Z Man
New member
Prove me wrong...Originally posted by Knight
LOL... that's funny coming from someone who preaches that everything we do was predestined ages ago. :chuckle:
Better yet, prove Scripture wrong...
Prove me wrong...Originally posted by Knight
LOL... that's funny coming from someone who preaches that everything we do was predestined ages ago. :chuckle:
Been there... done that.Originally posted by Z Man
Prove me wrong...
Originally posted by Z Man
You didn't 'answer' them; and I wasn't necessarily looking for an 'answer'. I just wanted to see how you guys interpreted them to NOT say what they clearly say.
Obviously, you failed GIT, in showing us how God is still unjust for ordaining people to do stuff, then hold them accountable for it. Unless you can manage to interpret those passages of Scripture to NOT say what they say, you will always be wrong, because Scripture can never be wrong.
It would be wrong.
Ummm.. I think you worded that question backwards. I'm the one who believes God is 'self-seeking', remember?
God bless.
Yes.Originally posted by God_Is_Truth
we are in agreement that 1) God does not contradict his own character, 2) any theology that leads to God contradicting his own character is wrong.
so, Z Man, you hold that God is self seeking, seeking his own glory. the bible says that God is love and that love is not self seeking. do you agree with what the bible says?
Only if you assume that the love from God and the love from men are the same thing...if so, your theology is wrong.
You proved Scripture wrong? Where?Originally posted by Knight
Been there... done that.
Only if you assume that the love from God and the love from men are the same thing...
1Co 13:1 If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.
1Co 13:2 If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.
1Co 13:3 And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned, but do not have love, it profits me nothing.
1Co 13:4 Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant,
1Co 13:5 does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered,
1Co 13:6 does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth;
1Co 13:7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
1Co 13:8 Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away.
1Co 13:9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part;
1Co 13:10 but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away.
1Co 13:11 When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things.
1Co 13:12 For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.
1Co 13:13 But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love.
Originally posted by God_Is_Truth
yes, i did mess up :doh: i should have said "love is NOT self seeking" instead of "love IS self seeking". i wrote that kinda tired so i suppose i deserve it.
now that we got that straigtened out...
we are in agreement that 1) God does not contradict his own character, 2) any theology that leads to God contradicting his own character is wrong.
so, Z Man, you hold that God is self seeking, seeking his own glory. the bible says that God is love and that love is not self seeking. do you agree with what the bible says? if so, your theology is wrong. if not, the bible is.
so are you ready to admit that your theology is wrong in this aspect? or do you believe the bible is wrong?
we're all waiting......
Originally posted by God_Is_Truth
we are in agreement that 1) God does not contradict his own character, 2) any theology that leads to God contradicting his own character is wrong.
so, Z Man, you hold that God is self seeking, seeking his own glory. the bible says that God is love and that love is not self seeking. do you agree with what the bible says?
if so, your theology is wrong.
Only if you assume that the love from God and the love from men are the same thing...
Gal 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
Gal 5:23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
Gal 5:24 Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.
Gal 5:25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.
Gal 5:26 Let us not become boastful, challenging one another, envying one another.
Bigg Finn,
You need to get out of your 'man-centered' theology before it destroys you. You think Christ died to make much of you? That it was all about you? Think again...
Originally posted by Z Man
Only if you assume that the love from God and the love from men are the same thing...
Originally posted by boogerhead
good question...john piper has an excellent response to this very question which i will attempt to paraphrase...
while verses like 1 Corinthians 10:24, 33 and 1 Corinthians 13:5 and Romans 15:1-3 in and of themselves impresses that we are to free ourselves of self-interest when it comes to loving and caring for others, there is cause to not assume that this means absolutely would it be wrong to enjoy being loving when we take all of the context into account...
in 1 Corinthians 13:6 we see that love rejoices in truth or righteousness so it cannot be disinterested or indifferent to its own joy...to rejoice is to get joy from it which is "gain" and paul encourages our pursuit of this "gain" when he says that he gains nothing have he not love...
love is more than good deeds...can you really say that we are not to delight in loving others? of course not...look at the macedonians who begged paul to give to the church of jerusalem though they themselves were in extreme poverty...paul stresses that the macedonians loved sacficing in order to meet the needs of others...the loved to love...they delighted in it though they denied themselves and sought not their own...
in 2 Corinthians 9:7 we see that God loves a cheerful giver...and God does not like one who "reluctantly" gives...similarly when we love others, though we are denying ourselves, we are still to cheerfully love and delight in it...
when paul says that we shouldn't please ourselves but instead edify our neighbors, he's not saying that we shouldn't seek joy from edifying others but rather that this joy from edifying others should free us of private pleasure that results in an indifference to the good of others...
john piper describes this genuine love well when he says, "Love does not seek its own private, limited joy, but instead seeks its own joy in the good-the salvation and edification- of others."...this is how God loves...He actually delights to love
Jeremiah 9:24
"I am the Lord, who practice steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth; for in these things I delight," says the Lord.
piper goes on further...but i think these verses and thoughts well put how love does seek a joy from putting others first...
Originally posted by Big Finn
Christ lived only for others. He was the epitomy of selflessness, yet His Father is self-seeking. Thus Christ and His Father are divided. They live with entirely different principles at the very heart of their beings. Jesus only revealed His own character, He didn't reveal who His Father is at all. He couldn't, for you can't see self-seeking in selflessness. These two concepts are diametrically opposed. Thus Christ and His Father are diametrically opposed.
Wow. The tangled webs we weave....
Does he have a choice?Originally posted by Z Man
Bigg Finn,
You need to get out of your 'man-centered' theology before it destroys you.
This is impossible to respond to because it is self-contradictory. How is it possible for someone to make someone do something then punish them having done it and not be unjust without redefining the word "unjust"?Originally posted by Z Man
My plan from the beginning was to get you guys to see that according to Scripture, your statement that "God would be unjust for ordaining people to do things, then hold them accountable" is wrong.
This is not what I said! Is this all you know how to do, twist everything anybody says so you can rip it apart and make yourself look good (to yourself).The Scriptures do matter in this argument!!!
Do we need to go over the arguments about logic again Z Man? Have you forgotten them already? Remember what was said about either/or logic vs. both/and logic? Remember how it was established that both/and logic doesn't work? Remember the law of non-contradiction? Remember how the power of those arguments sent you back stepping to the point of almost completely reversing yourself on the issue? Remember how I've been complaining that you like to pretend like the last 1000 posts never happened?You can only argue about opinions for so long without the basis of Scripture to support either view. Both of us look to Scriptures for truth; that's where we should both base our 'opinions' and belief and doctrine upon. You can tell me all day and try to prove to me how it is 'illogical' to believe in a God who predestines and holds people accountable at the same time, but your opinions do not matter to me if you cannot support them with Scripture. As far as I'm concerned, the Scriptures I have been constantly presenting show us a God who ordains and holds us accountable. Thus, although you have repeatedly stated till you were blue in the face that in doing those things, God would be unjust, since the Scriptures proclaim that God ordains and holds us accountable, God is not unjust for doing so. Yes, He does ordain and hold accountable, and despite what you believe, He is not unjust for it! No matter how 'illogical' you find that to be!
I will not answer this question Z Man, it's nonsense! God not only does not ordain sin He CANNOT ordain sin. The whole question is based on a false premise! How can you not understand that? Lion answered this question rather thoroughly already but you ignored it, but even if this is all the information we had we could still know that what God told David to do was not sinful by virtue of the fact that God told him to do it. Obeying God is not sin! Duh!And that's why I really and truly want to know how you deal with those passages of Scripture!!! Who do you think told David to take that census, then punished him for it? How do you interpret it to NOT read that God ordained David to sin, then held him accountable? How?
Now I have already answered this directly! Why are you ignoring what I say? I think that this is likely to be my last post in response to you Z Man, I’m wasting my time.Who hardened Pharaoh's heart so that he wouldn't let the Israelites go, THEN commanded him to do that very thing? Who Clete? How do you interpret it to NOT read that God commanded Pharaoh to do something that he could not do whatsoever?
This has also been answered! Are you asleep?Who opposes adultery, yet ordained that Absolom should sleep with his fathers wives??? Who did 'such a thing' Clete? Who opposes murder, yet ordained that their own Son be murdered? Who?
Liar. I will not be drawn into this nonsense. Just because you say that these depict God as unjust doesn’t mean that they do.If these passages of Scripture do not mean what they blatantly tell us (that God ordains, then holds us accountable; and that God decrees 'evil'), then what do they mean Clete? How do you interpret them to NOT say what they say?
Clearly, it can't be done unless you are willing to rip pages out of the Bible, or to just totally ignore them, as you are very eager to do. Why do you find them so hard to confront?
Oh yeah you got me Z Man! Way to take my statements completely out of the context of the discussion and rip them apart. You’re so wise and wonderful, how could I have ever doubted your obvious insight and insurmountable knowledge of the Scripture.You are not allowed to kill. Is God? You are not allowed to command the praises of other people. Is God? You are not to boast in your ways. Is God?
Can God do nothing unless you can do it? Please...:down:
I claim that because that’s precisely what you do, you filthy blaspheming jerk! It not my opinion its fact! It’s fact based on what you have said and based on the definition of the words EVIL and JUSTICE and whole list of other words that you must redefine for my claim to be disproved. You can say that you do not claim this all you want but I know what evil is and I know what justice is and I know that God is not unjust and that He is incapable of evil. You and Calvinism in general make God the very author of evil and that is the chief reason why I hate it. It blasphemes GodNo one is proclaiming that God does evil Clete. Let's get that straight. I've only said it a million times, but you refuse to accept that. You want to continue to believe that I am claiming that God does evil, because it is easier for you to hate my view that way...
The why am I having to repeat myself four hundred times? Why are you arguing against things that I obviously do not believe? Why haven’t even attempted to respond to the logical progression that was made that inescapably leads to the destruction of your position? Why do you act as if the first 900 post of this thread never happened?I'm not trying to derail the issue! I thought I couldn't have been more on the issue! Are we not debating whether or not God would be unjust for ordaining people to do things, then hold them accountable for it? Then those Scriptures I represent could not be any more clearer:
Using big bold letters doesn’t help you Z Man! Say it loud, say it soft, say it in your head, or from the roof tops, say it over and over and over again and it will still not be so. Why?GOD CANNOT BE UNJUST FOR ORDAINING PEOPLE TO DO THINGS, THEN HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE! HE DOES IT ALL THE TIME!
First, in response to something you said to Knight, “Sola Scriptura” is not in the Bible and so that portion of your theology is also self defeating. Theology must be based on BOTH Scripture and sound reason. I don’t know who it was, but someone smarter than me once said, “Theology is a logos about the theos, the logic of God. Theology is a rational discourse about God.” Thus just coming up with a collection of verses that seem to support your position is not sufficient to prove your thesis.…Talk about 'muddying the water', or 'clouding the issue'! I'm not bringing in ' a hundred details' into this debate; I'm simply proving that your wrong and I'm right, through the evidence of SCRIPTURE!!! Do you not believe that the Scripture is the final authority? Do you not base your doctrine upon it? If so, you must see and now believe that indeed, God cannot be unjust for ordaining people to do certain things, then hold them accountable for it. The Scriptures tell us that He does those very things!
On the contrary, you have not even responded to my argument! You have just ignored it and played like you never even said what I was arguing against! Well, this will be the end of that! You will either respond to my argument directly or admit that you cannot or else I will find somewhere else to spend my time.I do not want this debate to dissolve either. But frankly, I don't think it's a matter of me trying to derail the issue and get off topic that is the problem; I think it's your lack of support for the claim that 'God is unjust for predestining and holding us accountable'. You've simply ran out of 'fuel'.
Originally posted by Big Finn
All I can say is, ugh. I did misread what Piper said. For some reason I read that as saying there is not joy in seeking to server others. My humble apologies.
I guess I've just read too much in the last few weeks. I'm reading 3 different books on IT, learning Debian and the bash shell, and posting here. I guess it's time a take a break and slow down for a while from my 10 - 12 hours a day of study. I'm obviously getting fried.![]()