Ask Knight (Archived)

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Nathon Detroit

sentientsynth said:
What does "Mark Forums Read" do? I notice I don't get nearly as many hits on the "New Posts" after I hit it. What's the deal?
TOL tracks your participation. It will show you threads with news posts in them since your last visit.

However, if you have been gone for awhile that list could be huge and essentially worthless. So if you "marked forums read" it would reset it as if you were up to date on every forum, that way when you came back later that day you might have a more manageable list of "new posts" to view.


New member
Hey Big K! I like the new top 40 thing. It's got a nice look to it. :thumb:

Not that you need or desire my approval. :chuckle:


New member
Thanks Knight!

k$ said:
Do you have an approximate (or exact) order of Paul's books?
I know you didn't ask me, but I thought I'd interject. Hope it helps!
  1. 1 Thessalonians
  2. 2 Thessalonians
  3. [Hebrews ~ if you entertain that Paul was actually the author, I offer here for your sake only.]
  4. 1 Corinthians
  5. 2 Corinthians
  6. Galatians
  7. Romans
  8. Philippians
  9. Philemon
  10. Colossians
  11. Ephesians
  12. 1 Timothy
  13. Titus
  14. 2 Timothy
There's some disagreement about if Ephesians was before Colossians, if 1 Timothy was before Titus, etc. but that's a pretty good estimate.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber

I thought Galatians was one of the earliest, if not the first of the Pauline epistles?

Knight, do you remember any of the details on that?

This sounds like a good excuse to dust off some of my older Bob Enyart Bible studies.

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
sentientsynth said:
Thanks Knight!

I know you didn't ask me, but I thought I'd interject. Hope it helps!
  1. 1 Thessalonians
  2. 2 Thessalonians
  3. [Hebrews ~ if you entertain that Paul was actually the author, I offer here for your sake only.]
  4. 1 Corinthians
  5. 2 Corinthians
  6. Galatians
  7. Romans
  8. Philippians
  9. Philemon
  10. Colossians
  11. Ephesians
  12. 1 Timothy
  13. Titus
  14. 2 Timothy
There's some disagreement about if Ephesians was before Colossians, if 1 Timothy was before Titus, etc. but that's a pretty good estimate.

That's the same chronological order Bullinger gives in Appendix 192 of the Companion Bible.


Blessed beyond measure
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sentientsynth said:
You may want to "play the field" a little, Clete.

Perhaps you could tell us what "field" you got your information from. :)


New member
Poly said:
Perhaps you could tell us what "field" you got your information from. :)
Bullinger (Lightfoot), Grabacka, Gunther, Tertullian, Origen, the P46 manuscipts, the Athanasius documents, Amphilocius, Theodore, the Synod of Laodicea, Marcion, Ephraem, and the Mt. Sinai manuscripts.

Bullinger's list was the one nearest to me when I read Kmo's request.

I'll give you Gunther's complete breakdown, though his will surely raise some eyebrows (and rightly so.)

1. Thessalonians ~ 51 CE
2. Galatians ~ 54 CE
3. the "1 Corinthian 5:9" letter ~ 55 CE
4. 1 Corinthians ~ October of 55 CE
5. 2 Corinthians 10 - 13 ~ May of 56 CE
6. Philippians 3:1b-19 ~ late summer of 56
7. 2 Corinthians 1 -9 ~ late summer 56
8. Romans 1-15 ~ 57
9. Romans 16 ~ late winter of 57
10. Colossians, Ephesians, Philemon, Titus ~ April - May of 59
11. Philippians 1-3,1a,20-4 ~ May of 59
12. 2 Timothy 4:9ff ~ August of 59
13. 1 Timothy 1:12-16 ~ 60-61
14. 2 Timothy 1:1-10, 12, 15-2:1, 3, 8-10, 4:5 ~ 60-61
15. Hebrews ~ 62-63

Let it be known that I don't agree with all that Gunther has put forward, but it'll give you and anyone else interested a look at what some others have thought.


New member
Hall of Fame
Thanks guys!

But SS, what's so wrong about the 2nd list? I mean I see Hebrews is in it. Is that what you're talking about? Or am I missing something? :confused:


New member
Knight said:
Ya know it's really frustrating sometimes when you ask people seemingly simple questions and you get no response or some long drawn out response that isn't much more than pure obfuscation.

I always try to answer questions asked of me with simple direct answers.

After all... can't you answer the question directly and then go on to provide further explanation if you feel the answer warrants it? Shouldn't a sound world-view and theology be afraid of no question?

Therefore I give you....

ASK KNIGHT! :knight:

Ask me anyhting you want and I promise to give you a short direct answer.

No *topic is "off limits". The openess of God, dispensationalism, conservativism, hockey, whatever!!!

Ask away.... and get the answers you are seeking. :D

*topics that are are inappropriate for TOL are inappropriate for "Ask Knight" as well.

P.S. I will do my best to answer your question in a timely manner. :)

TOL is a great idea, may God continue to bless you and this sight.

I have two questions. I think alot of posts are getting burried before they ever get a chance to be viewed , I know we can view pages and search but shouldnt there be a limit on the number of new threads per day by one person. Maybe 3 per forum per day instead of unlimited?

And can "The Rest" section be divided up into culture(art/music/movies,etc) sports something like that......or does it work fine the way it is.

Otherwise its all good.


New member
kmoney said:
Thanks guys!

But SS, what's so wrong about the 2nd list? I mean I see Hebrews is in it. Is that what you're talking about? Or am I missing something? :confused:
No, it isn't the fact that Hebrews is in the list. Notice how the epistles are divided in his chronology. He's claiming that some of the epistles weren't written as we have them in our Bibles today, but are actual compilations of different letters. For instance, that Romans was originally two letters instead of one. The same for 1 and 2 Corinthians, Philippians, and 2 Timothy.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
fool said:
The BEL forum only displays as having three threads below the stickies?
You probably have your Default Thread Age Cut Off set to something low. Check for it in the Edit Options page of your User CP.

Nathon Detroit

B1sh0p said:
TOL is a great idea, may God continue to bless you and this sight.

I have two questions. I think alot of posts are getting burried before they ever get a chance to be viewed , I know we can view pages and search but shouldnt there be a limit on the number of new threads per day by one person. Maybe 3 per forum per day instead of unlimited?
Hmmmm I don't think that would be a good idea.

And can "The Rest" section be divided up into culture(art/music/movies,etc) sports something like that......or does it work fine the way it is.
It used to be that way but it was too confusing and generally people put threads in the wrong place anyway.

Thanks for the suggestions and nice comments.


Maximeee's Husband
Can you, Turbo and I have a video game tournament?
If I win you and Turbo have to watch anime with me all day long for one day. What are your stipulations?

Mr. 5020

New member
In the User CP, there is an option that says "Upload Signature." What is it for? When I click on it, I get...
Mr. 5020, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

  1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
  2. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
B1sh0p said:
I think alot of posts are getting burried before they ever get a chance to be viewed , I know we can view pages...
If you haven't already tried it, check out the Active Threads page. It displays a list of the 35 threads (from any forum) that have been posted in most recently.

And if you prefer to browse the forums individually, make sure you don't have your Default Thread Age Cut Off set too low. (see post #2855)

Nathon Detroit

Mr. 5020 said:
In the User CP, there is an option that says "Upload Signature." What is it for? When I click on it, I get...
That was a signature system that I tried to install.

It didn't work correctly and I have never figured out a way to remove that link.
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