Whilest they are not the same, the old foreshadows the new, the new comes from the old. So if the old covenant commanded babies to be baptized on the 8th day, in the new covenant, why should you prevent babies from being baptized in water when they have clearly received the holy spirit? Were the Gentiles not also freely given the holy spirit, of whom were once alienated from the promises of Israel, and water baptism was subsequently not prevented to them either? Your doctrine to restrain baptism from babies is based on an error that they must choose to be baptized, when in reality it is God who chooses who will be saved, so it matters not if they themselves choose to become baptized. What matters is that they become baptized, even as a baby if necessary, to fulfill the requirement of baptism of water.
Your still baiting and switching !
1. The Old Covenant NEVER commanded babies to be baptized they were to be circumcised, and they are NOT the same.
2.Infant baptism is exactly like purgatory which are traditions of the Roman Catholic Church that has no scripture that supports their man made traditions NONE.
3. Why not ? That would be because in the new covenant God gave instructions , just like He did with circumcision on how and when to be baptized, which is AFTER one repents.
4. It is not my doctrine ! Scripture says after one repents then to get baptized, and all your man made traditions have done are ignore God and do as you please.
5. FYI, baptism does not save anyone as scripture says. Salvation happens when one humbles them self before God admits to Him they have sinned against Him and then by faith accepts, trusts, and follows Jesus.
Ask your self this question can a baby have an understanding of a good conscience as Peter teaches ?
1Pe 3:21
The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh,
but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ