Battle Royale VIII applicants wanted!

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New member
Originally posted by jjjg
Anybody want to challenge me on something?

I'd be willing to do something science related. Maybe something like the age of the universe, evolution/creationism (although Stratnerd would be much better for that then I am), or did the flood happen are a few things I'd be willing to debate.


Sure, Greywolf. You come up with some suggestions. I don't want anything specifically Bible related like Noah's ark but philosophy say agniostic or materialistic view verses belief in God sound good.


New member
Originally posted by jjjg
Sure, Greywolf. You come up with some suggestions. I don't want anything specifically Bible related like Noah's ark but philosophy say agniostic or materialistic view verses belief in God sound good.

I could try philosophy. The agnostic/materialistic view vs. belief in God idea sounds a smidge close to the topic of the last Battle Royal, IMHO, but we'll see.

Nothing specifically Bible related, hmmmm... :think:

The problem is that since you're a christian, and I'm an agnostic that our discussion options are somewhat limited if we don't take something from the Bible. "Does God Exist?" was already covered, as was "Is There Such a Thing as Absolute Morality?".

I might be able to do something about the source of consciousness/intelligence/emotions, although that is certainly not my strongest area.

Do you have any ideas?


New member
Originally posted by jjjg
Well what do you think you are strong at arguing even if it is something in the Bible?

Pretty much anything that can be related to science. The age of the universe, evolution/creationism, the Flood, etc... Those will most likely be my strongest points. Any particular areas that you're skilled at arguing?

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer


If no one else can be found to defend the Open View, I would be willing to do so.
I didn't volunteer right away because first of all it seems there ought to someone better qualified than I to do it and secondly because I'm a bit concerned about the amount of time involved. I already spend more time on this computer than my wife would like for me to, so if possible we would have to make sure that I am made to understand very clearly how much time is likely to be involved.
Wow! Thanks Clete...

You will certainly be considered.

Currently we are haviong ZERO trouble finding a person to defend the open view.

The trouble is.....

Finding anyone willing to debate the closed view! :think:


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Originally posted by Knight
The trouble is.....

Finding anyone willing to debate the closed view! :think:

Perhaps they fear that God has predestined them to lose! :chuckle:


New member
Originally posted by jjjg
Greywolf, any response?

Sorry about the delay. :doh:

That sounds like a topic that I could do. What two views do you want to divide that topic into? I take it from your second to last post that you are thinking along the lines of nature of intelligence.
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Let's argue whether computers can simulate all function of a human and are animals just biological machines. I'll take the side taht computers cannot.

add yasaf

New member


Knight quote - The trouble is.....

Finding anyone willing to debate the closed view!

Knight, I already said I would do it. Bring it on! What are you scared of?


New member
Originally posted by jjjg
Let's argue whether computers can simulate all function of a human and are animals just biological machines. I'll take the side taht computers cannot.

Sounds good. I was hoping to get the side that computers can. :D

Nathon Detroit

Re: scared??

Re: scared??

Originally posted by add yasaf

Knight quote - The trouble is.....

Finding anyone willing to debate the closed view!

Knight, I already said I would do it. Bring it on! What are you scared of?
Sorry Add but you do not have a consistent position.
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