Jerry's Opening Comments
Jerry's Opening Comments
The only point in round 1 and 2 that I seem to disagree with Dee Dee on is her use of the word "disjunctive." I think the more appropriate word for what Jerry does in his opening comments is "discursive."
DISCURSIVE: Wandering from one topic to another; rambling; digressive.
If he could actually stick to the topic AT HAND then it would be a far more fruitful debate.
Some examples:
1st paragraph - He mentions PROPHETIC TIME (whatever that is), the MAN OF SIN, the TEMPLE of God (would love to debate him myself on that topic).
2nd sentence - attack on the Catholics as well as the historical, orthodox, preterist position.
3rd sentence - again not on topic, references ANTICHRIST (w/o references to the only passages where this terminology is used in Scripture), SATAN, his BINDing and the BOTTOMLESS PIT. Not a word about the GREAT TRIBULATION.
4th sentence - "those of US who are GUIDED BY the Scriptures ... KNOW..." Prejudicial language. Ad hom. Mere assertion with no facts. "WE KNOW that the great trib. has NOT YET come to pass." Well, how does he KNOW. Is this pleading for special insight - i.e. Gnosticism? Reminds me of something the Jews said regarding Jesus - "we know..."
5th sentence - "DeeDee is unable to distinguish... However, Scripture does distinquish..." It appears to me that Jerry cannot distinguish between events. He talks about an attack WITH NO RELIEF and an attack WITH RELIEF. If one were to put his arguments in parallel columns you would see his ref. to Lk 21:20 under NO RELIEF and a PARALLEL ref. to Matt 24:15, Dan 11:36, 45, 12:1 under the RELIEF column. PARALLEL meaning that he says regarding the SAME EVENT that it has "no relief" and "has relief."! Early case of schizophrenia perhaps?
Jerry goes on not to deal with the crux of the problem - viz., the TIME REFERENCES.
I suggest to Dee Dee that she ask Jerry a couple of questions:
1. What makes the tribulation "great" - whether it was in the 1st century or whether it will be in the last?
2. Why did the disciples (they were not yet distinctly named as apostles) use the word aion (for age) when questioning the Lord if what they were really wondering about was the end of the world [i.e. the cosmos]?
Jerry says that the Lord is answering their question about "ANOTHER ASSAULT on Jerusalem" and yet the Lord brackets His answers regarding this singular event with the phrase "this generation."
Regarding "generation" [genea], I have a problem with Jerry's position in Round 2(?). I am a genealogist. I defy Jerry or any diSpENSATIONALalist to go over to or and try and tell the family historians over there that what they're actually researching is an ethnic group and not their immediate family tree - their generations! "This is the book of the generations..." begins Matthew...
Jesus tells the unbelieving Jews that what makes them children of the devil is that they continually ratify their unbelief and their connection to their forefathers in that they killed the prophets. This did not "father" Abraham... Christ (and His disciples) could rightly call Himself a child of Abraham BECAUSE He exhibited "like precious faith" as the spiritual head of the nation did thousands of years before.
The SOURCES for the Christians escaping are in Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History and another early Christian historian whose name at the moment escapes me. (It starts with an "A".)
The last thing that I'll include for now is Jerry's reference to "His people" and Jerusalem. I would ask Jerry WHO "His people" are? Christians and ONLY Christians - i.e. those who put their faith in Christ and follow Him - are His people. It was the first century unbelieving JEWS who "[came] against His people," the Christians! The Old Covenant people were attacking the New Covenant people precisely and singularly for their belief in/acceptance/embracing of Jesus as The Messiah, The Prophet, foretold of old in and by the prophets.
Jerusalem, as the Scriptures says, is our mother and she is a Heavenly mother - i.e. from above. Only against her and her true children do the children of the world, both past and present, persecute the people of God.
In His Grip,
P.S. DeeDee, stick to the topic. Don't let yourself lose site of THE topic - the GREAT Tribulation. Dispies will lead you all over the landscape and worm out because they cannot deal with ONE TOPIC at a time. ;o) Good luck, girl!