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patrick jane

Anything at all? You're kidding, right? Believers live their lives just like everyone else....going about their business of living until we go to be with the Lord.

That sounds like something I faced as a teenager, back when I knew what I wanted was wrong, and would do it anyway. Now, I have no desire to do things I know are wrong.

Long ago I learned what Paul meant when he said to "reckon yourselves dead to sin". Once you realize what that means, you won't continue to ask such questions.
There's a scripture that says if we consider something an offense it becomes an offense, but I couldn't find it, I thought it was in Galatians :idunno:


Well-known member
So you're not going about your business living life as I said? What is your business? Is it living like the world? You didn't notice the going about your business part? If you did, you seem to think that means we are living like the unbelievers. Did I say that? No, I said going about our business. We are in the world, but not of the world. You just had to read evil into what I said, because you think you are some special kind of Christian. Shame on you. When you go on and on about what YOU do, you are boasting, and boasting is excluded by the law of faith.

You said that believers go about their lives just like everybody else, true believers don't, they live to please God.

And how am I supposed to know what business of living means to you? I'm not a mind reader, that can mean anything. Everybody is going about their business of living in one way or another!

And no, I'm not special in any way whatsoever. I'm probably worse than most here! But I know that God is helping me to overcome!

Nope, you're wrong. You are still in the flesh or you wouldn't say you still have a desire to sin.

Well I've heard it all now, so your never have a desire to sin? You never want to do anything to please your flesh?

Even Jesus himself was tempted so why wouldn't you be?

No person in this world can say the they don't have a desire to sin, we are in sinful flesh. The difference is those who are born of God, have the power to overcome.

Unlike you, I am confident that God will perform His good work in me. That's what it means to rest in the Lord.

God is performing his good work in me always, he's helping me to overcome every day. Without God and Christ is still be dead in sin. But that doesn't mean that I never want to do wrong things, I'd be a liar if I said that. The difference is, the spirit of God strengthens me not to do them, so that I can no longer constantly wifully sin like I used to.

It's the part in yellow you don't seem to get. "Ye were the servants of sin....

And the next verse that puts the icing on the cake.

Romans 6:18 Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness.

Ye were servants of sin, but you obeyed (the gospel and were saved).
Ye became servants of righteousness.

That belies your desiring sin....doesn't it?

So you believe that we have to obey then?


Well-known member
There's a scripture that says if we consider something an offense it becomes an offense, but I couldn't find it, I thought it was in Galatians :idunno:

Is it this one?

Romans 14:23 And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.


Well-known member
Well I've heard it all now, so your never have a desire to sin? You never want to do anything to please yourself?

Even Jesus himself was tempted so why wouldn't you be?

No person in this world can say the they don't have a desire to sin, we are in sinful flesh. The difference is those who are born of God, have the power to overcome.

No, the fact that Jesus was tempted doesn't mean He had a desire to sin. A desire to sin is lust....a sin in itself. Satan offered him this world...that was a temptation. Did he have any desire? No.

Just because a temptation presents itself, doesn't mean we have any desire....rather we hate the thought of anything that would displease the Lord.

God is performing his good work in me always, he's helping me to overcome every day. Without God and Christ is still be dead in sin. But that doesn't mean that I never want to do wrong things, I'd be a liar if I said that. The difference is, the spirit of God strengthens me not to do them, so that I can no longer constantly wifully sin like I used to.

Well, you sound like you're sold under sin...held captive....a miserable wretch....carnal. :sigh:

Praise be to God to be delivered from the bondage of the law, dead to sin, no longer held captive....that's the liberty we have in Christ Jesus. Free from the law of sin and death, and alive unto the Spirit of Life in Christ.

So you believe that we have to obey then?

No, we don't HAVE to obey. We are free to follow the leading of the Spirit within, knowing He is working His good will in us and through us.


Well-known member
That's good to hear :) so you obey him then and do his will?

Obey what? Does He give you marching orders throughout the day? Does He tell you to go here or there? How does He do that? Let's get specific here...I don't want to have to read your mind.


Well-known member
No, the fact that Jesus was tempted doesn't mean He had a desire to sin. A desire to sin is lust....a sin in itself. Satan offered him this world...that was a temptation. Did he have any desire? No.

Just because a temptation presents itself, doesn't mean we have any desire....rather we hate the thought of anything that would displease the Lord.

Jesus had a will, he said so himself. But he completely denied it and didn't sin once, that's the difference, we do sin but hopefully not wifully! It says in the Bible that Jesus was tempted in all points and we are, but that he didn't sin. He had to be just like us, human and able to sin, but he resisted his flesh into death and overcame evil with good. He overcame the world and Satan.

1 John 1

If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

Well, you sound like you're sold under sin...held captive....a miserable wretch....carnal. :sigh:

Nope I'm just honest, if I said that I never sin then I'd be a liar. I do, but hopefully not wifully.

Don't you even ever have a wrong thought? Do you never ever do wrong? Only Jesus was ever perfect!

Praise be to God to be delivered from the bondage of the law, dead to sin, no longer held captive....that's the liberty we have in Christ Jesus. Free from the law of sin and death, and alive unto the Spirit of Life in Christ.

No, we don't HAVE to obey. We are free to follow the leading of the Spirit within, knowing He is working His good will in us and through us.

Once we are born of God, we do have to obey.

We have free will, but if we say that we live by the will of God then we are to obey him, the Spirit guides us yes, and we have a choice, listen and obey him and do Gods will or not, and Christ by the Spirit will be strengthening us to overcome, as we obey God. Jesus says that on the two greatest commandments hang all the law and the prophets, and he tells us that we are to obey those commandments, so Jesus teaches obedience to God.


Well-known member
Obey what? Does He give you marching orders throughout the day? Does He tell you to go here or there? How does He do that? Let's get specific here...I don't want to have to read your mind.

Yes he does, every day God guides me the do what is right in my heart, and I have a choice, obey him or not. The Spirit teaches me the truth, and I now know right from wrong, and I can either live by the will of God, or live by the lusts of my flesh, as I turn away from my flesh, God strengthens me.

Many things that I used to do are dead to me now, I'm dead to my old life and free from the world. But I'm still tempted, and I'm not perfect, but I thank God always for helping me to turn from sin.


Well-known member
Yes he does, every day God guides me the do what is right in my heart, and I have a choice, obey him or not. The Spirit teaches me the truth, and I now know right from wrong, and I can either live by the will of God, or live by the lusts of my flesh, as I turn away from my flesh, God strengthens me.

Many things that I used to do are dead to me now, I'm dead to my old life and free from the world. But I'm still tempted, and I'm not perfect, but I thank God always for helping me to turn from sin.

Very vague. Don't bother asking others if they obey when you can't say what you obey.


Well-known member
Very vague. Don't bother asking others if they obey when you can't say what you obey.
Ok, for instance, if I get a wrong thought in my head, I know that I have to deny it and do what is right before God.

I might be hard against someone, or want to do or say something that I know isn't right, then my conscience pricks me and I know it's wrong, and I pray to God to help me not to be like that. But I can't say that I never ever do wrong, because even my thoughts can be wrong, but God is helping me to overcome and he's cleaning me out, through Christ by the power of the Spirit.


Well-known member
Blimey, you would think that you lived in my heart to judge me like that Patrick!

See how it feels? You are constantly judging others...speculating on their sinful lives, and grilling them on what they obey. Anyone can reel off vague claims of their own righteousness, but boasting is excluded by the law of faith. So what does that leave you? It leaves you boasting in your flesh. 'Oh, my flesh is weak, but God helps me.' It's all the strivings of the flesh and you boast of them.

It tells you something when you see people so taken up with the flesh and it's struggles. It tells you they are not in the Spirit, but in the flesh.

Romans 8:9-10 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.​

Set your affection on things above...not on things of the earth.

Colossians 3:1-3
If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.​


Well-known member
Ok, for instance, if I get a wrong thought in my head, I know that I have to deny it and do what is right before God.

I might be hard against someone, or want to do or say something that I know isn't right, then my conscience pricks me and I know it's wrong, and I pray to God to help me not to be like that. But I can't say that I never ever do wrong, because even my thoughts can be wrong, but God is helping me to overcome and he's cleaning me out, through Christ by the power of the Spirit.

If you're hard against someone, set it right and move on. Don't dwell on it. Don't let satan keep you focused on guilt....put if off. Guilt and the law go hand in hand, and it's why we have been delivered from the law.

You need to stop dwelling on sin....the possible sins of others....the sins you might be tempted to commit. Our Lord went to the Cross to free us from the condemnation of sin. Believe it instead of wallowing in it's "power". Sin has no power over the believer.....unless you don't have the faith to believe what our Lord accomplished on the cross. :idunno:


Well-known member
See how it feels? You are constantly judging others...speculating on their sinful lives, and grilling them on what they obey. Anyone can reel off vague claims of their own righteousness, but boasting is excluded by the law of faith. So what does that leave you? It leaves you boasting in your flesh. 'Oh, my flesh is weak, but God helps me.' It's all the strivings of the flesh and you boast of them.

It tells you something when you see people so taken up with the flesh and it's struggles. It tells you they are not in the Spirit, but in the flesh.

Romans 8:9-10 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.​

Set your affection on things above...not on things of the earth.

Colossians 3:1-3
If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.​

And anyone who says that they don't sin is blinded. We all sin, but hopefully not wifully!

And my life is dead, I'm a totally different person to what I was before. God has changed me completely. And Christ has cast out many of my devils. But I'd be a liar if I said that I was never tempted and that I didn't want to do some things, sometimes. But I'm strengthened by God so that I can't do them.

I've told you, I'm probably worse than many here, and I know that I'm nothing. But I'm not a liar, and I do sin. But hopefully by the grace of God, I don't do it wifully!


Well-known member
If you're hard against someone, set it right and move on. Don't dwell on it. Don't let satan keep you focused on guilt....put if off. Guilt and the law go hand in hand, and it's why we have been delivered from the law.

You need to stop dwelling on sin....the possible sins of others....the sins you might be tempted to commit. Our Lord went to the Cross to free us from the condemnation of sin. Believe it instead of wallowing in it's "power". Sin has no power over the believer.....unless you don't have the faith to believe what our Lord accomplished on the cross. :idunno:

I can honestly say that I hold no hardness in my heart for anyone, I'm talking about things that sometimes come into our minds. And yes I have been hard at times, but God has helped me to overcome it and sort it out.

I have faith in God and Christ, and I know that God will help me to overcome, but what I'm not saying is that I have no sin. We all sin, every single one of us. But if we are faithful and turn from sin, I believe that God will forgive us. But if we carry on wilfully sinning, then we will suffer for it.

When you say that our Lord went to the cross to free us from the condemnation of sin, what do you mean by that? and where does it say that in the Bible? Thanks