<<What is hell? >>
First question to ask is What language does hell come from?
it is old german .
the 2nd Q? to ask is What does/did it mean in that language ?
it means to cover . We use it today in English in the word helmet
which means head cover !!
Also in britian somewhere they put there potatoes in "hell" to preseve them over the winter.
Next question to ask is
What are the words in the original biblical languages that are translated "hell"?
First one is from Hebrew O.T (SHEOL) and means grave or pit.
The rest as far as I'm aware come from Greek (N.t)
Hades which basically means the same as Sheol.
Tartaros which means deep abyss (cavern , chasm) and
Gehenna which is a place outside of Jerusalem where in the time of Jesus was the rubbish tip where they burnt the cities rubbish.
Incidentally it was also the place where in the time of Ahab the King in Jerusalem (Hezekiahs father ) the god moloch was worshiped with human sacrifice (babies and young children).
Where Jesus talks about being cast into "hell fire" he is talking about throwning into the rubbish dump the unrighteous that are judged to be worthless at his second comming they are not even worth giving a decent burial too .
Tartaros is used only once in scripture 2 peter 2vs4 and is a reference back to numbers 16 where Korah dathan and abiram rebeled against God and were cast into the great abyss reserved there for Judgement later on.
5020 tartaroo tar-tar-o’-o
from Tartaros (the deepest abyss of Hell); ; v
AV-cast down to hell 1; 1
1) the name of the subterranean region, doleful and dark, regarded by the ancient Greeks as the abode of the wicked dead, where they suffer punishment for their evil deeds; it answers to Gehenna of the Jews
2) to thrust down to Tartarus, to hold captive in Tartarus
Just a few thoughts on hell for people to cogitate (I like this word) on .