Ask Knight (Archived)

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Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Knight said:
I was a God hating atheist but I liked to watch Bob's TV show.

I liked Bob's conservative views but wished he wouldn't talk about God so much.

Eventually through watching Bob's TV show and also talking with my brother in-law I became a Christian.

I offered to create a new intro piece for Bob's TV show and that's how we met.

Bob is a really cool guy.
Are you the one who made the cool 3D rendered "BOB ENYART LIVE" logo?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Knight said:
Ha! All atheists hate God, silly!
How can you hate something when you don't believe it exists?

Just because you act like something doesn't exist doesn't mean it doesn't.
True, And acting like something exists dosen't mean it does exist.
If you hate God then you're saying that not only does he exist, but that you have strong feelings towards him. Why did you hate God?


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I think it's time for you to make a new logo for Bob. The old one is so eighties. It reminds me of Saved By the Bell.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Knight said:
Yeah... that was a bunch of fun. :up:
Oh wow! I totally remember when that logo was first introduced. I never knew it was you that did that though! That's so cool!

Nathon Detroit

fool said:
How can you hate something when you don't believe it exists?
Here is what I believe...

Every man knows in his heart that the creator God exists.

Men who say they don't believe in God say so because of their pride (their desire to not bow to anyone).

It is hateful to reject what created you, when in your heart you know it's true.

That is what I believe, you are free to believe otherwise.

Nathon Detroit

Lighthouse said:
I think it's time for you to make a new logo for Bob. The old one is so eighties. It reminds me of Saved By the Bell.
I agree.

I didn't design Bob's logo, I don't know where it came from. All I did was clean it up for him and then do the 3D stuff.

I tried to talk him into updating it when I did his new intro but he liked it the way it was and that's OK as well.

Nathon Detroit

Lighthouse said:
So, what did the 3D rendering look like? I never saw it.
There were two different intros I did.

The first one was city scenes of Denver that Bob, Lion and I shot one summar night with an animated 3D BEL logo superimposed on top.

Then a couple years later we did a more complicated 3D intro with a computer generated 3D BEL billboard with fireworks going off all around it.

I wonder If I still have those. :think:

If I do, I will convert them down and upload them to TOL.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Knight said:
There were two different intros I did.

The first one was city scenes of Denver that Bob, Lion and I shot one summar night with an animated 3D BEL logo superimposed on top.

Then a couple years later we did a more complicated 3D intro with a computer generated 3D BEL billboard with fireworks going off all around it.

I wonder If I still have those. :think:

If I do, I will convert them down and upload them to TOL.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Knight said:
Good question.

Maybe he doesn't want me to guest host anymore. Frankly I wouldn't blame him. :chuckle:
You'd be alright, as long as you bring Lion with you and let him do most of the talking.


New member
Knight said:
Ya know it's really frustrating sometimes when you ask people seemingly simple questions and you get no response or some long drawn out response that isn't much more than pure obfuscation.

I always try to answer questions asked of me with simple direct answers.

After all... can't you answer the question directly and then go on to provide further explanation if you feel the answer warrants it? Shouldn't a sound world-view and theology be afraid of no question?

Therefore I give you....

ASK KNIGHT! :knight:

Ask me anyhting you want and I promise to give you a short direct answer.

No *topic is "off limits". The openess of God, dispensationalism, conservativism, hockey, whatever!!!

Ask away.... and get the answers you are seeking. :D

*topics that are are inappropriate for TOL are inappropriate for "Ask Knight" as well.

P.S. I will do my best to answer your question in a timely manner. :)
Ok. Night..., very noble of you.
What was first, the chicken or the egg????????????
And pls. do not try to split the cosmic cell on paper. :dog:

Nathon Detroit

Catatumba said:
What was first, the chicken or the egg????????????
The chicken!

STEP #1....
Genesis 1:21 So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters abounded, according to their kind, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.

STEP #2....
Genesis 1:22 And God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.

RECAP: God made birds and then told them to lay eggs. :Zimster:
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