If a girl is so determined to kill their unborn child, and there aren't clinics openly available and regulated, her life could be lost as well due to seedy back door practices. When invasive medical procedures go underground, things get worse, not better.
If we are going to rip babies apart, we should have plush surroundings, correct?
Do some research. Have you even been in a Planned Parenthood clinic? You just pretty much described the clinics as they are right now.
Where will you protest and prevent murder, if the clinics are hidden, hmm?
That is so stupid I don’t even know where to begin. So your answer is abortion clinics should be legal and therefore visible so the pro-lifers are not confused about where to stand?
You are very naive. An underground clinic? Do you think Planned Parenthood encourages one to keep their baby?What if the girl is being forced to do the procedure: an underground clinic won't care, they're doing illegal things already. A clinic, like Planned Parenthood, is expected to report such abuse, and do what the mother wants, not what some pimp/sexual abuser/jerk lover wants.
Do you think Planned Parenthood would report a potential abortion if the mother is a 13 year old and the father is a 27 year old? You REALLY believe that Planned Parenthood cares?