Chileice said:
Has everyone already made up their minds who will win? I thought the last debate was going to be interesting, but everyone went into with their minds already made up so it didn't matter what anyone said. Everyone thought their view was the winner. I wonder if there will be any more objectivity this time around.
I think that you you are actually asking two seperate questions without realizing it.
Most people already have strong opinions on which view they think is right going into the debate. Therefore they think they know who is going to win.
On the other hand the horse they are backing might have an inferior jockey, or a "blindside" as the jockey in the movie Seabiscuit. Therefore one's superior "horse" could be outridden, in the debate.
Then comes the hard part, in a real horse race, outside of a rules infraction the winner by a neck or more is clear to everyone! In a debate of this type the judging is individual and subjective. If one's horse loses the debate either by persuasive arguments from the other side, or terrible handling of your horse, will you be honest enough to say so?
We are counting on you to show us that type of integrity.
Personally, I followed three debates closely. I agreed with Turbo going in, and theo did nothing to persuade me, and clearly was outmanuevered in that debate.
I do not see how a person could say theo won that debate, yet, they "could" still say that theo was right, and Turbo was wrong.
Those are the two seperate questions. Who won, and who is actually right?
The other debate was about foreknowledge. My jockey was a Calvinist, and he misrode the horse to a loss. Bob Enyart won that debate, and IMHO Bob Enyart, is wrong.
The first debate was about God's existence. That debate Bob Enyart clearly won on a knockout, when Zakath "quit". Although he denies it and claimed he was in the hospital. Others finished the debate for Zakath's side and actually did worse than he did, IMHO.
Yet despite Zakath breaking numerous rules, and time requirements and "quitting" without explanation, for months? Many people in the meantime, STIILL voted him the winner. That debate certainly proves your point. No matter what is said and even if someone quits and loses by "knockout" some people will still vote which side they think "ought" to have won.
In any event don't take those types of people too seriously. They lack the integrity that you are looking for.