...[Y]ou cannot force me to do anything within my own body, nor can you restrict anything I do to my own body unless it interferes with someone else's body."
Is murdering

...[Y]ou cannot force me to do anything within my own body, nor can you restrict anything I do to my own body unless it interferes with someone else's body."
i've seen people in the hospital die easy and i've seen them die hard
dying hard sucks
No one should have to endure a slow, painful death.
The undercurrent of all civil law is bodily autonomy, that you cannot force me to do anything within my own body, nor can you restrict anything I do to my own body unless it interferes with someone else's body.
How does this NOT apply to being able to end one's life with dignity and a minimum of pain and suffering, with the aid of a trained medical professional?
Everyone has a right to die if they wish...
Is that not the same thing as KILLING them?
You want the doctor to kill them slower.
It sure is.
Everyone has a right to die if they wish. Why can't folks just mind their own business and let folks live and die as they wish?
Last I looked, their oath was to "do no harm".
The physician keeping you alive against your will would be "doing harm."
Why legalize suicide? Were people going to jail for committing it?
Everyone has a right to die if they wish. Why can't folks just mind their own business and let folks live and die as they wish? You have no idea what pain another person is going through. It is their life not yours.
Hoiler than thou folks make me sick.
Every State needs an end of life law.
If you have painkillers you can be fogged up on, you can certainly take more of them, instead of involving someone else.
So, it's okay to be fogged up on painkillers, is that right? But not to have the plug pulled no matter what?
You didnt understand what i said, now did you.
If you od on your painkillers and do that yourself, you are involving no one else but you.
Is that sentence structured in a way that the point is evident yet?
Oh, what did you mean by "fogged up on" exactly? Please do explain and in detail if my understanding is amiss. The floor is yours Angel...
When I am old and infirm and unable to take care of myself and fogged up on painkillers, how exactly is that going to happen? Stop making lame excuses.
Perhaps you need to wait to ask tinark what he meant, since he said it:
You were quite happy to use the same descriptor a few posts ago so please don't be asinine about the obvious thanks.
And you unfortunately attributed a concept to me, that i didnt present, but merely told them what to do with it.lain:
"If you have painkillers you can be fogged up on, you can certainly take more of them, instead of involving someone else."
So what does being 'fogged up' on painkillers actually represent to you exactly? Just to be clear of course...
Perhaps you need to wait to ask tinark what he meant, since he said it:
I am assuming he means stoned on them, by that, but anything further, you would have to ask him.
Obviously, if you have pain killers and want to die, you could just take the whole bottle, and involve no one else.
What exactly are you really still confused about?
Spit it out AB, what exactly is it that you wish to know?