Well-known member
Paul's letters were half doctrinal and half practical application. Belief (orthodoxy) does affect practice (orthopraxy).
I would think this would be more applicable with things like sanctification, not whether God is timeless or experiences endless time, whether God micro or macromanages, whether the future is settled or only partially settled, whether EDF is possible, the exact nature of free will, etc.
I am not sure behavior is tied into OT distinctives (we claim to affirm the great truths of Scripture that you do, but hope to understand them more biblically and less philosophically).
i.e. Are OT distinctives germane to character/behavior issues? I don't see the connection since their are good and bad eggs in all theological camps.
TOL should not become a stereotype or straw man caricature for mainstream Open Theism (I would suggest Sanders, Boyd, Pinnock, Hasker, etc. have been cordial despite the attacks on their credibility and integrity from the Reformed camp who arrogantly assume they alone represent true Christianity in its purest form).
Again, thank you for agreeing with me here in condemning the divergence in others about what we agree is orthodox/orthoprax. You will take heat for this and as you've always supported me and I will support you when it comes but you'll have to let me know when to read those on my iggy list. We are orthodox together on what we expect believers to be producing. Those without godliness here are getting no more of my time until they repent. My iggy list is my proverbial dust-shaking.
Final word to them: Walk the talk or scripture is specific about what to do with you.