Arkansas Church Kicks Out Young Gay Man For ‘Choosing A Sinful Lifestyle’


New member
Jesus offered and gave salvation to many people--long before he set his face toward Jerusalem for that final journey.

“Go and sin no more,” and “Your faith has saved you."

Salvation is about transformation in this life.
Why do you have a problem with the church insisting that the man in the OP must not be a public display of a non-Christian (lack of transformation) if he wants to remain a member?

It does not come from the neo-pagan idea of a blood sacrifice for sin.
The blood sacrifice for sin only works for those people that are not so callus that they would slaughter an animal to atone for their own sins without remorse.
The blood sacrifice for sin is given as a gory reminder of how a person's own sins are worthy of death, in order to prompt the person to abstain from sin.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
1: IF homosexuality is a sin it is no worse than adultery, fornication, gluttony etc, where are those people in that church?

beats me :idunno:

if your car has a flat tire, do you start by checking the fan belt, the valve guides, the gas tank straps?

2: Homosexuality is not CHOSEN.

acting on one's perverted urges, of any nature, is always a choice

3: Churches that pick and choose which of their members they will punish while ignoring the others who are equally sinful deserve closure.

the pope excommunicated members of the Italian mafia last year

when asked about homosexuals, he shrugged his shoulders and said "who am i to judge?"

by your "reasoning", the catholic church should be closed

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
didn't see that you'd gone back and edited this:
Go read it. If you would you would find a whole list.
Since you want an example there is communities.

communities that are exclusively gay?

GO to any city of any size and you will find the gay neighborhoods, Castro, West Hollywood, Greenwich Village.

and these neighborhoods are exclusively populated by homosexuals?

No pedophile communities


ČEPEK - Czech and Slovak Pedophile Community



New member
didn't see that you'd gone back and edited this:

communities that are exclusively gay?

and these neighborhoods are exclusively populated by homosexuals?
where do you get the exclusive nonsense?

New York's China Town isn't exclusive but it is still a physical community for the Chinese minority of New York

ČEPEK - Czech and Slovak Pedophile Community
You realize this isn't an actual place

you act as if you made a point

anything traci came up with to support his contention that homos qualify as a minority i found the same thing for pedos
Only if you lie
well you made my point


New member
A 'lifestyle' is always a choice.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
where do you get the exclusive nonsense?

so, to qualify, it doesn't have to be exclusive?


then pedophiles qualify as a minority :thumb:

New York's China Town isn't exclusive but it is still a physical community for the Chinese minority of New York

the RCC isn't exclusively populated by pedophiles, but the priesthood is still a physical community for the pedophilic minority of the Catholic population

You realize this isn't an actual place

you never qualified is as an actual place

they're an online community

you act as if you made a point

i did

and i'll keep at it as long as you like until you either admit that homos aren't a minority, except by re-framing the definition, and that by your re-framed definition, you'll be forced to acknowledge that pedophiles are a minority

now, which component would you like to discuss next?

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
The Church made the right call but communicated in a bad way.

It should have been personal and face to face a letter is the cowards way out.

Christianity and a homosexual lifestyle are not compatible and church needs to have policies to say so.

but they need ot be implemented with grace and compassion


New member
The Church made the right call but communicated in a bad way.

It should have been personal and face to face a letter is the cowards way out.

Christianity and a homosexual lifestyle are not compatible and church needs to have policies to say so.

but they need ot be implemented with grace and compassion
The Bible definition of hate is refusing to rebuke someone that is sinning.

Leviticus 19:17
17 Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart: thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour, and not suffer sin upon him.​

The church has a duty to its members to attempt to convert the sinning members so it can save the sinning members soul.

James 5:20 Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.​

Excommunication, loss of membership, and disfellowship all have the same goal of giving the unrepentant sinner a tough love lesson.
The unrepentant sinner is to be thrust out of the community in order to face his sinful lusts.
He will either repent and be saved, or he will continue to refuse to repent and be damned.

1 Corinthians 5:5
5 To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.​



Why do you have a problem with the church insisting that the man in the OP must not be a public display of a non-Christian (lack of transformation) if he wants to remain a member?

The blood sacrifice for sin only works for those people that are not so callus that they would slaughter an animal to atone for their own sins without remorse.
The blood sacrifice for sin is given as a gory reminder of how a person's own sins are worthy of death, in order to prompt the person to abstain from sin.
The evidence I have seen makes no equivalence between our modern notion of the word "homosexuality" and the thinking of the ancient Jews.

I do not question your theological interpretation of Jesus as a sacrifice for sin. I just maintain that it was a faith-inspired overlay onto the meaning of Jesus's death.

John's Gospel defines Jesus as the "Lamb of God" which takes away the sins of humankind. John even switches the day of Jesus's death to the Day of Preparation when the sheep were slaughtered for the next day's Passover holiday.

There are two different traditions of salvation interwoven from Genesis on. The blood sacrifice was the purview of the priests who wanted to maintain their power and the benefits they got from the population. Jesus and John the Baptizer used a framework of "repentance," not the spilling of blood on the altar.

One tradition sees a jealous God of justice while the other one sees a God of mercy who just demands repentance.

Jesus even talked of a Father who desires "mercy, not sacrifice."


Well-known member
Bah, humbug. Homosexuality is no more inherently sinful than is heterosexuality. EVERY generation of humans are about 2-4% homosexual, do you consider that an anomaly, something to be removed from the gene pool? If you do consider that God does not seem to agree.