Beware my brother; it is out of love I speak, please listen, God can do. What God does is according to His wishes, but do not confuse that with your rational limitations.
They aren't my limitations. Rationality is a description of what is real.
You could not have written your post without reason. You used reason when you said "What God does is according to His wishes", for example. When you make a truth claim like that you also imply that its negation is false. So, in this case, when you say that "What God does is according to His wishes", or are also saying that, "What God does is not contrary to His wishes."
Do you believe that God can do that which is contrary to His wishes?
God is the Creator and as the Creator He can do what seems absurd to you.
You are talking about opinions I am talking about facts.
Either that or you are suggesting that we cannot know the difference between that which is truly irrational and that which only seems irrational (or vise-versa) in which case I would simply point out that if that is the case then you don't know that I'm wrong or that you are right. If it is not possible for the human brain to distinguish the rational from the absurd then there is no such thing as knowledge.
This made me laugh!
Seriously. I'm not being insulting. I enjoy talking about this epistemology stuff and it really does make me chuckle when someone is unwttingly arguing against the existence of knowledge and then they start the next sentence with "know this". It really is funny when you think about it. Its starts to sound like a Laurel and Hardy routine.
Any way....
Know this, as it is only right I say this, do not limit God to your horizons, for God is beyond human rationally.
You are creating a false dichotomy. There is no such thing as "human rationality". Something is either rational or it is not. Something is either self-contradictory or it is not. We ARE NOT discussing mere perception here but rather about what is actually real.
If not, faith would be a simple task, to believe only what is logical to you.
"Logical to you" is a meaningless concept. Again, I am not talking about personal opinions but about objective facts - Biblical facts at that.
Further, if accepting what is rational was easy, everyone would be an Open Theist.
That's obviously overstated a bit but my point is that accepting the rational is not at all easy when discussing matter of religious faith. It is a lot easier for people to accept antinomy in the name of their religion than it is to restrict themselves only to those beliefs that make coherent sense.
Do not face judgment in this simple rational thought; have faith that God can do all.
This comment makes me believe that you do not understand the Biblical concept of faith. Biblical faith never asks you to believe nonsense.
His propose is revealed in scripture, but do not try to limit Him to what seems rational to you.
The key is to figure out what IS rational, not simply what I think might be rational. That is the purpose of debate, of teaching, of iron sharpening iron. We cannot learn anything without the application of reason. If we allow ourselves to accept the absurd, then anything goes; nothing can be disproved and all truth claims must be accepted as possibly true.
Jesus died on the cross for you, it was not rational giving His ability, that is why so many have forsaken Him, yet why Jesus did this, was to complete the Word of God, so we mere humans might understand.
Okay, now this statement make me believe that you do not understand what rationality is. There is nothing self-contradictory about Jesus dying on the cross. In fact, the death of God is the only thing that makes sense if you need a sufficient sacrifice to pay for the sins of the whole world. You would need a sacrifice of infinite, inexhaustible value. God is the only one that fits that bill. That's a major reason I accept the gospel as truth! Because it makes sense!
This, by the way, is a terrific example of what I was talking about earlier about how its a lot harder for the average person to limit themselves to only those beliefs that are rational. The plan of salvation is simple - too simple for the average person to accept. They believe it just can't be that easy. That's why the biggest churches in the world are the ones that stray the farthest from the true gospel message, complicating it to no end. The more lofty the dogma, the complex the doctrine, the more difficult it is to understand, the more the average person wants to believe it must be true. People like things that cannot be explained. It feels mystical and bigger than life. And they also like to be with others that accept such things. The less it makes sense the more people that buy it. One only need look as far as their local TBN station for proof of this. The average person is a cow who follows the herd with his emotions, not his mind.
Resting in Him,