Ask Knight (Archived)

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Knight said:
ASK KNIGHT! :knight:

Ask me anyhting you want and I promise to give you a short direct answer.

No *topic is "off limits". The openess of God, dispensationalism, conservativism, hockey, whatever!!!

Ask away.... and get the answers you are seeking. :D

*topics that are are inappropriate for TOL are inappropriate for "Ask Knight" as well.

P.S. I will do my best to answer your question in a timely manner. :)

Having only found your site a few hours ago; and after making a few replies to a few of the existing threads; I found myself wrestling with the notion that this site is looking to its members to provide financial support. There are many message boards that I currently post periodically on. But this is the first one I have found organized in this fashion. Then as I was reading your statement of faith-which as a Christian I found praise worthy in itself-and recognizing your affiliation with the Denver Bible Church; it was then that my question began to grow into more questions from ramifications that to be honest are potentially unsettling. So here goes:

Why do you need to charge members for full access to this forum?
Does the Denver Bible Church receive the same tax exempt status afforded other religious organizations in this country? If so, how much of the money gathered from this web site does this same church receive?
Why do I discern a conflict of interest here?
Why does my heart think of Jesus overturning tables in the temple?
Why does the passage that reminds me you cannot serve God and Mammon come to mind?
Why does it appear on first impression that this is being attempted here?

Maybe this fits in the category of an "inappropriate topic" to you. I haven't read the 2000+ posts to this thread to see if my questions have already been asked by others. Hopefully there is an answer that clarifies and sets my concerns at ease. Perhaps a business statement is equally appropriate, as was your statement of faith.


New member
sentientsynth said:
Thanks Knight!

I know you didn't ask me, but I thought I'd interject. Hope it helps!
  1. 1 Thessalonians
  2. 2 Thessalonians
  3. [Hebrews ~ if you entertain that Paul was actually the author, I offer here for your sake only.]
  4. 1 Corinthians
  5. 2 Corinthians
  6. Galatians
  7. Romans
  8. Philippians
  9. Philemon
  10. Colossians
  11. Ephesians
  12. 1 Timothy
  13. Titus
  14. 2 Timothy
There's some disagreement about if Ephesians was before Colossians, if 1 Timothy was before Titus, etc. but that's a pretty good estimate.

Going with what is accepted among conservative Christian scholars: (The following is the accepted timeline for when Paul's Epistles were written)

Galations 48 CE
1 & 2 Thessalonians 51 CE
1 Corinthians 54-55 CE
Romans & 2 Corinthians 55-56 CE
Ephesians, Colossians & Philemon 61 CE
Philippians & 1 Timothy 62 CE
Titus 63 CE
2 Timothy 64 CE

As for the Epistle to The Hebrews, neither liberal nor conservative biblical scholars accept Paul as the author.

Nathon Detroit

Mystyk said:
Why do you need to charge members for full access to this forum?
Because we want to stay online. And a website like this costs a fair amount of money to operate year in and year out. Therefore instead of just asking for donations we created a value added way for donors to get something back for their donations.
Does the Denver Bible Church receive the same tax exempt status afforded other religious organizations in this country? If so, how much of the money gathered from this web site does this same church receive?
TOL is a private website, we are not affiliated financially with Denver Bible Church or any other ministry.
Why do I discern a conflict of interest here?
I don't know, why do you?
Why does my heart think of Jesus overturning tables in the temple?
Maybe because He is about to hit your backside with the whip He fashioned?
Why does the passage that reminds me you cannot serve God and Mammon come to mind?
Possibly because you have a low IQ? :think:
Why does it appear on first impression that this is being attempted here?
Why does it appear that on first impression that you are not an honest person and have lied in your post about your motivations for making such a post?

"Having only found your site a few hours ago" :rotfl:


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Shhhhhh.....mmmmacky!!! the moon!!


New member
I had some legitimate questions of concern. But perhaps I should have discerned that when the question of money was raised that attacks at my person would be the typical response. None of my questions were directed at you as a person, but rather at this web site and the way that it is organized.

You have no idea at the level of intelligence that God has blessed me with in my life. Yet that was the first thing you attempted to smear. In the realm of philosophy, logic and debate, that is the first sign of weakness to try to distract the original question by attacking the person.

As for your claims that you require financial means to maintain a web site of this nature. The same is true for all the other message boards in existence. Most of these web sites have figured out how to maintain a high quality message board without ever asking for one red cent from their members-neither in donation nor subscription.

That you presented a statement of faith that appears in harmony with the Gospel slaps me in the face with contradiction that your first response to me was to make snide comments and degradations to my person. Sadly, I was looking forward to participating in what you have here; provided a civilized and Christian response-which I had expected-would have occured. However, it appears that now I will be dustying off my proverbial feet when I log off this web site.

Fortunately, God does not require this web site for me to find those willing to discuss matters of God and the gospel of Jesus. Perhaps if you are a true Christian as you profess to be; you will take that time to review what few posts I did make to your web site. God willing you will see the error of what you have done here today in how you have wronged a brother in Christ. Whether you be a Christian or not, it does not matter. Mine is to forgive you for the wrong you've done me, and to wish you God's peace and wisdom.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom;
Fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1:7

Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy; to the only God our Savior; through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen. Jude 24-25


Blessed beyond measure
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Mystyk said:
I had some legitimate questions of concern. But perhaps I should have discerned that when the question of money was raised that attacks at my person would be the typical response. None of my questions were directed at you as a person, but rather at this web site and the way that it is organized.

Well, the only way the "website" can answer your questions is by the person who runs it. So why don't you be honest about the whole thing and admit the obvious which is that your questions are directed at the owner/administrator "as a person".

Speaking of honesty, why didn't you address Knight pointing out your lie?


Formerly Shimei!
Mystyk said:
You have no idea at the level of intelligence that God has blessed me with in my life....

...but God is still working on the humility part.

Nathon Detroit

Mystyk said:
I had some legitimate questions of concern. But perhaps I should have discerned that when the question of money was raised that attacks at my person would be the typical response. None of my questions were directed at you as a person, but rather at this web site and the way that it is organized.
And your questions were answered. :)

You have no idea at the level of intelligence that God has blessed me with in my life. Yet that was the first thing you attempted to smear. In the realm of philosophy, logic and debate, that is the first sign of weakness to try to distract the original question by attacking the person.
If you say so.

As for your claims that you require financial means to maintain a web site of this nature. The same is true for all the other message boards in existence. Most of these web sites have figured out how to maintain a high quality message board without ever asking for one red cent from their members-neither in donation nor subscription.
Didn't you just assert that you were intelligent??? :think:

Virtually all heavy traffic forums either employ a donation, subscription or advertising system to offset the costs of the monthly bandwidth and hosting fees. Did you know that the forum software that TheologyOnline runs on has a built in subscription system? Why do you suppose that it has a built in subscription system? It's the most popular forum script on the planet and it has a built in subscription system for taking online payments. Hmmmmmmmmmm :think: Yet according to you we are one of the few sites (possibly the only site) that employees a subscription service.

One of us must be way off base here.

I have been in this industry for over 15 years, you have apparently been in the industry for zero years.

That you presented a statement of faith that appears in harmony with the Gospel slaps me in the face with contradiction that your first response to me was to make snide comments and degradations to my person. Sadly, I was looking forward to participating in what you have here; provided a civilized and Christian response-which I had expected-would have occured. However, it appears that now I will be dustying off my proverbial feet when I log off this web site.
See ya later! :wave2:

Fortunately, God does not require this web site for me to find those willing to discuss matters of God and the gospel of Jesus. Perhaps if you are a true Christian as you profess to be; you will take that time to review what few posts I did make to your web site. God willing you will see the error of what you have done here today in how you have wronged a brother in Christ. Whether you be a Christian or not, it does not matter. Mine is to forgive you for the wrong you've done me, and to wish you God's peace and wisdom.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom;
Fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1:7

Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy; to the only God our Savior; through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen. Jude 24-25
Proverbs 6:14 Perversity is in his heart, He devises evil continually, He sows discord.

Proverbs 6:19 A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren.

2 Timothy 2:23 But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife.


New member
Poly said:
Well, the only way the "website" can answer your questions is by the person who runs it. So why don't you be honest about the whole thing and admit the obvious which is that your questions are directed at the owner/administrator "as a person".

Speaking of honesty, why didn't you address Knight pointing out your lie?

When I was addressing the person "Knight" I was addressing him as the apparent spokesperson for this website. I may be making the false assumption that there is a team of people who operate and run this site. If Knight is the sole person running this site then I suppose the question is directed at him as the individual who may be the sole administrator of this site.

As for where ever you think I lied-I didn't. Perhaps you are refering to the spot where he used an emoticon to indicate that he didn't believe that this is the first day I have ever been on this site. And it is the very first time I ever even knew about this site. I spent a few hours reading and posting to some of the threads on this site that God had led me to respond.

As for my motivations for the questions I asked. They were as they are stated. Perhaps you are not use to people stating their questions-and being truthful and honest about them. For you to understand that my questions were, and still are legitimate. That in the world of psychology and sociology my personality type by the Myers-Brigs understanding is INTJ-which represents about 12% of the population. That I had those questions, stands to reason that appoximately the same amount of people would have similar questions. To some degree, while Knights response towards me was personal; it not only represents his response to 12% of the thinking population of the world, but also potentially to 12% of his customers. So from a business since, he has isolated 12% of his customer base in a manner that was never necessary. All that was requested was an explanation of how this business operates. From a marketing stand point he should look forward to losing 12% instead of gaining 12%.

With his mouth the godless mans destroys his neighbor;
But through knowledge the righteous will be delivered.
--Proverbs 11:9


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Mystyk said:
When I was addressing the person "Knight" I was addressing him as the apparent spokesperson for this website. I may be making the false assumption that there is a team of people who operate and run this site. If Knight is the sole person running this site then I suppose the question is directed at him as the individual who may be the sole administrator of this site.

As for where ever you think I lied-I didn't. Perhaps you are refering to the spot where he used an emoticon to indicate that he didn't believe that this is the first day I have ever been on this site. And it is the very first time I ever even knew about this site. I spent a few hours reading and posting to some of the threads on this site that God had led me to respond.

As for my motivations for the questions I asked. They were as they are stated. Perhaps you are not use to people stating their questions-and being truthful and honest about them. For you to understand that my questions were, and still are legitimate. That in the world of psychology and sociology my personality type by the Myers-Brigs understanding is INTJ-which represents about 12% of the population. That I had those questions, stands to reason that appoximately the same amount of people would have similar questions. To some degree, while Knights response towards me was personal; it not only represents his response to 12% of the thinking population of the world, but also potentially to 12% of his customers. So from a business since, he has isolated 12% of his customer base in a manner that was never necessary. All that was requested was an explanation of how this business operates. From a marketing stand point he should look forward to losing 12% instead of gaining 12%.

With his mouth the godless mans destroys his neighbor;
But through knowledge the righteous will be delivered.
--Proverbs 11:9

Weren't you leaving to go and dust or something?

Nathon Detroit

What type of a person, claims to be a Christian, comes to a Christian owned website and then focuses his first posts on insinuating that his host(s) are running their website in an unethical manner?

What type of person would do that? :think:


New member
I originally asked for information on how you operate the way you do. Yes I do understand the cost of operating bandwidth. For your information I have been in the internet business on the hardware side of operations now for 10 years. I started as a satellite network controller for the military as a 31S1C. I then moved to the civilian sector where I spent a few years providing VoIP technology for third world corporations in such places as Gold Coast, Columbia and South Africa via the satellite.

But your right, I don't know too much about message board web site set ups. That is one of the reasons I had a few questions. I realize that you have some extra features I am not accustomed to seeing on many message boards-even ones run by large corporations like Mercury Press and MLB for instance. I realize they most likely supplement the bandwidth for such forums from other avenues of their business.

And yes I did state that I am intelligent. I also stated that it was a gift from God. I know that in my own efforts I am a fool. But by the grace of God's love for me, while he has blessed others throught the gifts of the Holy Spirit, he has blessed me with intelligence and a discerning spirit.

Clearly you have no intention, desire, or predisposition to have a conversation with me that does not involve you questioning my motives or my knowledge.

Therefore, my single request is that you remove all information regarding my emails and instant messaging information from your servors. There have been no lies in what I have said to you. Perhaps God did me a favor in allowing me to find your "Ask Knight" thread. Because otherwise I was really looking forward to participating, and maybe even eventually upgrading to your pay service. But since you were unable, or unwilling to answer my questions in a professional manner that befits an administrator of such a site.; I would much rather you do what ever is required to remove my existence on your site. For I wish to have no association with the site any longer. Nor do I ever intend to encourage others to come here as well.

My forgiveness I ask of you in the ill-will my heart has generated towards you on this day from this conversation for calling me a liar when I didn't lie. And for not turning the other cheek when you intended to insult my character.

To think, of all the message boards I post on. The last one i was ever expecting to be treated like I have to day is on one predominately devoted to the discussion of things pertaining to God. Go figure.

Nathon Detroit

Mystyk said:
I originally asked for information on how you operate the way you do. Yes I do understand the cost of operating bandwidth. For your information I have been in the internet business on the hardware side of operations now for 10 years. I started as a satellite network controller for the military as a 31S1C. I then moved to the civilian sector where I spent a few years providing VoIP technology for third world corporations in such places as Gold Coast, Columbia and South Africa via the satellite.

But your right, I don't know too much about message board web site set ups. That is one of the reasons I had a few questions. I realize that you have some extra features I am not accustomed to seeing on many message boards-even ones run by large corporations like Mercury Press and MLB for instance. I realize they most likely supplement the bandwidth for such forums from other avenues of their business.

And yes I did state that I am intelligent. I also stated that it was a gift from God. I know that in my own efforts I am a fool. But by the grace of God's love for me, while he has blessed others throught the gifts of the Holy Spirit, he has blessed me with intelligence and a discerning spirit.

Clearly you have no intention, desire, or predisposition to have a conversation with me that does not involve you questioning my motives or my knowledge.

Therefore, my single request is that you remove all information regarding my emails and instant messaging information from your servors. There have been no lies in what I have said to you. Perhaps God did me a favor in allowing me to find your "Ask Knight" thread. Because otherwise I was really looking forward to participating, and maybe even eventually upgrading to your pay service. But since you were unable, or unwilling to answer my questions in a professional manner that befits an administrator of such a site.; I would much rather you do what ever is required to remove my existence on your site. For I wish to have no association with the site any longer. Nor do I ever intend to encourage others to come here as well.

My forgiveness I ask of you in the ill-will my heart has generated towards you on this day from this conversation for calling me a liar when I didn't lie. And for not turning the other cheek when you intended to insult my character.

To think, of all the message boards I post on. The last one i was ever expecting to be treated like I have to day is on one predominately devoted to the discussion of things pertaining to God. Go figure.
Uh... do you think it was a great idea to ask your original question by insinuating that we are unethical?

Do you suppose that maybe the way you asked your original question might be the cause of the treatment you have received here???

Think about it. :think:

Read your original question(s) again and ask yourself if maybe you were a bit "out of line".
Mystyk said:
Why do you need to charge members for full access to this forum?
Does the Denver Bible Church receive the same tax exempt status afforded other religious organizations in this country? If so, how much of the money gathered from this web site does this same church receive?
Why do I discern a conflict of interest here?
Why does my heart think of Jesus overturning tables in the temple?
Why does the passage that reminds me you cannot serve God and Mammon come to mind?
Why does it appear on first impression that this is being attempted here?
Oh and one more thing.... we do not remove accounts or messages upon request.

Once you register and post on TOL you agree (via the user agreement) that we now own the content that you have contributed.


New member
Knight said:
What type of a person, claims to be a Christian, comes to a Christian owned website and then focuses his first posts on insinuating that his host(s) are running their website in an unethical manner?

What type of person would do that? :think:

A) My first posts in fact were addressed to the person who was curious about what faith is to Protestants.

B) Then after making a few posts to a couple threads, I noticed that many had signatures on their posts. I then was trying to figure out how to add my own signature. It was then that I realized how this site was set up. That really didn't bother me. But I live in a world where there are all kinds of people that would set up any kind of site-including a Christian site-for the sole purpose of trying to make money. I am certain you are well aware of the many frauds that try to turn a dollar on the internet disguised to be doing the work of the Lord.

C) I then was about to go to bed before I saw your "Ask Knight" thread. I thought, if it is a legitimate Christian business they should have no problem with my sort of question. In fact they should be more then happy to set my mind at easy; and in a loving and Christ-like manner share with me what they do, and why they do it the way they do it. In fact, the thread even invited me to ask any question I might have.

D) My mistake: Daring to ask you a question and expecting a Christ-like response. Expecting that a fellow Christian could appreciate the necessity of being able to answer such a question in a polite and professional manner. Knowing for certain that there are web sites and businesses in the world that, no matter how Christian they may look on the outside, doesn't necessarily mean it to be so.

E) And yes I will apologize for the latter half of my questions. They were intended as follow up questions if you were attached financially to the Denver Bible Church. That you make money from this web site is, and was not my problem. My problem was seeing this as a business that the church was using to generate funds if the two were connected in that way. For that misunderstanding I ask your forgiveness.

F) But can you honestly tell me that the way you responded to me was acceptable in the eyes of Christ?
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Knight said:
What type of a person, claims to be a Christian, comes to a Christian owned website and then focuses his first posts on insinuating that his host(s) are running their website in an unethical manner?

What type of person would do that? :think:
Actually, reading the posts he made, it is obvious that he may be aflicted with a certain disorder which makes him unable to understand logic, though he may indeed be intelligent.
My daughter is a teacher in a Christian High School and one of her students is afflicted with a kind of disorder this person seems to exhibit. He is highly intelligent -almost super intelligent, being able to remember anything he has read, and is a storehouse of information as to history on about any subject, and has a photographic memory, I think, but processing information logically is denied him and he has to be watched and corralled and controlled, as he is likely to go off in directions harmful to the class at any time, as he gets fixations in his head that he is hard to dissuade from, on many subjects -because he thinks he is so much more intelligent than any others on the subject that he's fixated on.
His parents are super Christians who have done everything they can for him to be able to mainstream in life.
Reading this person is like listening to that other one talk. I can't remember the name of the affliction, however, at this time.
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Nathon Detroit

Mystyk said:
D) My mistake: Daring to ask you a question and expecting a Christ-like response. Expecting that a fellow Christian could appreciate the necessity of being able to answer such a question in a polite and professional manner.
I guess that's the curse of us "money changers". :rolleyes:


Formerly Shimei!
Mystyk said:
Perhaps if you are a true Christian as you profess to be; you will take that time to review what few posts I did make to your web site. God willing you will see the error of what you have done here today in how you have wronged a brother in Christ. Whether you be a Christian or not, it does not matter. Mine is to forgive you for the wrong you've done me, and to wish you God's peace and wisdom.

Mystyk, do you believe a Christian should judge?

Nathon Detroit

Mystyk said:
B) Then after making a few posts to a couple threads, I noticed that many had signatures on their posts. I then was trying to figure out how to add my own signature. It was then that I realized how this site was set up. That really didn't bother me. But I live in a world where there are all kinds of people that would set up any kind of site-including a Christian site-for the sole purpose of trying to make money. I am certain you are well aware of the many frauds that try to turn a dollar on the internet disguised to be doing the work of the Lord.
Did you take the time to find out that you need not pay a dime to get a signature?

Signatures are free, you just need to earn them with participation.

Click here for all the details.
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