First to address your MSS issue: No, actually there are not 20+ thousand extant
Greek MSS, try 5+ thousands, and that includes fragments and all.
Second, I use the Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece to study/translate the greek (though I like to use the various Latin texts for fun sometimes - including Jeromes Latin Vulgate; though its not too accurate). It gives the major variations within MSS that affect translation.
Third, I use the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia for study/translation of the OT. It, like the N-A NT, gives every major deviation of the MSS. I also enjoy the JPS Tanakh - its a very reliable translation, and some editions come with the Hebrew beside the english, though it is not enough to do scholarly research into the text itself.
Both the Nestle-Aland and the Stuttgartensia are pretty much the standard editions. Or anything else that comes out of Germany for that matter.