Thanks for the kind words. I just simply believe that God is the "way the truth and the life" I also believe that "His word is truth." I readily admit that there are many difficult things in His word and some of His ways are unknowable to us in our physical bodies, but if we study to know what the words of the Bible truly said in the original languages, and then properly interpret them, the world we live in matches up to it. I was not told the truth as a Catholic schoolboy, so I don't want to be tricked again.
I am not anywhere close to being a secular scholar, however I do know a little more than the average Christian because I want to know more, and am willing to at least explore the tough questions. For some reason we all have been made to be afraid to say "I don't know." But I do know that God wants me to be honest.

Therefore I try not to pretend I know more than I do, but sometimes we all slip up on that one. It is very tempting.
Regarding your question about the epic of Gilgamesh, I do remember it being a fairly accurate record of the flood. I don't remember it going into such details about Noah and the Garden of Eden. I would caution you to remember that for years Bible critics said that there was no worldwide flood. Yet when they found an older written mention of it in the Epics of Gilgamesh, they try a new tack. There may have been a worldwide flood, but see God didn't inspire the Bible, they are simply writing books based on old Sumerian legends or history.
Well if it is history than the two corroborate each other, don't they. You would expect the surviving generations after the flood to record the greatest physical event to ever occur wouldn't you. So it was written before the Bible. So what?
If it was a myth and the Bible copied it, then we have a problem. But what has modern science and geology discovered. Real evidence all over the world of a global flood.
I don't know if this answers any questions you had, but that is what I think off the top of my head, right now. Let me know if you have a specific question?