BATTLE TALK - Battle Royale III ~ Dee Dee vs. Jerry

BATTLE TALK - Battle Royale III ~ Dee Dee vs. Jerry

  • Dee Dee Warren

    Votes: 19 50.0%
  • Jerry Shugart

    Votes: 19 50.0%

  • Total voters
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If they do, I hereby volunteer to take Knight on about fish tacos....

Although, I agree with him, I'll do anything for something free! :D ;)


New member
I'll do anything for something free!
Me too - free stuff is cool! :cool: I got a free t-shirt today.

I had no interest in doing a formal debate, until I saw that shirt! A freebie might change my mind.

Dee Dee Warren

Yes AJ I am pretty excited about getting a shirt with my name on it!!! But actually we don't get one for free.... I am going to buy one. (sorry John) I still psyched anyway. I doesn't take much... I am very, very easily amused.


New member
cirisme: Where'd you get the free shirt today?
A vendor stopped by and gave it to me.

Another vendor is coming on Friday - she always brings Krispy Kremes. FREE Krispy Kremes.
Dee Dee: I doesn't take much... I am very, very easily amused.
LOL, me too!

Oh, and by the way....TICK, TOCK, TICK, TOCK ;)

Dee Dee Warren

Dear JohnV:

Oh, and by the way....TICK, TOCK, TICK, TOCK

:eek: !!! You know, for a futurist, you ain't half bad ;) I found that very amusing and actually laughed out loud (I AM a cheap date aren't I??). And you should know by know that I am unbearably cocky enough not to be worried about it. :)

Dee Dee Warren

Dear Soulman:

Keep up the good work. You are my hero.

Thank you so much (blush)... well I certainly hope that I don't let the preterist cause down in this here debate!!


New member
Exposition of Matthew 24

Exposition of Matthew 24

Some say this is one of the most difficult chapters in the New Testament. As the chapter opens, Jesus begins to give general signs of the destruction of Jerusalem (24:4-14). There are to be trouble days ahead. There are to be famines and earthquakes. Persecutions of the Christians is predicted and we read of this coming to James, Stephen, and Paul and others.

Then we are directed to specific signs of the destruction ( Matthew 24:15:28; Dan 9:27). Daniel speaks of this and Matthew and Mark record the statement by inspiration (Matthew 24:15; Mark 12:13). Daniel uses this phrase three times (Daniel 9:27; 11:31; 12:11). Luke helps us by identifying it with the Roman armies. “And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh” (Luke 21:20). A careful reading of these verses will indicate that it was a local destruction ( Matthew 24:16:21). Josephus notes that when Jerusalem was destroyed that 97,000 were taken captive and 1,000,000 were killed.

As one reads the accounts of the destruction of Jerusalem, he must accept it as being written in apocalyptic language (Matthew 24:29-33). In this manner, Isaiah describes the downfall of Babylon (Isa. 13:1; 10 and verses following). It a like manner, he also describes the downfall of Edom (Isaiah (34:1-5). In this manner Ezekiel describes the destruction of Egypt (Ezekiel 32:1-8). So what we see in Matthew is not unique to scriptures. The coming of Christ here is not the final coming but rather His coming in Judgment upon the Jewish nation. He came on the day of Pentecost after His resurrection to establish His kingdom, but it was not the final coming (Matthew 16:27-28; 26:64). Angels and messengers are English translations of one Greek term in the New Testament ( Matthew 11:10; Luke 7:24,27; 9:52). It is granted that the language is difficult, but the problem is intensified if any other interpretation is offered. If this language is made to be applied to the end of time, the warning would be too late to be helpful. In the parable of the fig tree, Jesus shows that this language is meant to apply to that generation. When they saw it they world know that the time of destruction was near, prompting them to flee. The time text (Matthew 24:34) “this generation” is to be plainly understood. The phrase in this context means contemporaneous existence.

The remainder of the chapter deals with the end of the time (Matthew 24:36-51). We know this by the transition text “that hour.”(v.36). In the earlier section abnormal events are common (famine, earthquakes etc.), while in this section the times are very normal with people going about their normal activities of life. In the earlier section the fig tree gave warning of impending destruction, but in the later section the “thief” gives no warning. Events in the earlier section are local in nature (Judea, the Sabbath, and the temple ), while in the later section universal judgment is described. In the earlier section saints are urged to flee; in the second, they are “taken.” In the earlier section there is a note of imminence while in the later section “delay’ is suggested.

I believe the great warning of the chapter is to watch and be prepared. Great Tribulation will come, but only to the unprepared. We see the warning continues through the next chapter and the emphasis being on the final coming of Christ in judgment. May we come to understand and accept this important chapter as the truth which it is, and may we take its warnings seriously.


Dee Dee Warren

Dear Just a Christian:

As you are aware, we agree on a lot, and you should have no problem with anything in my first post in the Battle as it comports perfectly with your understanding.


New member
King David, at the top of page 6 said:
Who says that the REMAINING Jews whom he will save at Jerusalem do NOT or will NOT believe on or in Him (the Messiah)? They only will not know who He was or is UNTIL He reveals himself to them, and thusly fulfill Zechariah's prophecy. That is why Isaiah explains that those who are alive will be holy. All of the wicked Jews will have been killed off (see a precursor parallel among the "Jews" of ancient America when Christ appeared to them in like manner after his resurrection (3rd Nephi, 11 in The Book of Mormon)).

Regarding "Israel", there are those who are more full-blooded literal descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to whom the promises were made, and there are those who are either of a thinner blood (blood or lineage of Israel mixed with gentile blood), or are adopted into Israel, who are so according to the covenant (they make) to keep God's law and to be counted among His children (and those of Abraham).

(bold and underscore added)

There is as much authority in such statements as there is in the book of Mormon! Sounds to me like disp doctrine could even have derived some of it's belief from Mormonism after reading this.

Again, Jesus isn't coming in the clouds to save anyone who doesn't ALREADY KNOW Him!
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King David

New member

The coming of Christ here is not the final coming but rather His coming in Judgment upon the Jewish nation. He came on the day of Pentecost after His resurrection to establish His kingdom, but it was not the final coming

First off, Jesus did not come on the day of Pentecost, the Holy Ghost did (and God is a godhead, but NOT a trinity).

The destruction of Jerusalem THE FIRST TIME, as I pointed out above, did NOT include the return of the Savior AT THAT TIME. However, later verses (verse 23 and on) transition to the "latter" or "last days" (OUR time). ALL of the wicked will be destroyed when Christ appears to the whole world at THIS (latter) coming, at the end of the world (which IS the destruction of the wicked, at the GREAT and LAST day).



New member
Kind David:

ALL of the wicked will be destroyed when Christ appears to the whole world at THIS (latter) coming, at the end of the world (which IS the destruction of the wicked, at the GREAT and LAST day).

Amen, you got that much right! But "the wicked" will include every Jew who doesn't know who Jesus is in a saving way. There won't be any value in being Jewish on THAT DAY.

King David

New member
Originally posted by rapt

Amen, you got that much right! But "the wicked" will include every Jew who doesn't know who Jesus is in a saving way. There won't be any value in being Jewish on THAT DAY.

Well, as I understand it, because Jesus WILL reveal himself to the Jews PRIOR to revealing Himself to the whole world (Zechariah's prophecy), I beg to differ on the "value in being Jewish on THAT DAY." For they THEN will know as well as anybody, and far better than most EXACTLY who is their Messiah in/on THAT DAY, and will have accepted Him as such.




New member

Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.

Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.

She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.

She looketh well to the ways of her computer and readeth not the book of idleness.

Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.

Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.

Give her of the fruit of her spirit; and let her own works praise her in the gates.


Dee Dee Warren

Why are people voting so soon?

Maybe because they know an irrefutable argument when they see one ;)

Of course I am only referring to the people who voted for me. The other ones... well they are just being unfair. Wahhhhh!!!!

Dee Dee Warren

Hey Everyone:

I posted my reply. Please excuse the HTML coding errors. When I went in to try and edit them within my two minute time limit, my computer froze up, and by the time I got it back online... the two minutes were up.

So I am asking Knight if he will allow me to go in and change the HTML coding error of [/blue] to [/color] as it should have been. It is not a change to the content... and I have problems with AOL seizing up on me. If not that is okay too. Whatever he decides, but please excuse the coding error.

My doctrine may be unassailable (trash talk) but my HTML skills can use some work :doh:
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