Es muy caliente!...
Es muy caliente!...
This is a very
rough draft of my "hell" thing. All scripture is taken from the NWT of the JWs so bear with it

Mal2:17 "You people have made Jehovah weary by your words......'Everyone that is doing bad is good in the eyes of Jehovah,......Where is the God of justice?"
*Why are the people here complaining. Is God's justice of no effect? See Deut32:3-4
"For I shall declare the name of Jehovah,..perfect....For all his ways are justice.....with whom there is no injustice. Righteous and upright is he."
*Justice must be satisfied in order to fulfill God's
How does God satisfy required justice? See Deut19:20
"So those who remain wil hear and be afraid.....soul will be for soul, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot."
*Earthly justice to be satisfied in that the punishment must 'cancel out' the offending sin. (*note: Example; Adam's "death" required the equal justice of Christ's death on the cross.)
See Matt5:38-41
"You heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth. However I say to you: Do not resist him that is wicked; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other also to him."
*Why are people told 'not to exact justice' in the time of Christ? Why did Jesus change the manner in which justice was to be carried out? (Justice now comes after death). See Heb9:27
" is reserved for men to die once......
after this a judgement. Christ was offered bear the sins of those earnestly looking for him for salvation."
*Because of Christ's sacrifice, judgement has been reserved for
after death. See Heb10:4
"For it is
not possible for the blood of bulls and of goats to take sins away."
*Those without Christ are
still to satisfy God's just nature.
See Jn8:24
"For if you do not believe that I am he, you will die in your sins."
*Animal sacrifice cannot remove sin. ONLY Christ can appease God's demand for justice as pertaining to sin. After death there is judgement, and the sin remains. Who does God's justice demand to hold accountable? See Jn8:44
"You are from your father the Devil, and you wish to do the desires of your father."
*He who sins @
all does the will of satan. Remember the serpant in Eden? Satan is the origin of God's wrath. He who does the will of the devil makes him their "guide". For guides destination, See Matt15:14
"If then a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit."
*If the devil is your guide, you will follow him, of your own accord ,toward his designated destination. God's wrath is upon him. For the "pit" See Matt25:41
"....into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels."
*Let us first note that "Sheol" is not the same as "the lake of fire" (Rev20:14). The "lake of fire" is prepare
specifically for satan. Travel there otherwise is of one's own initiative.
Why referred to as "everlasting" See Lev16:34
"And this must serve (law) as a statute
to time indefinite for you in order
to make atonement for the sons of Israel....."
*If you are not "dead" to the law through Christ, then you are (alive to) still under (held responsible for satisfying) the system of the OT covenant; proclaimed for everlasting. See Rom8:4
"God....condemned sin in the flesh (of Christ)..that the righteous
requirement of the law might be
fulfilled in us.."
*If sin remains @ death then @ the resurrection you will be judged according to your works which
follow you (Rev14:13).
After death, obtaining Christ's 'satisfaction of the OT covenant' is
not an option and the
requirement is
not[/b] fulfilled. See Dan12:2
"And there will be many of those asleep in the ground of dust who will wake up, thesse to indefinitely lasting life and those to reproaches to indefinitely lasting abhorrence."
*God is eternal and therefore possesses eternal justice. If the requiremetn is not fulfilled before death, then sin remains eternally unatoned for. Therefore God's eternal just nature demands just punishment. If there is no conciousness after death, how will the punishment be made known to the punishee?
How can one feel "everlasting contempt" if dead? There is no contempt in heaven.
Can death itself satisfy God's wrath? No. See Deut5:9
"...bringing punishment for the error of the fathers upon sons and upon the third generation and upon th fourth generation,..."
*After all we are ALL still being punished for the original sin fo Adam outside of Christ's atonement.
Remeber the above is very rough and still needs revision and work. But that's what this thread is for
God bless,