The Most Inspired Version
The Most Inspired Version
/ Topic > Re: Dual authorities / 30Sept02 /
> On 28Sept Explosived dared to manifest his vile thoughts and
> subversive opinions in a most highly offensive manner thusly:
> I believe Inspiration and Preservation are done by God. I
> have ONE final authority, the KJV. I have more respect for
> the man who says the NIV is Gods word than someone who
> runs to the Greek, trying to get you to accept THEM as final
> authorities.
Upon the reading of which the textman was hugely miffed and
thus sayeth: Since I see that many of the cyber-saints are
genuinely interested in, concerned about, and/or confused by
this tangled problem of inspired translations, I will now
attempt to clarify the matter somewhat. Firstly, observe
please the following verses:
"And for this very reason apply all diligence to lavishly
equip your faith with courageous and effective excellence,
your excellence with practical knowledge, your knowledge with
self-control and restraint, your self-control with patience
and endurance, your endurance with practical religion, your
religion with brotherly love, and your brotherly love with
divine love. For when these things are abounding within you,
they will make you effective and productive in the knowledge
of our Lord Jesus Christ." -- 2Peter 1:5-8 / Prophet Version
Now I will invite anyone to find ANY published English version
that is better than this one. I suspect that you will not be
able to find even one superior translation because all the
popular versions are flawed in one way or another. Therefore
it ought to be clear to the reader that the most inspired
translation is the *BEST* translation! :thumb:
And the best translation is the one that most accurately and
faithfully expresses the inspired author's actual and intended
thoughts in such a way that these thoughts are simply and
effectively transmitted to the reader.
Thus translation is not merely a question of changing words
from one language to another (ie. Greek to English), but it
also involves the more intangible element of literary quality.
That is, the translator must also be able to communicate the
emotional tone and personal energy of the author's vision.
And it is at this highly subjective level of interpersonal
communication that most translators err by inserting their
own emotions and assumptions in favor of the author's (which
they usually assume to be identical with their own).
And this is why all modern English translations are flawed:
because the translators lack enough respect for the author
so as to allow him to speak in a way that allows his own
emotions and assumptions to empower and enliven the words
and images he uses.
A good version of any given text is thus one wherein the
translation AND the translator are as transparent as possible.
By this yardstick, therefore, the KJV-only debate is clearly
seen to be a non-issue; for while the KJV can be accused of
many things, transparency is NOT one of them!
- the almost transparent one - textman ;>
P.S. "Most of what is divine escapes recognition
through unbelief." -- Heraclitus