I've noticed a strange occurence that has been slowly happening over time.
There was a time when my computer's clock matched up with TOL's. In other words, if it's 12:15 and someone makes a post right then, then my User CP will show the latest post being made at 12:15.
Now, however, I often notice that the time of the latest post is several minutes past the current time. In other words, if it's 12:15 now, I might see that the latest post "was" made at 12:21.
This is very exciting to me, because I know that it's not that the post "was" made; it means that it "will be" made. Which means that one day, in a couple of years or so, I'll be able to read posts that are made possibly a day or maybe even a week in the future. So I'll know what people are posting before they actually even post. So I'm very excited and becoming more and more eager as I contemplate the impact this will have on my ability to come across as incredibly intuitive in my responses (or "pre"sponses) to others.
My question is: Is this some sort of binary wormhole that you've discovered within the software? Is this something that you can share with me? Is it an alien technology? Does this mean that our open view has been wrong all this time?
If you can't answer, then I understand.