brother Willi
New member
You're most welcomeOriginally posted by D the Atheist
:thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
Thanks dude
be excellent to one another
party on dude
You're most welcomeOriginally posted by D the Atheist
:thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
Thanks dude
Originally posted by HillbillyWilli
You're most welcome
be excellent to one another
party on dude
As someone that used to teach others the "truths" of the ark story, I find your Dr. Dino evidence an extreme oversimplification of the real issues. How many "kinds" of animals were really on the Ark? I read on YE sites anything from 35,000 down to the all time low suggested by Hovind. And what exactly is a "kind", I've not read a good definition from any YE sites? And how fast did those Ark animals evolve into the millions of species we now have? And what food did the animals eat when they got off? And how much water did they store for those animals? And how did the earths crust plates function differently so that all the water could sit on top? And how much manure did those 8 people have to shovel every day?Originally posted by HillbillyWilli If you realy want answers, there are MANY creation web sites. If you have an open mind, here are a few thoughts from
Did you know that Hovind isn't even considered a good source of scientific information by other Young-earth creationists?Originally posted by HillbillyWilli here are a few thoughts from
Originally posted by ex_fundy
Did Jesus also think that the many parables he used to teach were valid historic events?
If you actually read Jesus's reference to Noah, it is far from clear that his useage is supporting the notion of a global flood that killed all but 8 humans. In fact, the passage in Luke 17, uses the story of Lot leaving Sodom as a parallel passage and uses the same terminology of "destroy them all". So unless you think everyone in the world outside of Lot's group were destroyed you'd have to admit that Jesus isn't necessarily supporting your interpretation of the Genesis story.
And how is it that you know how they were understood 2000 years ago? And did you know that even then there were a variety of interpretations and understandings of various Torah passages? Yep, even 2000 years ago there was NOT universal agreement of such things.Originally posted by Bigotboy
Com'on Ex_ your're better than this. In the Luke 17 passage it is pretty plain to see that Jesus was referring to the stories as they are related in the Scriptures. He obviously supported them as commonly understood.
Like the rich man and the beggar story with Abraham and Lazarus in supporting roles? Where is it written that your method of hermeneutics is correct? Many Christian groups and Jewish schools of thought have used a much less literal hermeneutic methology.As for the parables, a good rule to use is this: if the people are given names, then it is probably an actual event. If only pronouns are used, then it is probably only an illustration.
Oh great, I've been waiting for a chance to respond like Jack. Here goes: Why not?Let me return to my original thought. Why do you think it is valid to use current animal requirement in relation to the Arc story ?
Originally posted by flash
Are you really being honest about your intentions for being here? If you don't want to talk or debate with atheists, what are you doing in the part of the forum that is designed for debates? There are other areas in TOL where you can talk with other believers.
Originally posted by flash You are here voluntarily, and so are the atheists. If you cannot take the heat (defend your views) get out of the kitchen.
Originally posted by ex_fundy
Did you know that Hovind isn't even considered a good source of scientific information by other Young-earth creationists?
Originally posted by bmyers
Once again, Jack scrambles madly trying to salvage his original mis-statement. Gravtitational strength diminishes with the distance from the center of mass of the body in question, but that's hardly the same thing as "diminishes with altitude".
(It would be the same if the body in question were of uniform radius and density, or at least density that varied solely with radius, but that's certainly not the case here.)
But since Jack has already shown himself to be such a pedant when it comes to dictionary definitions, we have to note that he has consistently used the term "altitude" here, as opposed to "elevation" or "height above ground." "Altitude" is properly used to refer only to specific measurement - the height of a given object or location above a specified reference, in this case that reference almost always being mean sea level.
To see how this relates to Jack's very questionable original assertion - that time varies "with altitude" - consider the problem of an airliner flying at a constant altitude, say 31,000 feet MSL. Per Jack's original assertion, we would expect the passage of time aboard this airliner, assuming that it maintains a constant velocity, to remain steady, since its ALTITUDE is unvarying. However, if we are to believe Einstein, time varies with the position in a gravity well (due to the curvature of space/time by the origin of that well, typically a mass
- and since Jack's apparently unable to connect these particular dots, this effect on time, under general relatively, is directly analogous to special relativity's case of time variations caused by relative velocity in a supposedly "flat" space, per special relativity.) Now, consider the following situations:
- The airliner, maintaining its constant altitude and velocity, flies over a mountain (say, Mt. Everest - we'll clear it with a bit to spare), or
- The airliner flies over an area of greater density (a mass concentration) within the Earth - again, while maintaining constant altitude.
I'm rather surprised, though, that Jack himself drags relativity into this, since the Einstein theories - which Jack apparently does not question - cause some very significant problems for the creationist/young Universe notions.
Originally posted by bmyers
"Wildly different speeds", Jack? Perhaps you could quantify that.
How would such a center be located,
and once you've located it, please describe for us how much the passage of time would differ between, say, HERE (the general vicinity of Earth) and, oh, a million light-years away in the direction of the Andromeda galaxy...
Would you find it equally amusing for a bunch of fundamentalist evangelicals to hang out on an atheist forum, or in my case, a biology forum, and tell all of us that we are brainwashers trying to shove evolution down others' throats?Originally posted by SOTK4ever
I continue to find it amusing that atheists, ex-fundamentalists, or whatever else you call yourselves continue to hang out at a theology based forum website and have the audacity to claim we are brainwashers shoving our beliefs down others' throats.
It is very simple. There is a debate between an ATHEIST and Bob Enyart, a Christian. Obviously, not just Christians have an interest in such a debate. Some atheists were invited to participate in the forum, and even I got an email announcing the debate. There is nothing dubious about it.I find your motivation in hanging out in here suspect.
What about the people who got invited by the hosts of these forums? When one is invited to an interesting discussion, would it not make sense to show up?I don't know about any other Christian or theist here, but I will never be convinced by anything any of you have to say because of this, and more importantly because of my faith. I would never waste my time or yours going to an atheist specific web site to harrass the people socializing and engaging in specific belief related discussion. I would, however, go there if I was interested to learn about what you believe in and thought I
could maintain openmindedness. But I am not in the least bit interested which is why I choose to hang out in a theist online community.
Possibly because they see the same criticisms over and over again from people like yourself, and give the same responses to them again and again. It makes sense, doesn't it?I realize that I am new to TOL, but I have spent a great deal of time reading the arguments between theists and atheists, amongst other topics as well, and have concluded that you atheists go around and around, spouting the same stuff over and over again. For what?
I am not ticked off. In fact, I think that Jack is the only person here who might be ticked off, as he is being rude to me, and I am not even a atheist. I believe that a bunch of interesting scientific topics are being discussed. For example, I learned yesteday that gravity can dilate time, just like velocity does. When I did a google search after reading Jack's comments, I found a bunch of fascinating material that I had never read before. Thanks to Jack for bringing up that topic, by the way.It can't be an honest attempt to understand the theist or be openminded to his beliefs as I have seen no evidence of this whatsoever. What is it? about the enjoyment of ticking off theists??
Well, how does one expect to have a "debate" about the existence or non-existence of God, without atheists? You cannot "debate" without opposing views, can you not?If you are all so interested in discussing evolution, blah, blah, blah.....discuss it amongst yourselves. If I want to deepen and enlarge my knowledge of the faith I have in Christ, I talk, and even sometimes argue, with fellow believers. Doesn't that seem logical?
I think you need to calm down, take a breath deeply, then realize what the debate is about. There has to be atheists here, because we are discussing the existence or non existence of God.With all of this being said, I do want to emphasize that if any of you are legitimately, honestly interested in what a theist believes and have questions, by all means, fire away! I'd be more than happy to talk with any of you about my beliefs.
Originally posted by D the Atheist
Jack suggest that like an anaconda
he has heard about (No references given)
that lived for four years without food, likewise other animals could not be so dependant either. Sorry, but most animals are not like reptiles. In fact only reptiles are like reptiles.
Jack says the water intake was something in the order (I’m guessing here so I do not have to wade through mountains of stuff) 30,000 litres or gallons a day.
Originally posted by Heino
Would you find it equally amusing for a bunch of fundamentalist evangelicals to hang out on an atheist forum, or in my case, a biology forum,
Originally posted by SOTK4ever
Yes, I think I have been very honest about my intentions. I am not debating anything with an atheist.
Originally posted by SOTK4ever I made an observation with an opinion of that observation. Do you see me debating any of your ridiculous atheistic notions with you or anybody else?
Originally posted by One Eyed Jack
Of course, many atheists won't hesitate to lie about their credentials when it comes to debate forums, since nobody can really verify their claims.
Originally posted by attention
But Mr One Eyed Jack, we have not seen your profound scientific grounds for your claim that evolution theory is not a scientific theory, neither did we see you mention a scientific theory that could replace it.
And you know I have asked you that several times, so please provide us then the profound scientific reasons why we would be wrong about evolution theory.
Can you even proof ONE scientific ground on which "creationism" would be right?
Are human inventions, like cars, proof of "creationism" or do these human inventions also proof development?
Originally posted by One Eyed Jack
Why do you need a theory to replace it?
It's never been observed. If you want to believe it, that's fine, but don't call it science, which is based on observation.
Animals reproduce after their kind. This is observed.
I wouldn't say cars are proof of Biblical creation, if that's what you mean. But then again I'm not interested in bandying semantics with a guy that can barely speak English.
Originally posted by attention
I don't need that, since I am not the one that challenges evolution theore, but you have come up with scientific arguments that would make evolution theory non-scientific.
When was the last time we actually observed electrons,
black holes
and extra-terrestial planets?
Did we observe the Big Bang?