Bah . . . I do not.
Yes U do, Miss Hairdo. See above post.
Bah . . . I do not.
See what I mean, godrulz?
Nang does not believe in a God of justice but in an arbitrary god who has chosen who will go to Hell and who will not by fiat. The elect, in her world, I nothing but cosmic lottery winners.
Resting in Him,
A God that does not get everything He wants, the way He wants it, is not God.
You bring God down to the sorry level of a loser, who wants but does not get.
Anyone who sports a goatee is not introverted . . .
God does not always get want He wants because of His sovereign, voluntary choice to create significant others with a say-so.
Free will is self-evident.
Can I come down to Clete's level?
Are you stubborn or stupid or both?
Yes, you are a beautiful child or God in His image redeemed by the Son. This does not make your theology correct though.
God did not desire nor intend the fall of Lucifer and man, the killing of millions of Jews by Hitler, the brutal rape and murder of babies, etc. Allowing is not decreeing or predestining or causing or desiring.
Hell is proof of free will. God does not desire any to perish (that would be Satan), yet many do. Unless God causes people to rape and murder (good luck defending that one), then God is not omnicausal, determinism is flawed, and free will is self-evident.
God is free and we are in His image. Bondage vs freedom is another issue in addition to the means of free will (attribute of personal beings in the image of God, which we are; free will is not unlimited, so don't use that straw man).
This posts consists of nothing but your say-so. Thus, it is tainted human opinion, not God-given theology.
And since it is not biblical nor theological, but strictly inventive, emotional, and reactionary, you have no right to deem my Scriptural exegesis and theological conclusions, incorrect.
This post contains not one word of God regarding the various matters you touch upon and attempt to sell as Godly truth.
Extroverted feeler?! Maybe online?
Growing up, I was insecure, introverted, shy, a loner. God has remolded me in many ways, but I am still more introverted, solitary, mind over feelings (ask my wife and kids...they would laugh at the idea that I was extroverted or emotional enough...they mock me for having online TOL friends vs real life friends...they put me down for being intellectual vs emotional).
Thx, I think?
The thoughts are consistent with biblical principles
We can all quote Scripture (I often gives links), but this does not mean we interpret and apply properly vs proof texting.
You have no good explanation as to why God saves some and damns others that he could saved if He only wanted to.
You cannot reconcile your view with God's love and goodness (clear revelation) and must default to mystery or antinomy (cop out).
We can look at verses (and have), but you should also be able to interact with statements we both make without quoting verses all of the time.
We need more light and less heat. What good is it to win an argument and lose the person?
Sometimes it may be best to agree to disagree and part ways due to personality, history, etc.
It is a free country (which is why I did not appreciate having to conform to AMR's demands, unreasonable at times).
John 17 is fine by me, but it does not have to be read from a Calvinistic perspective.
e.g. corporate vs individual election will be an issue if we look at Eph. 1 or Rom. 9-11. You will point to these verses, but we will see them differently= stalemate.
Cults bash verses, so let's not be simplistic. Scripture is the basis, but there will be more to it than that on these issues.
It is interesting and ironic that people usually have to be 'converted' to Calvinism after they are converted to Christ. It is not a self-evident system in Scripture, but requires rationalizations and ideas foisted on the text.
Sounds lovely but this isn't what Calvin taught nor is it what Calvinism teaches.
.....So? I don't label myself a "Calvinist". I haven't studied Calvin's "teachings". If at times I agree with what he says, so be it, but please don't label me as such and conclude that is what I believe.
I found one!Betcha you cannot find a quote from any of my posts where I have had to resort to "mystery" or "antimony."
I do have a point below about the singular priveleges of God, but here I would like to address this word "cause"The Bible repeatedly calls various people fools. Unless you are ready concede that Jesus taught something contrary to the rest of Scripture (not to mention His own actions) then you have little choice but to grant what should be the obvious point that Jesus' teaching is to not call someone a fool without cause.
The sixth commandment does not apply to any member of the Body of Christ. Nang, being an unbeliever, will be judged by the law if she does not repent and accept the gospel as presented by the Apostle Paul.
I am not, nor will I ever be a member of the Kingdom of Israel. As a member of the Body of Christ I am identified in Christ and thus no matter of law applies to me any more than it does to Christ Himself who gave the law and is Lord of it. Being identified in the King of heaven makes me a member of the Kingdom of Heaven but that is not the context of Christ's statements in the Gospels. Jesus was speaking in reference to Israel's Kingdom specifically.
Resting in Him,
I will accept this answer in the spirit in which it is given - we cannot fully grasp God's abilities and that's okay. What we do know about God is sufficient for us to follow, worship, and obey Him. Is that about right?God knows everything that He wants to know of that information which is rationally knowable.
It is not possible to be more specific than that, nor is it necessary.
I only meant it in regards to the question of the man stealing the bicycle. Is it possible for a man to be totally turned over to depravity? If so, then there would be no question in God's mind whether the man would change his mind during the commission of this crime. I really want to know what you think about how thoroughly God knows the hearts of man. I believe that God knows us better than we know ourselves - I think that you mentioned this belief to me yourself. God would know better than the thief whether there were any chance of his changing his mind about the bike. God would also have knowlege of police or other influential persons in the area at the time of the crime. I think that God would have a better than 99% chance of knowing that a crime was about to happen. Regardless, He certainly knows it while it is happening, and can stop it if He sovereignly chooses to do so - which I think He does on occation (I've heard reports of such).You use terms that are often loaded with meanings that are not obvious by merely a surface reading of your questions. Are they real questions or are you trying to make some rhetorical point? If the latter, what's the point? I don't get it. Otherwise, I need clarification about what you are asking. What do you mean by "know the hearts of men"? The obvious answer to that question is a resounding "yes" but again, there are a lot of things you could mean by that question which makes such a straight forward answer impossible.
So on this we agree. I had hoped so.I agree, God would not be surprised by something like that, at least not in the short term (days or perhaps weeks in advance)
I agree that God has a better idea of man's heart than does he himself and will set aside the notion of exhaustive foreknowledge for the moment.but things that are directly contingent on the freely made decision of men cannot be known for certain (not even by God) and that includes whether or not a person will repent of stealing a bike or not. He can have a really good idea about whether a person will repent or not, a much better idea than you or I could have but that isn't the same as definite knowledge.
Precisely. We agree completely, as I had suspected. This, btw, was the point Lon was making that I was trying to simplify.Because He doesn't want to stop the human race - yet.
People have free will. If God wanted to prevent every act of rebellion, He could but then they wouldn't have free will
to which I cannot agree. I don't believe that free will is "the whole point" of our existence, or that it is a requirement for "the whole point" of our existence to occur. On this point (free will) we disagree, mostly because I am not certain of the definition and extent of this freedom.and the whole point of our existence would vanish.
Absolutely perfect. :up:But God is not slack concerning justice. Our lives are a vapor. Our entire history is a mere moment when compared to the vast expanse of the infinite existence of God. What seems like a long time to us is but a moment to God. People will not get away with their crimes for long.
... He waits because of mercy. His will is that all should come to repentance. That certainly cannot happen if God brings the history of mankind to an end but His patience will not extend forever.
Resting in Him,