ECT As a Christian - is there any area you fail in?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
If a person rejects that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior, He is not their personal Lord and Savior but He is still our Lord and our Savior. That is, He is still always Lord and Savior whether a person believes it or not.

"Amen. Always"-you


"But ..."-you

Vs. you on others posts:

#21-" Do you believe that Jesus was born of God and no one else?"
#32-"Do you obey Jesus?"
#38- "Jesus is the only begotten Son of God.."

You're lying, or smashed-no other option.

Show some respect-it is the Lord Jesus Christ-always.


"Amen. Always"-you


"But ..."-you

Vs. you on others posts:

#21-" Do you believe that Jesus was born of God and no one else?"
#32-"Do you obey Jesus?"
#38- "Jesus is the only begotten Son of God.."

You're lying, or smashed-no other option.

Show some respect-it is the Lord Jesus Christ-always.
Jesus never ceases to be Lord and Savior. But some do not recognize Him as such, which is what you are trying to say of me.


Well-known member
Show some respect-it is the Lord Jesus Christ-always..

#21-" Do you believe that Jesus was born of God and no one else?"
#32-"Do you obey Jesus?"
#38- "Jesus is the only begotten Son of God.."

Actually, lord Jesus Christ is appropriate for the son is subject to his Father who is the Lord God.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Actually, lord Jesus Christ is appropriate for the son is subject to his Father who is the Lord God.

Actually, Christ rejector, you've not produced one scripture, in the book, a book of details, that has the exact wordage....

lord Jesus Christ ..

..after I've asked you over 5 times.

The reason:your lord satan is talking through you.

And you will confess Him, the Lord Jesus Christ, as the Lord God, on your knees, right before He boots you to hell. You won't have a choice then.

Lazy afternoon

Actually, Christ rejector, you've not produced one scripture, in the book, a book of details, that has the exact wordage....

lord Jesus Christ ..

..after I've asked you over 5 times.

The reason:your lord satan is talking through you.

And you will confess Him, the Lord Jesus Christ, as the Lord God, on your knees, right before He boots you to hell. You won't have a choice then.

You are going insane.

No change that, you are insane with jealous rage of the devil.



Actually, Christ rejector, you've not produced one scripture, in the book, a book of details, that has the exact wordage....

lord Jesus Christ ..

..after I've asked you over 5 times.

The reason:your lord satan is talking through you.

And you will confess Him, the Lord Jesus Christ, as the Lord God, on your knees, right before He boots you to hell. You won't have a choice then.
john w,

If you want to start a thread on your Theology here, I would be interested to read it and work through the issues with you. Otherwise, on this thread can you please refrain from attacking others and stick to the OP topic please?


I think that I've already answered this question also.

Jesus Christ WAS GOD made manifest in the flesh. God doesn't need to be saved or born again.
Is this speaking of Jesus Christ or someone else?

1 John 5:18 NASB - We know that no one who is born of God sins; but He who was born of God keeps him, and the evil one does not touch him.


Well-known member
Actually, Christ rejector, you've not produced one scripture, in the book, a book of details, that has the exact wordage....

lord Jesus Christ ..

..after I've asked you over 5 times.

The reason:your lord satan is talking through you.

And you will confess Him, the Lord Jesus Christ, as the Lord God, on your knees, right before He boots you to hell. You won't have a choice then.

And your conclusion is based on what?

Your unstable emotions, your bitterness, (work on doing Ephesians 4:31) your incredulous shock that anyone could possibly disagree with your view point and that someone might actually be smarter than you?

Why is Jesus referred to as the son of God by God in His scripture?

Because that is exactly who Jesus is, Jesus is the son of God.

Hence, Jesus is derived from, inferior to and subordinate to God, his Father.

Maybe you noticed that Jesus did not do his will, but his Father's will.

You know why?

Because God, Jesus' Father, is smarter than Jesus and Jesus knows it.

too bad you don't

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
And your conclusion is based on what?

Your unstable emotions, your bitterness, (work on doing Ephesians 4:31) your incredulous shock that anyone could possibly disagree with your view point and that someone might actually be smarter than you?

Why is Jesus referred to as the son of God by God in His scripture?

Because that is exactly who Jesus is, Jesus is the son of God.

Hence, Jesus is derived from, inferior to and subordinate to God, his Father.

Maybe you noticed that Jesus did not do his will, but his Father's will.

You know why?

Because God, Jesus' Father, is smarter than Jesus and Jesus knows it.

too bad you don't

Too bad I picked apart your "argument," Christ rejector, as you, in your "subtil" MO, per Gen. 3 KJV, preset a moving target, spam your bait'nswitch jazz....The reason:your lord satan is talking through you.

You've not produced one scripture, in the book, a book of details, that has the exact wordage....

lord Jesus Christ ..

..after I've asked you over 6 times.

You: not a peep, as your lord satan has a "gag order" on you.

And you will confess Him, the Lord Jesus Christ, as the Lord God, on your knees, right before He boots you to hell. You won't have a choice then.


Well-known member
Too bad I picked apart your "argument," Christ rejector, as you, in your "subtil" MO, per Gen. 3 KJV, preset a moving target, spam your bait'nswitch jazz....The reason:your lord satan is talking through you.

You've not produced one scripture, in the book, a book of details, that has the exact wordage....

lord Jesus Christ ..

..after I've asked you over 6 times.

You: not a peep, as your lord satan has a "gag order" on you.

And you will confess Him, the Lord Jesus Christ, as the Lord God, on your knees, right before He boots you to hell. You won't have a choice then.

Dream on!

You want proof of what?

that Jesus is lord?

Read scripture, God's word will tell you about His son.

The Lord God had a son, the lord Jesus Christ.

You want a version, that has Jesus as lord?

All of them show that

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Dream on!

You want proof of what?

that Jesus is lord?

Read scripture, God's word will tell you about His son.

The Lord God had a son, the lord Jesus Christ.

You want a version, that has Jesus as lord?

All of them show that

You've not produced one scripture, in the book, a book of details, that has the exact wordage....

lord Jesus Christ ..

..after I've asked you over 7 times.

You: not a peep, as your lord satan has a "gag order" on you.

And you will confess Him, the Lord Jesus Christ, as the Lord God, on your knees, right before He boots you to hell. You won't have a choice then.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Do you obey Jesus?

We in Christ obey the resurrected Christ. I do not keep his earthly ministry to Israel. Neither do you. Unless you tell me you keep and do all the things the Pharisee says, who sits in the seat of Moses.


We in Christ obey the resurrected Christ. I do not keep his earthly ministry to Israel. Neither do you. Unless you tell me you keep and do all the things the Pharisee says, who sits in the seat of Moses.
We are supposed to, but I don't because I don't know what the Pharisees say, only what the law says... which I observe minus tzit-tzit.

Lazy afternoon

We in Christ obey the resurrected Christ. I do not keep his earthly ministry to Israel. Neither do you. Unless you tell me you keep and do all the things the Pharisee says, who sits in the seat of Moses.

Jesus, in His ministry on earth spoke of the new covenant and the rules of it.

By your own admission you are not in the new covenant.

Joh 1:17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

You should give that sect you are in a big miss. It is keeping you dead in your sins.



Well-known member
You've not produced one scripture, in the book, a book of details, that has the exact wordage....

lord Jesus Christ ..

..after I've asked you over 7 times.

You: not a peep, as your lord satan has a "gag order" on you.

And you will confess Him, the Lord Jesus Christ, as the Lord God, on your knees, right before He boots you to hell. You won't have a choice then.

Why should there be? the publishers of most Bibles are under the same trinitarian/Jesus is God delusion that you are under.

They cannot tell the difference between God, who is spirit, John 4:24 and Jesus Christ, a human than you can.

And you think you can school me on this detail, you miss the forest for the trees!

I Timothy 2:5

God is God

Men are men

the one mediator between God and men is who?

a. the God-man Christ Jesus

b. the second person of the blessed trinity Christ Jesus

c. the God Christ Jesus

d. the fully God/fully man Christ Jesus

e. the man Christ Jesus

all your trin answers fail

the correct answer is "e" and "e" only

You should have learned that by now.


Therefore, as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin; and so death passed unto all men, for that all sinned:-- for until the law sin was in the world; but sin is not imputed when there is no law. Nevertheless death reigned from Adam until Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the likeness of Adam’s transgression, who is a figure of him that was to come. But not as the trespass, so also is the free gift. For if by the trespass of the one the many died, much more did the grace of God, and the gift by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, abound unto the many. And not as through one that sinned, so is the gift: for the judgment came of one unto condemnation, but the free gift came of many trespasses unto justification. For if, by the trespass of the one, death reigned through the one; much more shall they that receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one, even Jesus Christ. So then as through one trespass the judgment came unto all men to condemnation; even so through one act of righteousness For as through the one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, even so through the obedience of the one shall the many be made righteous. And the law came in besides, that the trespass might abound; but where sin abounded, grace did abound more exceedingly: that, as sin reigned in death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (*Romans‬ *5‬:*12-21‬ ASV)

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
"You've not produced one scripture, in the book, a book of details, that has the exact wordage....

lord Jesus Christ ..

..after I've asked you over 7 times."-saint John W

Why should there be? the publishers of most Bibles are under the same trinitarian/Jesus is God delusion that you are under.

Translated: a massive conspiracy

That's your best shot, i.e., the word of God is corrupt?

Troll, an embarrassment to Is. 1:18 KJV.