me again
New member
Come, let us reason together.
Come, let us reason together.
I'm also a detective and am in charge of a special unit. In the civilian world, I have achieved a Bachelor of Science and am diligently working on a Master of Arts. I may or may not pursue a Ph.D. It remains to be seen. If the Lord needs me to have it, then I'll pursue it.
I'm actually a very nice guy and I always try to be fair in everything I do. I try not to be motivated by malice or revenge because it tends to cloud the judgment, which results in poor decisions being made. I have been in the presence of what appeared to be "incarnate evil" due to being in law enforcement. But police work is drastically different then judging someone over an internet forum. On an internet forum, the only thing that we can judge others by is by their printed words. Without voice inflections, subtle body mannerisms, hand gestures, facial expressions and eye contact -- It becomes even more difficult to judge the motivations of people.
Before I became a cop, people used to say "you're too nice to be a cop," but nonetheless, the Lord called me to this profession. I'm really a softie and a liberal at heart. Maybe I'm too nice on the internet too (except for my argument with Jay Bartlett which, by the way, was my first argument ever with anyone on an internet forum).
If Evangelon is in the wrong, then I just don't see it. I just don't see any malice, ill will or bad intentions on his part. But maybe I'm too naïve and too trusting. Time will tell.
You threw in your two cents about my job, so I thought I'd give you two dollars in return. Wonder no more!!!
If my words have offended you,
then please accept my apology. 
Come, let us reason together.
- Posted by Knight
I thought you once said you were a police officer? I am really beginning to wonder about you.
I'm also a detective and am in charge of a special unit. In the civilian world, I have achieved a Bachelor of Science and am diligently working on a Master of Arts. I may or may not pursue a Ph.D. It remains to be seen. If the Lord needs me to have it, then I'll pursue it.
I'm actually a very nice guy and I always try to be fair in everything I do. I try not to be motivated by malice or revenge because it tends to cloud the judgment, which results in poor decisions being made. I have been in the presence of what appeared to be "incarnate evil" due to being in law enforcement. But police work is drastically different then judging someone over an internet forum. On an internet forum, the only thing that we can judge others by is by their printed words. Without voice inflections, subtle body mannerisms, hand gestures, facial expressions and eye contact -- It becomes even more difficult to judge the motivations of people.
Before I became a cop, people used to say "you're too nice to be a cop," but nonetheless, the Lord called me to this profession. I'm really a softie and a liberal at heart. Maybe I'm too nice on the internet too (except for my argument with Jay Bartlett which, by the way, was my first argument ever with anyone on an internet forum).
If Evangelon is in the wrong, then I just don't see it. I just don't see any malice, ill will or bad intentions on his part. But maybe I'm too naïve and too trusting. Time will tell.
You threw in your two cents about my job, so I thought I'd give you two dollars in return. Wonder no more!!!
If my words have offended you,