bmyers,

And to you as well. I must say, this is exactly the sort of thing I come here for - a civil discussion among people who are all clearly honestly and respectfully looking for answers. We can disagree without losing that, and I do appreciate the effort that this takes.

I agree that Genesis is open to interpretation. If Genesis is intended as figurative, then I’d like to understand exactly what the referents are. Figures still shadow something concrete or they serve no purpose.

Well, I have my own beliefs about that, obviously, but I don't think they'd work well within your beliefs. Remember, I am coming from the perspective of what I like to call a "spiritual agnostic" - meaning that while I DO have spiritual "beliefs" (or at least questions!), I consider the question of God to be one that cannot be conclusively answered. Obviously, then, I do not accept the standard Judeo-Christian model of God, so what works for me within that context may be problematic for you.

But if I were to try to answer this from the standpoint of what I THINK might work while still allowing one to believe, my response would be simply that in my mind, the question of the inerrancy or divine nature of the Bible AS A WHOLE is completely separate from the question of whether or not one believes in God. Specifically, I believe that the Bible, in its current form and REGARDLESS of the origin of the various specific books within it, was assembled by men. Even if I were to believe that some of the books in the Bible were completely and utterly the direct Word of God, some of them might still not be, or at least not the be taken literally. I happen to believe, as I said before, that Genesis is most likely simply a collection of the very early mythology of the Hebrews; it reads very much like any of a number of other such collections from other peoples. I also don't think that putting Genesis in that category does much harm at all to the rest of the message of the Bible, especially that of the New Testament. (But then, I also see the New Testament as a VERY different thing than the Old; to me, they are related only in that the teaching of Jesus came about within a culture that was at the time predominantly Jewish, as was Jesus himself.)

Even if Genesis IS taken to be in some sense divinely inspired, I would again point to the possibility that it was written in a way that could be accepted and understood by those of the time. I would not expect God to say things to a culture 3,000 years ago in quite the same way as they would be said today. The basic message would still be: I am God, I have made the world, and so forth. Exactly how all that happened is mere detail, VERY much secondary to that basic message.

I care a great deal about science. I care less about how old the universe is and more about uphold God’s integrity. As I’ve said before, there is only 1 ontological truth. If one were to watch the year-to-year mutation of the evolutionary model, it is clearly not something I want to put my faith in. Is evolution true?

Well, here's where perhaps we differ on just what "science" means and how it works. To me, the fundamental assumption of science is that, as long as we are working within its limits (and we DO understand that it is a tool with limits, applicable only to certain types of questions), we will acknowledge that NOTHING that we think we know is completely and unquestionably "true" except that which we can directly observe. Our descriptions of what we observe and how we think it all works - those models that we call "theories" - will always and forever only be approximations of reality, not "truth" itself. We will continue always to test them and in that way refine them, and they will continue to become better and better descriptions of reality - in many cases, to the point where the description is so good that the difference between what it predicts and reality is PRACTICALLY gone. But it still never QUITE gets there, just as we never QUITE really get to zero by taking a step of half the remaining difference. I put my faith in this process, meaning that if it is honestly and rigorously applied, I will always move closer to "the truth". From this perspective, the "mutation" of the evolutionary model is something to be pointed to with pride - it shows the self-correcting nature of scientific investigation, the willingness of science (again, if honestly done) to abandon earlier models when those are shown to be wrong, in favor of a better description.

As a computer programmer, I’ve been so certain that a piece of code was “correct”, only to have egg on my face days later, when bugs appear. Computer code is a form of actualization. To the degree that I can understand a model, I can attempt to write code which will make that model come alive. Even when I have all the pieces right in front of me, I struggle to find a stable solution.

And the first line of the Programmer's Code is "there's ALWAYS one more bug...." :) Yes, I've been there too...

When I consider that evolutionists are attempting to model the generation of the universe, it is simply mind boggling. To think they could scratch the surface of depicting reality is a stretch, yet they will wax dogmatic that this or that occurred billions and billions of years ago. Then, every few years, they change.

Yes, but let's realize that "waxing dogmatic" is a failing of scientists, not science itself. Science, just like religion, is still something that is done by human beings. If it could be done perfectly, it would truly be a wonderful thing, but it's never going to happen - any more than ANY religion, no matter how good it would be if practiced by perfect beings, is ever going to eliminate all the errors made by its human practitioners. And in fact, both suffer at times from the same human flaw - after anyone has invested so much time and energy in a particular belief, they are very, very reluctant to give that belief up - even when it's shown that they should. Religion, I think, is also like the model I gave above for science; no religion has a perfect description of God, but can only be at best a flawed reflection of the truth (since it IS still something done by humans). But if a religious person (or a scientist) "applies the process" honestly, they can at least always hope to move closer and closer to the whole truth.

Given this sandy foundation, the Bible appeals to me. It makes substantive claims about our origins and purpose of existence, and does so with authority. If inspired, surely this is a reason to give credence to it. If not found factual, then this would undermine my premise, that the Bible is from God.

Sure. But again, at this I have to ask - would saying that the Bible might not be entirely from God really say anything about God himself, other than a minor point about what he DIDN'T do?

If I could get to this point, I might be less belligerent towards evolution. I need scripture to be true (and trustworthy) even it a particular passage is judged to be allegorical or figurative.

And here is where we differ, unfortunately. If I were to believe unquestioningly in a God - and I admit that I do not so believe, at least not in the conventional description (we can get more in to that later, if you like) - then I would look to works written by men as only one way in which that God would reveal his nature. The nature of God should also be apparent in ALL of his works; as Stephen Hawking once said, if and when science manages to come up with a unified "theory of everything," then we "would know the mind of God".

My connection is acting up, and I've already had to try this post twice; I'll take up the other points a bit later.


New member
Originally posted by LightSon
Hi Wadsworth,
HOw would you characterize yourself? Atheist, agnostic or theist.

If you are arguing that because the theory of evolution is continually being “upgraded”, that I ought to have more confidence in it, then I see your point. I do not think I agree, but I see your point.

My point is that by the theory’s very nature, it is at best a guess. You presume the guess is getting perpetually better. I hold that it is still a wild approach and inherently unsuitable for much confidence. How much credence do I want to put in a guess? Given that God has come and whispered the truth in my ear, I opt to trust what He has said.

I have no desire to be arguing for a flat earth. If science could prove any aspects of evolution to me, that would be different. If evolution is the way that God fashioned the universe, then I would be compelled to find a way to reconcile such with the Biblical record. Failing that, the Bible becomes suspect – its absolute authority falls over. Once the Bible is held suspect, we move to a case by case study and other themes would need to be scrutinized. I think bmyers’ point was that if God inspired anything, why must He inspire everything? I might tend to agree with that, except that I would lack the tools to make the distinction. I’m still considering the ramifications of such an idea, although just thinking about it would probably get me excommunicated.

Christianity teaches that man is a fallen being, and as such, has “wicked” heart.
It is this selfish desire to stray from God and His precepts that launches man into behaving badly. I fail to see how the acknowledgement of this dark heart in man impugns my worldview.

Christianity then provides a remedy for the evil heart of man.

This “blood-soaked” history of Christianity in practice does not detract from this tenet. Man is still flawed. Christians are flawed. The truth of scripture is not impaired by the bad behavior of anyone, including its followers. Perhaps you can expand on your thoughts.

Hello Lightson: I call myself an Atheist. This is my working hypothesis, because I regard it as reasonable given the lack of real evidence for God. Some defintions of God, eg> omniscient, omnipotent, and benevolent are self contradictory, given the undeniable existence of evil in the world. As this appears to be the common defintion of the Christian God, therefore logically the Christian God does not exist. Neither can an unchanging God who creates things exist; as soon as he lifts a divine finger to create anything, he has changed forever. There are many similar argument. I realise we can't prove "God" does not exist, but then by common logic we do not have to prove a negative. It is you that has the onus of proof. And before you ask,- no I have not scoured the whole Univverse to ascertain he is not there; nor have I attempted to find the great Invisible Pink Unicorn. I just assume reasonably, that such things do not and cannot exist. After 50 year of atheism I have found nothing to make me change my position.


New member
Originally posted by Wadsworth
Hello Lightson: I call myself an Atheist. This is my working hypothesis, because I regard it as reasonable given the lack of real evidence for God. Some defintions of God, eg> omniscient, omnipotent, and benevolent are self contradictory, given the undeniable existence of evil in the world. As this appears to be the common defintion of the Christian God, therefore logically the Christian God does not exist. Neither can an unchanging God who creates things exist; as soon as he lifts a divine finger to create anything, he has changed forever. There are many similar argument. I realise we can't prove "God" does not exist, but then by common logic we do not have to prove a negative. It is you that has the onus of proof. And before you ask,- no I have not scoured the whole Univverse to ascertain he is not there; nor have I attempted to find the great Invisible Pink Unicorn. I just assume reasonably, that such things do not and cannot exist. After 50 year of atheism I have found nothing to make me change my position.
Furthur: you say Evolution is guess work. It is not. It is a careful empirical science built up on measurements and observations, in the lab. and in the wild. Is there any among you who can compare in dedication to Charles Drwins painstaking work of finding and classifying new life forms. You may pooh-pooh empirical observations, but then you are attacking the foundations of knowledge itself. However this would not surprise me, it is how Christianity destroyed Classical Science and whu it has taken ov er 1000 years to recover. Are you trying to do it all over again, just inorder to unneccessarily worship a phantom?


New member
Originally posted by Wadsworth
Furthur: you say Evolution is guess work. It is not. It is a careful empirical science built up on measurements and observations, in the lab. and in the wild. Is there any among you who can compare in dedication to Charles Darwins painstaking work of finding and classifying new life forms. You may pooh-pooh empirical observations, but then you are attacking the foundations of knowledge itself. However this would not surprise me, it is how Christianity destroyed Classical Science and why it has taken over 1000 years to recover. Are you trying to do it all over again, just inorder to unneccessarily worship a phantom?

Concerning the blood soaked history: I agree man is flawed, Christians are flawed, AND scriptures are flawed. If you don't believe me try looking up the numerous contradictions in both New and Old testaments, and the continual incitements to murder and genocide by the God of Israel. Is this a good example? No wonder a religion based on that is blood-soaked.


New member
Originally posted by Wadsworth
I realise we can't prove "God" does not exist, but then by common logic we do not have to prove a negative.

If you do not KNOW that there is no God, then for all it is worth, you are not an atheist but an agnost.

Your statement is based on a hypothesis, which says that neither a proof nor a disproof of God exists. You happen to belief that, since firstly of course the non-existence in the objective sense of God does not provide any basis for there being any real and objective proof, but secondly of course, you hold it a possibility that God, such as is defined on the basis of a Necessary Being (Infinite, Eternal, Omnipotent) which is both a Consciouss Being (Personal Creator, Omniscient, having Will, Intend and Purpose) could logically still be there.

Which alltogether means that you are not even sure about the fact that the universe itself, all of material things that exist in all time and all space, are a self sufficient cause and reason for all of existence, and don't need any cause or reason outside of itself for it's existence.
This simply because of the fact that all of existence can not have a begin, since it could have only begun in nothing. But nothing is not a begin. Nothing is only nothing.

In case you want your 'working hypothesis' have some foundation on knowledge, then perhaps read this Disproof of a Being that is BOTH a Necessary AND a Consciouss Being.
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New member
Originally posted by attention
If you do not KNOW that there is no God, then for all it is worth, you are not an atheist but an agnost.

Your statement is based on a hypothesis, which says that neither a proof nor a disproof of God exists. You happen to belief that, since firstly of course the non-existence in the objective sense of God does not provide any basis for there being any real and objective proof, but secondly of course, you hold it a possibility that God, such as is defined on the basis of a Necessary Being (Infinite, Eternal, Omnipotent) which is both a Consciouss Being (Personal Creator, Omniscient, having Will, Intend and Purpose) could logically still be there.

Which alltogether means that you are not even sure about the fact that the universe itself, all of material things that exist in all time and all space, are a self sufficient cause and reason for all of existence, and don't need any cause or reason outside of itself for it's existence.
This simply because of the fact that all of existence can not have a begin, since it could have only begun in nothing. But nothing is not a begin. Nothing is only nothing.

In case you want your 'working hypothesis' have some foundation on knowledge, then perhaps read this Disproof of a Being that is BOTH a Necessary AND a Consciouss Being.

As I said my atheism is a "working hypothesis", subject to refutation and falsification, if anyone is up to it. I say "hypothesis", because of course we we do not all have factual knowledge of everything, and therefore my atheism includes and subsumes Agnosticism. But as a matter of personal taste, I prefer Atheist, as I like to come to a decision. ( it may be wrong-prove to me that it is). I delved briefly into the Incompatible -Attributes Argument " to demonstrate how some definitions of God can be disproved on logical grounds.I did not think I had given support to the idea of God existing as a Necessary Being, that was not my intention. I think prhaps the Universe has Necessary Existence which is a different thing altogether. Maybe something HAS to exist (I don't know). But if so, then that something is the Universe. God is just an unneccesary complication, and offends against the principle of Occam's razor.


New member
Originally posted by Wadsworth
As I said my atheism is a "working hypothesis", subject to refutation and falsification, if anyone is up to it. I say "hypothesis", because of course we we do not all have factual knowledge of everything, and therefore my atheism includes and subsumes Agnosticism. But as a matter of personal taste, I prefer Atheist, as I like to come to a decision. ( it may be wrong-prove to me that it is). I delved briefly into the Incompatible -Attributes Argument " to demonstrate how some definitions of God can be disproved on logical grounds.I did not think I had given support to the idea of God existing as a Necessary Being, that was not my intention. I think prhaps the Universe has Necessary Existence which is a different thing altogether. Maybe something HAS to exist (I don't know). But if so, then that something is the Universe. God is just an unneccesary complication, and offends against the principle of Occam's razor.

I have just downloaded and read the Disproof of a Necessary and Concious Being, and agree entirely. I don't think I could have made my original speech sufficiently clear.


New member

Yeah. Well that is what counts as a logical disproof, the attribuites that are given and defined to be what we call God, has no way of being an objective truth, and that is why we have to refute the objective existence of such a being.

Again, we do not need to fullproof everything that CAN or MIGHT exists, and again we do not need to have ABSOLUTE knowledge about ALL of existence to at least refute the idea of there being such a being.

ANd the point of relevance here, which is the issue of why there is (necessarily) something instead of nothing, can be easility explained as I have done in the Fundamental Question


New member
Originally posted by Bigotboy
Oh PLEASSEEE. More people have died because of Darwinism than because of the Bible. Adolph was a Darwinist, as evidenced by the move to have the German High Court declare that Jews were non human (read less evolved), and thus not under the protection of the law. Adolph had the reference to God put on stuff just to fool people. Then we have Joseph Stalin, who starved millions because they were "inferior".
The Bible is very clear as to why man is unjustly violent. Its called selfishness, and it is classified as "sin". There is just violence, and it is called "protection" or self defense.

Bigotboy: creationists are ever ready to distort Darwinism to suit their own agenda. firstly, Darwinian Evolution is a scientific theory to account for the development and change of living organisms since the origin of life on earth. It (should) have nothing to do with politics. Unfortunately, quasi-religious fundamentalists like Adolf Hitler, combined Darwinism with Wagnerian anti-semitism, and other sources, to produce his romantic ideal of German Christian Knightly chivalry, with all its horrifying extremist consequences.
Secondly, although Darwinian Evolution is as good as proven as a scientific process, this does not mean that it is a GOOD THING, as applied to human behaviour. Evolution is brutal, bloody and violent; nevertheless it is a fact. Our job as humans, is to rise above it and try and create a Humanist society, where not only the fittest survive, but also the poor and weak. This is a more civilised type of society, but unfortunaley I think Darwinism will get us in the end, as society accumulates inferior genes.-though I certainly would not advocate Hitlers Final solution for correcting the process. Incidentally I believe the USA was very keen on Eugenics before the war made it into a dirty word.
Thirdly you are saying that because some people like Hitler have misused evolution, that therefore it is wrong. How often have Christians used precisely the same argument. ( Christianity is fine, its people who are flawed)?
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