The Greatest Tribulation
The Greatest Tribulation
I have been considering how 70 AD could be the great tribulation not ever known since the foundation of the world nor has ever been known.
Take into consideration the timing.
It was on Passover 70 AD that the armies of Titus began their seige of Jerusalem, no one in, and no one out.
It was also during this time that Jerusalem would have had it's largest number of visitors than any other time of the year. Many people came to offer their lamb as sacrifice as caommanded in the law of Moses. Moreover ALL Hebrew males were commanded to appear before the Lord in the place that He chose. Since to the Jew this place would have been Jerusalem and the Temple we can safely assume that there was a significantly LARGE number of Jewish males that were CAUGHT in the seige that began on Passover day - 70 AD and lasted 143 days afterward until the destruction of Jerusalem and desolation of the city and sanctuary.
De:16:16: Three times in a year shall all thy males appear before the LORD thy God in the place which he shall choose; in the feast of unleavened bread, and in the feast of weeks, and in the feast of tabernacles: and they shall not appear before the LORD empty:
Since we know that the majority of the Jewish populous were living in their homeland during this time we can know that the numbers were significant to this prophecy. During any other time besides these three times a year you might expect the population of Jerusalem to be approx. 200,000 people but we know from historical records and accounts of the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD that approx. 600,000 were killed during the seige and battle that culminated. This is rather substantial and it is due to the fact of the seige and the timing it began.
Had it been any other time than Passover (a celebration which is directly connected with offering sacrifice for ALL people and to be at the Temple) the loss of life, even though great, would not have been the greatest that city has ever experienced since the foundation of the world, nor has seen since 70 AD.
If we assume that ALL Jewish males kept the commandment of Moses and went to Jerusalem during the 70 AD Passover then we can assume that if the days were not shortened and those who were able to escape did not then ALL Jewish flesh would not have survived, especially since the male gene carries the seed.
But for the elect's sake those days were shortened and those who obeyed Jesus' commandment to flee did and were saved.
Even though the Holocost is great in numbers of lost lives, they were only Jews that lived in conquered European countries. But the Jewish nation at that time had been scattered throughout the world as a result of 70 AD. Therefore we can conclude that no matter how terrible it cannot be compared to 70 AD.
Think of it like this, If I had $100 and that was all I had or ever would have, if I lost it it would be the greatest loss I ever had but if I had $1000 the hundred, even though great would not be the greatest.
70 AD was the greatest tribulation in Biblical terms ever experienced, they lost a substantial portion of their populous (almost complete genocide), their beloved city, the heart of their worship and with all that their God because of denial and rejection, even murder of His Christ.
Nothing could be worse than this.
Living in America, today we mourn the loss of those who died last year on Sept. 11th. This was a great loss. But IMAGINE for a moment if our nation had been COMPLETLY destroyed and 95% of it's citizens killed and the other 5% carried away captive not to mention our most important symbols of our democracy (i.e. the White House, the Statue of Liberty) torn down brick by brick and the Living God and His Christ Jesus loking at us in utter abhorrence, despising our prayers and not forgiving us because we reject and do not repent for forgetting Him and worshipping Him in absolute VANITY.
Would you wait for another time or could you say, "This is it" If you waited for another time how would that time even COMPARE with the loss of the first time? It could not. Neither can a future fantasy compare with historical proof of Scriptural fulfillment.