Ask Knight (Archived)

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Knight, how would you describe your personal perspective on the electability of governmental candidates who hold to political principles in accordance with your own and yet profess a difference of faith?

Nathon Detroit

Knight, how would you describe your personal perspective on the electability of governmental candidates who hold to political principles in accordance with your own and yet profess a difference of faith?
If a government official shares my perspective on political principles they are un-electable. (no matter what their faith is)


New member
If a government official shares my perspective on political principles they are un-electable. (no matter what their faith is)

I must admit that I am rather confused by this. Was that intended to be "electable," or am I missing some subtle irony?


Hey, for the record, I'm not complaining! I am highly grateful to Knight that he permits me to stay on this board, and that he bothers giving me infractions rather than straight out permabanning me.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame

I clicked on the Google add titled These fools want you to sign a document that says...
I hereby declare that should I die as a result of a violent crime, I request that the person or persons found guilty of homicide for my killing not be subject to or put in jeopardy of the death penalty under any circumstances, no matter how heinous their crime or how much I may have suffered.
My question is, If I click on that add over and over again, will those fools have to pay TOL, every time I click on it?

Nathon Detroit

I clicked on the Google add titled These fools want you to sign a document that says...
My question is, If I click on that add over and over again, will those fools have to pay TOL, every time I click on it?
No. Google is very clever... they know when clicks are being duplicated, they have very tricky algorithms.


New member
I am highly grateful to Knight that he permits me to stay on this board, and that he bothers giving me infractions rather than straight out banning me.
Admin can transmit an air of "God-like power" and "you'd better watch out".
I think people can act out in some way to gain some power in a powerless situation. That perhaps translations into a need..for greater "grace" to that member,.Some greet with fire. Basically, Be sure to know something about that (for lack of a better term):psychology. That may only be in the head of the individual, I don't know. For your edification,.
PS -- If encountered you should make sure that person can access their InBox

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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Admin can transmit an air of "God-like power" and "you'd better watch out".
I think people can act out in some way to gain some power in a powerless situation. That perhaps translations into a need..for greater "grace" to that member,.Some greet with fire. Basically, Be sure to know something about that (for lack of a better term):psychology. That may only be in the head of the individual, I don't know. For your edification,.
PS -- If encountered you should make sure that person can access their InBox

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Whatever….. :chew:


New member
Since you only have an Ask Knight thread, and not a Tell Knight thread, I will say what I want here.

I just want to say thanks for starting the thread you did about "Who Died On The Cross?"

It has really opened the door to expose a long held false belief about the identity of Christ, and it helped me to refine my ability to articulate the truth, while at the same time reading some excellent responses from both you and Lion. It is an important truth, and one that we must continue to defend.


Ask Mr. Religion

&#9758;&#9758;&#9758;&#9758;Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Indeed, the 'Who died on the Cross' thread has definitely exposed wrong thinking about the Incarnation. :think:

I don't agree with some things Bob Hill holds, but we agree on this key point (emphasis mine)...


I believe, from Scripture, that God the Son became Jesus Christ, a human. He had to become human in order to die to provide a means of redemption for us humans. In Phi 2:5-8 it says: Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, 7 but made Himself of no reputation [Literally, emptied Himself], taking the form of a bondservant, becoming [My translation.] in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.

Jesus Christ could die for our sins only as a perfect man. God the Son could not die. That’s why He had to become a man and live for 30 years without sinning.

John 1:14 says: And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

In Christ,
Bob Hill

Correct. He is one person with two natures. keypurr fails to see that if He is not God (form of God=morphe), then He is also not man (exegetical parallel....form of a servant). keypurr's view is also problematic in that it has two Gods=polytheism. Christ as creature is also Arianism, so He is not a God in that view either. A triune understanding of the incarnation is the only way to understand all of the relevant biblical evidence.


Of course, I agree, but I think keypurr is really looking for the truth.



It seems to me that many Christians to not seem to think that Christ was totally man when He died on the cross...

Bob Hill

It is clear that Mystery and anyone who agrees with him are at odds with Bob and actually all of Christendom. I would be curious to know what Enyart believes on this topic. I have been unable to find anything he has written that discusses the Incarnation.

Nathon Detroit

Since you only have an Ask Knight thread, and not a Tell Knight thread, I will say what I want here.

I just want to say thanks for starting the thread you did about "Who Died On The Cross?"

It has really opened the door to expose a long held false belief about the identity of Christ, and it helped me to refine my ability to articulate the truth, while at the same time reading some excellent responses from both you and Lion. It is an important truth, and one that we must continue to defend.

I had no idea people were so stupid.

It's one of those topics that's almost too dumb to imagine. That thread exposed beyond any doubt how some people care more about theology than God's word. I appreciated greatly your input on that thread. :up:
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