If they do, I hereby volunteer to take Knight on about fish tacos....
Although, I agree with him, I'll do anything for something free!

Although, I agree with him, I'll do anything for something free!
Me too - free stuff is cool!I'll do anything for something free!
A vendor stopped by and gave it to me.cirisme: Where'd you get the free shirt today?
LOL, me too!Dee Dee: I doesn't take much... I am very, very easily amused.
Oh, and by the way....TICK, TOCK, TICK, TOCK
Keep up the good work. You are my hero.
Who says that the REMAINING Jews whom he will save at Jerusalem do NOT or will NOT believe on or in Him (the Messiah)? They only will not know who He was or is UNTIL He reveals himself to them, and thusly fulfill Zechariah's prophecy. That is why Isaiah explains that those who are alive will be holy. All of the wicked Jews will have been killed off (see a precursor parallel among the "Jews" of ancient America when Christ appeared to them in like manner after his resurrection (3rd Nephi, 11 in The Book of Mormon)).
Regarding "Israel", there are those who are more full-blooded literal descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to whom the promises were made, and there are those who are either of a thinner blood (blood or lineage of Israel mixed with gentile blood), or are adopted into Israel, who are so according to the covenant (they make) to keep God's law and to be counted among His children (and those of Abraham).
(bold and underscore added)
The coming of Christ here is not the final coming but rather His coming in Judgment upon the Jewish nation. He came on the day of Pentecost after His resurrection to establish His kingdom, but it was not the final coming
Kind David:
ALL of the wicked will be destroyed when Christ appears to the whole world at THIS (latter) coming, at the end of the world (which IS the destruction of the wicked, at the GREAT and LAST day).
Originally posted by rapt
Amen, you got that much right! But "the wicked" will include every Jew who doesn't know who Jesus is in a saving way. There won't be any value in being Jewish on THAT DAY.
Why are people voting so soon?