Brother Vinny
Active member
Hey, Psycho Dave, where's your cute little alien avatar gone off to?
.They tend to come to a belief (generally for reasons other than serious study and research) and then simply look for evidence to support that belief (subconsciously filtering out anything that doesn't support it). I know I once did
Originally posted by bob b
Methinks you still do.
1) Interpretational variations (can't God communicate more clearly?)
2) Manuscript variations (see above)
3) Serious Early Church Doctrinal battles (the victors wrote history whether they were right or not)
4) Credulous Christians
5) Bible contradictions (I got tired of performing grammatical gymnastics to rationalize them away).
7) Borrowing from earlier religions (Jesus teaching isn't nearly as original as I originally thought)
Originally posted by jeremiah
To bmyers:
So from what you said, do you believe that Jesus rose from the dead? and if not why not?
Originally posted by Paul DeYonghe
Hey, Psycho Dave, where's your cute little alien avatar gone off to?
Originally posted by Psycho Dave
When they upgraded the system, it probably got lost or deleted. I've got better things to do than figure out where to get another one.
I find much to agree with in what Christ taught. But I find no need at all to accept the "religious" aspects (or, from my perspective, the "mythos") surrounding him. I do not believe that Jesus rose from the dead, simply because I have no reason to believe that this happened, but further have no particular need for it to have happened either. I do not require this event to have occured to place a great deal of credence in what I see as the fundamental teachings he gave.
Upon reading your entire last post, the parable that came to my mind is the one about the seeds by the wayside. Obviously you have heard the Word of God, and it has not taken root in your case. My main concern is that people hear the word of God, the gospel message. The Bible clearly states that not all will accept it. I, nor no one else should try to force the gospel upon you or try to ridicule you. One of my main points in these threads is that agnosticism is the "reasonable" philosophy, for unbelievers, not hard Atheism. You have just said that you consider yourself an agnostic. That makes a certain kind of sense to me. You are not a God-hater, or a Christ and Christian mocker, like many of the unbelievers are. For this I applaud you, and why you and I have been able to discuss some differences of opinion and thought.
Regarding the above partial quote of yours. It is clear to me why you don't believe that Jesus rose from the dead. Many people come to believe in the existence of God for many different reasons. The number one reason that people come to believe in Jesus Christ {IMHO] is they realize that they are awful sinners, who need a Saviour.
You are as I once was perhaps, an agnostic, who didn't think I was so bad a sinner, that I needed a Saviour. I said the sinner's prayer many times, but the last time I said it , I really meant it, and I very much realized that I was facing a fearful day of reckoning with a God who loved me so much that He offered me a way of escape.
There is a Scripture that says, " neither shall they believe, even if someone rise from the dead." I pointed out to you that you have intimated that you would believe if you saw what the Apostle Thomas saw. I would simply add to that now. I think God will hold you to that belief, but I think you will not believe even if you were to see a risen Christ, unless you first realize that you helplessly and hopelessly need a Saviour who paid the penalty of death for your sins.
First century Jews and God-fearing Gentiles knew that they needed a Saviour. I and most modern men had to first be convinced that we were sinners, and then that we could not fix the problem ourselves.
If science could someday prove that the Earth is 5 billion years old it could still not disprove to me my need for the Saviour.
If science could somehow prove to you that the earth is only 10,000 years old, it would still not enable you to receive a Saviour IF you don't believe you need one.
Again, I am not condemning you, I am just a fellow human trying to find answers and truth. I believe with all my heart that I have found the one I needed. I have thoroughly enjoyed conversing with you, because you give direct answers and you are not condescending. I am sorry that this post is so "preachy", sometimes I just have to let out, what God has placed inside..![]()
Originally posted by jeremiah
You have just said that you consider yourself an agnostic. That makes a certain kind of sense to me. You are not a God-hater, or a Christ and Christian mocker, like many of the unbelievers are. For this I applaud you, and why you and I have been able to discuss some differences of opinion and thought.
Regarding the above partial quote of yours. It is clear to me why you don't believe that Jesus rose from the dead. Many people come to believe in the existence of God for many different reasons. The number one reason that people come to believe in Jesus Christ {IMHO] is they realize that they are awful sinners, who need a Saviour.
There is a Scripture that says, " neither shall they believe, even if someone rise from the dead." I pointed out to you that you have intimated that you would believe if you saw what the Apostle Thomas saw.
If science could someday prove that the Earth is 5 billion years old it could still not disprove to me my need for the Saviour.
If science could somehow prove to you that the earth is only 10,000 years old, it would still not enable you to receive a Saviour IF you don't believe you need one.
Again, I am not condemning you, I am just a fellow human trying to find answers and truth. I believe with all my heart that I have found the one I needed. I have thoroughly enjoyed conversing with you, because you give direct answers and you are not condescending. I am sorry that this post is so "preachy", sometimes I just have to let out, what God has placed inside..![]()
Originally posted by jeremiah
Sounds like you really are reexamining what you believe and why you believe it. My experience has been that each time I go through something like this, God draws me closer to Himself. I usually am led to James chapter 1 verse 5-6 and chapter4 6-10.
Whenever I really humble myself is when I truly see and experience God working in my life. I found you can't fake humility. When I am truly broken and truly seeking answers, He always answers me.
This seems to happen only a couple times a year, because I always return to a proud state of mind in which I can not hear Him.
We all go through a cycle in our walk with God. You just need to get back to the basics, Humble yourself, repent, pray, trust and obey.
A famous American once said, " It is not the parts of the Bible that I don't understand that bother me, its the parts that I do!"
Concentrate on following the parts that you do understand and know to be true.
This is a very heavy Spiritual debate, that we are following and participating in. It is bound to bring up questions and doubts.
I will pray for you tonight , and may God bless you.
Originally posted by jeremiah
A famous American once said, " It is not the parts of the Bible that I don't understand that bother me, its the parts that I do!"
It is fairly obvious that it has shaken up Zakath, on the other side of the argument, preety seriously.
Originally posted by bmyers
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."
- Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha
Originally posted by ex_fundy
I found your signature quote interesting. Especially since I just came across this from Martin Luther (leader of Protestent reformation):
"Reason must be deluded, blinded, and destroyed. Faith must trample underfoot all reason, sense, and understanding, and whatever it sees must be put out of sight and ... know nothing but the word of God."
The contrast couldn't be much greater. I definitely fall more in-line with Buddha.
And the relevence of your personal snipe at me to the Enyart/Zakath debate is precisely what?Originally posted by Paul DeYonghe
Better things, like providing a link through your profile to ypur website that features, among other things, a cartoon Christ desiring fellatio from one of His child supplicants? (It is this self-same site, IIRC, that got you into hot water here before.)
I don't mind trolls who cannot deal with other people's senses of humor...I don't mind reading atheistic arguments. But mischaracterizing the founder of a group you disagree with simply because you disagree with them is both disingenuous and infantile. And linking to a website with the above stated content is, I would gather, against the policy of this forum.
Knight said:
I have reason to believe "Zakath" is just fine! Yet will most likely not be finishing the Battle due to the fact he simply cannot come up with anymore material that is worth posting.