And you say that your translation renders this word as "hell"??! What a joke!
1c) State of death, place of death.
Sounds like hell to me...
And you say that your translation renders this word as "hell"??! What a joke!
1c) State of death, place of death.
Ev, your education evidently comes from your brother.
Sounds like hell to me...
And would you mind telling me why you're happy to use a Bible translation which renders the Hebrew word for "death" as "hell"?
Tell me, Cirisme - I'm curious to know - for how long have you believed that everyone goes to hell when they die?
God is not a sadist who wishes to torment His enemies perpetually.
IMHO, Anyone who believes God would allow those who rejected Him and His Son Jesus Christ, to endure such horrendous suffering for all eternity, neither knows nor understands the love of God.
Psalm 37:20
But the wicked shall perish; And the enemies of the Lord, Like the splendor of the meadows, shall vanish. Into smoke they shall VANISH away.
To be honest in handling the Word of Truth, one cannot isolate a few verses of scripture apart from the others and say this is what the Word of God teaches.
And I care about your opinion because....?
Ever since Jesus refered to death for the believer as "sleep."
Once again, we have a complete (and delibrate) misunderstanding. Hell is not about torture.
I used to find it hard to believe that someone who claims to be a Christian, would be content with a Bible which contains obvious distortions.
Eternal torment without relief. Hmmm...
...sounds like torture to me.
I have asked this question in order to emphasise the full extent of your false equivocation of "hell" and "death." Now, please answer my question.
Tell me, Cirisme - I'm curious to know - for how long have you believed that everyone goes to hell when they die?
Hades IS the grave.
SHEOL (Hebrew) = HADES (Greek) = GRAVE (English)
Wrong, again! I use over 15 translations, but I do have favorites. And how is it wrong when the context clearly means hell?
It's about seperation from God.
I thought you didn't believe in a fiery hell, anyway?
Nice straw man, ev. Can you make an elephant out of straw like that?
That's not my position, ev. I believe the context of this verse shows seperation from God, meaning hell.
Meaning the translation is correct.
Meaning o2 is correct...
Thanks EvangelionOriginally posted by Evangelion
Well played, Agape! :up:
Straight to the boundary for six!
Of course I have already considered that it would be viewed as salient points made by a mind, such as yours, who finds it difficult to to think logically.Originally posted by AVmetro
I leave again only to come back with everyone playing without me!![]()
Very, very salient points being made....tsk...tsk.
Originally posted by AVmetro
I leave again only to come back with everyone playing without me!
Very, very salient points being made....tsk...tsk.
Of course I have already considered that it would be viewed as salient points made by a mind, such as yours, who finds it difficult to to think logically.
How can the context "clearly mean hell", when (a) the word that is used, means "death", and (b) the (later) Christian concept of "hell" was totally unknown to the OT Jews?
So where's your proof that this verse refers to "hell"?
And how do you define "hell" anyway?
Now go sit in Ev's lap. You two 'twinkies' give each other a couple of sweat slackered high fives.
btw You never answered me...Are you a boy or a girl?
A place of complete seperation, mostly from God.
I don't.
I also believe "The lake of fire" wasn't incorporated until NT times. I have more as to why......
Originally posted by cirisme
The "Our sins have been forgiven" part is true, but "not only ours, but the sins of the entire world" is wrong. So, the part about there not being transgression is wrong.
Also, even if our sins are forgiven, there still must be punishment here on Earth. Let me explain myself,
when a person sins he commits a crime. A crime in God's law. He commits that act against the victim, the law, and God Himself. Jesus took the punishment that comes for the sin against God. However, the sin against the victim, and the law remains. That's why we need a justice system.