Do rubber leisure suits chaffe everyone, or is it just me?
chickenman :chicken:
Do rubber leisure suits chaffe everyone, or is it just me?
chickenman :chicken:
I can't afford rubber. I'm a poor dude... so I only buy paper leisure suits and they are extremely uncomfortable.Knight,
Do rubber leisure suits chaffe everyone, or is it just me?
chickenman :chicken:
I was given two (2) infraction points to expire Oct. 14 for allegedly making a "racist comment or reference" in post #73 on April 17 in the thread entitled "Arrogant Americans, Mr. President?" in the Politics forum.
Could you please explain to me what is "racist" about this post.
You called a Hispanic member of TOL "Brownie."Question:
I was given two (2) infraction points to expire Oct. 14 for allegedly making a "racist comment or reference" in post #73 on April 17 in the thread entitled "Arrogant Americans, Mr. President?" in the Politics forum.
Could you please explain to me what is "racist" about this post.
You called a Hispanic member of TOL "Brownie."
Seems simple enough. :nono:
Snardblat is my word for compatiblism.No need to create a new thread when this one will do the trick...
Okay, Knight,
Learn me this word you invented. What is "snardblat?"
It's theological fiat.:think:'s like a superhero special attack...
...I like it! :thumb:
I suppose one man's snardblat is another's clear distinction between knowledge and determinism...
I am not sure if I now what you are talking about.still struggling along here. How do we find out who gives up reps, and how do we respond back to them? A few people have asked me questions, but I don't even know who, much less give a response.
And to think, I was there when this word was invented. Sitting in your kitchen.Snardblat is my word for compatiblism.
Many settled theists appeal to compatiblism when faced with the two mutually exclusive ideas: perfect exhaustive foreknowldge and man's ability to make his own choices apart from God's decree. To me that's just plain silly, it's as if they are saying.... I realize these two idea's are logically incompatible but if I paste the word "compatiblism" on top of it I can merely assert that they are not logically incompatible. :dizzy: The word "compatiblism" doesn't help to explain the contradiction in any shape or form, instead it's merely used in an attempt to cover the obvious problem.
It's like saying... these two mutually exclusive items are not mutually exclusive because I said so.
The word to cover the problem wouldn't need to be "compatibilism" the word could be anything! Therefore I invented the word "snarblat" and I have defined it as follows:
adjective. Snardblat is a word that means that two logically incompatible ideas are now compatible. When snardblat is invoked, mutually exclusive concepts are no longer mutually exclusive.
Isn't that great???
If there is ever a time that you are stuck in a argument and have painted yourself into a corner with a contradictory position you can simply claim.... "Snardblat"!
Snardblat and compatibilism are synonyms.
Once you are here long enough, and have enough posts you will see who it was that repped you. Until then you just have to hope they sign their name.still struggling along here. How do we find out who gives up reps, and how do we respond back to them? A few people have asked me questions, but I don't even know who, much less give a response.
That's way too long ago for me to remember.
it's probably where you seemed to call someone Brownie.
You called a Hispanic member of TOL "Brownie."
Seems simple enough. :nono:
Maybe he just meant to imply that he was baked. :idunno:
I've wondered about a few around here, myself...lain:
So it's substantively on par with most of your writing then...And maybe I implied nothing whatsoever.
So it's substantively on par with most of your writing then...lain:
Strengthening your obliques is essential for a strong, caustic core.As long as your oblique insults don't include accusing me of ridiculousness like racism or child molestation or pushing little old ladies in front of buses then fire away.
Strengthening your obliques is essential for a strong, caustic core.