ARCHIVE: Open Theism part 3


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Lon's post is the nail in the coffin. I was basing my assertions on these biblical principles (but did not have the time or verses at my fingertips to do this).

This is the difference between proof texting out of context based on misunderstanding one KJV word to support a bias and building a balacned belief on all relevant verses.

If we co-author a book or tract, can it be 50-50 profit sharing? Perhaps we could go on national radio and be 'The Answer Men'?

Thx for the service...well done.


The Dark Knight
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I don't understand.

...that is a picture of me.

I know...uncanny, huh?

I don't buy it.

Huh? God is omnipotent, but that does not mean He can create square circles. To say that God can limit His omniscience or that He can cease to be eternal is not a hit on omnipotence.
I'm the one who said God can limit His omniscience. You said He cannot. You are the one saying He is unable to know something He doesn't want to know.

His inability to cease being what He is, or to do something against His character/something illogical is certainly not against His powers and abilities, i.e. omnipotence. Of course, the Bible never says He is omnipotent. But that's irrelevant.

You say God is omnipotent, and you believe He is unable to look away from something He doesn't want to look at.

Your rookie mistake is to confuse omnipotence and omniscience issues. They are not identical, but related.

If it is a possible object of certain knowlege, God knows it. The way He limits His knowledge of future issues is to allow contingencies vs determinism. The past, present, and future are also not identical (the past is fixed; the future is not yet).
Let's see you prove any of this Biblically.

With the exception of the past being fixed and the future not being so.

Academic Open Theism rightly affirms exhaustive past and present knowledge. The theories of LH and Clete go beyond most OT views, so the burden of proof is on you guys. Why can you say things without defense (beg question) and it is fine, but if I do, it is 'saying it does not make it so'?!
The Bible says it. I provided Scripture. What have you provided, from the Bible, that states the opposite of the verses I gave?


Well-known member
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Quoting a verse does not mean right interpretation necessarily. I gave an alternate, accepted interpretation to your verse.

Adam where are you? Rhetorical or hide and seek?


The Dark Knight
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Quoting a verse does not mean right interpretation necessarily. I gave an alternate, accepted interpretation to your verse.

Adam where are you? Rhetorical or hide and seek?
As per Adam I am not sure. But in the verses I quoted God was talking amongst Himself.

And your alternate, accepted interpretation assumes that God meant something other than what He said.

With regard to Adam it could be either, because His intentions for asking the question are not 100% clear.

Of course, you have to ask yourself, why did Adam [someone who knew God so personally] think he could hide from Him? Could he? Did God allow Adam that freedom?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
If a security camera or satellite could spot Adam, surely God could without having to walk to earth to check it out.

The Psalmist is correct that we cannot hide from God's presence. Open Theism biblically defines omniscience and omnipotence, but methinks you are going too far and compromising a biblical truth.

Remember, Open Theism rejects anthropomorphizing literal contexts, but it also does not make wooden literalisms of figurative verses.
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The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
If a security camera or satellite could spot Adam, surely God could without having to walk to earth to check it out.
Whether or not He could isn't the issue. Try using your brain.

And don't forget that God was already on the Earth, when He asked that question.

The Psalmist is correct that we cannot hide from God's presence. Open Theism biblically defines omniscience and omnipotence, but methinks you are going to far and compromising a biblical truth.
I'll give you five chances to offer me any and all verses that state God is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent.

Remember, Open Theism rejects anthropomorphizing literal contexts, but it also does not make wooden literalisms of figurative verses.
And? Your point?


Well-known member
I'll give you five chances to offer me any and all verses that state God is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent.

I'll take the easy one

Omnipotent: Omni (all) potent (mighty-powerful)

Exo 6:3 I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob as God Almighty[omnipotent-same word], but by my name 'I AM' I was not known to them.

Job 5:17 "Therefore, blessed is the man whom God corrects,
so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty [omnipotent].

Job 8:3 Does God pervert justice?
Or does the Almighty pervert what is right?

Eze 1:24 When they moved, I heard the sound of their wings — it was like the sound of rushing waters, or the voice of the Almighty, or the tumult of an army. When they stood still, they lowered their wings.

Hos 12:5 As for the LORD God Almighty,
the LORD is the name by which he is remembered!

Job 40:2 "Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct him?
Let the person who accuses God give him an answer!"

Okay, I'll take the others too

Omniscient: Omni (all) Scient (knowing)
Joh 21:17 Jesus said a third time, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" Peter was distressed that Jesus asked him a third time, "Do you love me?" and said, "Lord, you know everything [omniscient definition]. You know that I love you." Jesus replied, "Feed my sheep.

Mat 10:26 "Do not be afraid of them, for nothing is hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing is secret that will not be made known[omniscient definition].

1Ch 28:9 And you, Solomon my son, know the God of your father and serve Him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind. For Jehovah searches all hearts and understands all the imaginations of the thoughts[omniscient definition].

Omnipresent: Omni [All/everywhere] present [existing/seeing]

Jer 23:24 "Do you really think anyone can hide himself
where I cannot see him?" the LORD asks.
"Do you not know that I am everywhere?[omnipresent]"
the LORD asks.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Clete, let me see if I understand you, and OVT. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

You do not believe God is omniscient (all knowing), but do believe He is omnipotent (all powerful).
I believe that the classical understanding of omnipotent goes beyond Scripture. All power finds its origin in God but God has delegated power and authority to various members of His creation. He is, however, the highest authority in existence and as such is able to recall any delegated power at will. And as for what God is able to do, God can do anything that He wants to do that is not self-contradictory or absurd in some other way.

You base this on a theory that you believe puts God in a paradox.
It is not based on a theory. It is based on Scripture and sound reason.

The theory being that if God knows the outcome of everything (omniscient) then that would make God unable to change anything (powerless).
This is an interesting way to put it and I would agree with it as stated.

This theory takes away from His omniscience, but magnifies His omnipotence. (makes God powerful)
I disagree with this entirely. Open Theism isn't about the omni attributes, which are quantitative in nature. Rather, its about his qualitative attributes. It isn't about how big or about powerful God is or how much He knows. Its about His personhood, His wisdom, His justice and His love.

In other words for God to be omnipotent, there is no way that He can know the future (omniscient), because if He knows the future, He would be unable to change anything, which would take away His power (omnipotence). Therefore, if you take away God’s omniscience, God then does not know the future, and then God becomes omnipotent, and can interact with human beings by changing whatever He wants, and in the process, learns stuff.
I understand the line of thinking and I think it might even be a valid one but it is not the basis of the Open View.

Also, for you to believe God is omniscient, it would mean that His love for you is determined, and therefore God would not be able to change it, which would also mean that God has no choice. Hate then would not be a possibility since God has to have hate as a possibility in order to love you, according to you.
No, not "according to me". I did get to define the word "love". No one came to me and even got advice from me on how to define the word love. Love means what it means. If you think that love does not imply volition then that burden of proof is on you because you would be the one redefining the word, not me.

Having said that, you are much closer to the foundation of the Open View here than you were above. The Open Theist is willing to lay aside the quantitative attribute of God, which have their origin not in Scripture but in Neo-Platonic thought, in order to maintain a theology that is rationally consistent with God qualitative attributes such as His righteousness, wisdom and most importantly His love, all of which define what the Bible is about from beginning to end.

Is this what you believe?
Not exactly, no. I hope I've helped clear it up. Please ask any follow up questions you want.

Resting in Him,

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
The problem with this statement is that your theology creates a whole host of undesirable and potentially unanswerable questions.

Questions like:

- What security can be had in a world where God can be mistaken?

Have you even read the first few pages of the Bible? God wasn't mistaken in giving people free will.

Him making a prediction in the Bible is shown to be highly likely, but us having our own will can not do it. Now him making a promise to bring something to pass is differerent. And doesn't help you.


New member
Have you even read the first few pages of the Bible? God wasn't mistaken in giving people free will.

Uh, okay. I can't argue with that.

...which is precisely why I haven't. :squint:

Him making a prediction in the Bible is shown to be highly likely, but us having our own will can not do it.

I'm not positive I understand the point you are trying to make, but I think it boils down to something remarkably like, "God is a really, really, good guesser." :plain:

Now him making a promise to bring something to pass is differerent. And doesn't help you.

Again, not only don't I understand what you're trying to say, I fail to see it's relevance to the question.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
That's not really what I meant. I should have been more clear.
I know what you meant. My restating of it is the logical implication of your question.

What I mean is that if the possibility can exist that God could be mistaken, what security do we have in the promises He has made?
God is not a man, assuranceagent!
God can be trusted because He's God. He's existed forever and has never done anything other than to act in the best interest of others. Even when He punishes people He hates He is acting in the person's best interest!

If you can't trust God, who can you trust? Have you thought through that question? What if it turns out you can't trust God and in reality He's been lying to us all this whole time? What are you going to do about it? Its not as if you deserve God's love in the first place and so if God were to break His promise to save you then which of the two of you will have lost more? You will have gotten what you admit that you already deserve anyway but God will have lost His honor.

So the answer to your question is two fold. First of all God has an infinitely long track record which demonstrates His ability to choose love forever. Secondly, even if He didn't keep His word, you will end up no worse off for having trusted Him than you would have had you not.

Having said all that, the fact still remains that you are implying that God cannot be trusted unless He is incapable of choosing His own actions. You're implying that if God is capable in even the slightest degree of breaking His word, regardless of all other considerations, He is untrustworthy. You don't have that standard for your own parents and their mere human beings!

We can only trust those promises to the extent we can be certain of their fulfillment. What if an unknown variable makes the fulfillment of those promises untenable?
You are mistaking God for some super-human being. He is no such thing. God knowing something in advance isn't the only variable in the equation here. God is perfectly able to cause whatever need happen for His will to be fulfilled. And He doesn't make promises that He doesn't already know that He is able to fulfill. If some situation could occur that would effect some promise that God was considering making then He wouldn't make it in the first place without stating why it might not be fulfilled. Jeremiah 18 is an excellent example of this. God wanted to give Israel a Kingdom but they hated the King and so in keeping with Jeremiah 18, He didn't give them the Kingdom that He had promised (Romans 9).

I trust the loving God who inspired the verse because I believe that there is no capacity in Him for evil.
Then why did you feel the need to "clarify" your statement before?

This is what I said! You won't trust God unless He is altogether incapable of hurting you. It isn't because He's demonstrated His love for you but because He can't do it any other way. God, in you mind, doesn't love you because He decided to love you but because He couldn't have not loved you.

I believe He is only light and there is not darkness in Him.
I agree!

The difference is that you think that lightbulbs that are always on and are incapable of turning themselves off or burning out deserve moral credit for their trustworthy luminosity.

You've reduced God to an inanimate object!

I believe that God is only light and there is not darkness in Him because He has chosen to be that way.

And I believe that when our sanctification is complete and we are conformed to His image, the same will be said of us.
I agree!

But again, it will be because we will have been given the full power of the Spirit of God and will be righteous by choice, which is the only way to be righteous.

It is my opinion that you go too far in saying that prophecy 'fails.'
The Bible is full of prophesy that did not come to pass as stated.
Would you like me to quote them for you?

In fact, the Bible is clear that a prophet is known to be authentic or false on the basis of whether what he prophesies comes to pass. If the prophecy fails, so does the prophet.
It is you who are taking things too far. This pass fail test of prophesy is generally true but GOD HIMSELF states explicitly why a prophesy might not come to pass! The very same God who gives the test of a prophet that you mention also said that some prophesy may not come to pass! And He said it EXPLICITLY!

If I tell my son that I will respond with 'X' if he does 'A' and then he does 'B' and I respond 'Y', what I originally said did not fail and I was not mistaken. It is simply that the necessary trigger never occurred (likely as a result of my warning).
This is not the sort of prophesy failure that I am talking about. I'm talking about when God says that He will "without fail" do something and then He says later, that He will not do it.

Jeremiah 18 does no damage to my theological framework. See my previous comments.
Jeremiah 18 crushes your theological framework into splinters. According to you God word is pre-written history. According to Jeremiah it is not.

Let's suppose that in my example I told my son that if he threw a tantrum, he was going to get a spanking. My 'prophecy' to him is the vehicle by which I bring about my will. God does the same, albeit with more perfect and effectual result.
Amen! All prophesy is warning. However, God most often does not use the word "if".

This bears nothing on His foreknowledge and does not require Him to change His mind.
Of course it does! You haven't read your Bible.

God said that He would "without fail" drive out Israel's enemies from before them. A couple of chapters later, He changed His mind and told them that He would leave those enemies there because of Israel's evil. (Perfectly consistent with Jeremiah 18).

It is simply an 'A' leads to 'X'/'B' leads to 'Y' scenario for which only one side of the equation was made known.
"with out fail" is the words God Himself used.

For clarification of my position, I'll interject that I believe that God does have exhaustive control over every event that occurs, but I do not believe that He chooses to exert that control in every case.
The only reason to make such a caveat would be to make room for justice. In other words, you see, perhaps only intuitively the conflict between God having exhaustive control over every event that occurs and the concept of justice.

You are using the Open View paradigm here. You are placing God's quality of justice to trump the quantity of control He exerts over creation.

I agree in the sense that if God was exhaustively deterministic, He'd necessarily be the author of sin. I don't believe that God exhaustively ordains all that occurs.
This is the (or at least one of the) foundational building blocks of the settled view that you are undermining here. Plato would turn over in his grave.

I also don't believe that God 'risks' rejection to make love possible, but that's a whole 'nother debate.
No it isn't! That is THE WHOLE debate! That's the central point! The ONLY point! That's the whole Open View in a nutshell!

How in the world would you think that this is a different debate?

I'm not trying to be overly argumentative, but I fail to see how it is rational to believe that an omniscient God (omniscience as defined by the OV) could simply choose not to know something that could be known.
How is it not rational? God is able to do what He wants. How is it so difficult to imagine God turning His attention away from a wicked city like Sodom, for example? The Bible comes right out and says that God sent angels to investigate whether Sodom was as bad as He had been told. How is my position not rational?

It is my opinion that anthropomorphic understanding of those passages which seem contrary is both more rationally and more biblically consistent than trying to shoehorn a reconciliation that requires God to be willfully ignorant.
Anthropomorphisms are figures of speech. Figures of speech have meaning. When I say, "Let's hit the road." It means "Let's leave." What does the figure of speech mean when God said "I will go down now and see whether they have done altogether according to the outcry against it that has come to Me; and if not, I will know.”

What does that lengthy figure of speech mean?

Again, I fail to see the rationality of that statement.
For something to not be rational it has to contradict itself in some way.Where do you see a contradiction in my position?

Since God is present with His people (because He chooses to be) if He were to perchance witness one of them committing sin, can He then simply 'un-know' it?
The Bible tells us repeatedly that God remembers our sin no more. In that sense, yes, God can forget what He wants to forget.

Can He literally force Himself to forget what He has just witnessed?

Even so, we may simply have to agree to disagree here. Perhaps we can find common ground though: Can we agree that God, should He desire it, has within Him the capacity and ability to be omnipresent?
Yes! God is capable of being all places at once but is only in those places where He wants to be. He is not in Hell (i.e. the Lake of Fire), nor will He ever be. Not because He cannot be but because His absence is what defines the place's existence.

If one is irrational, so is the other. They pose the same argument.
They pose the same argument but that argument is not consistent with the settled view paradigm! If God has exhaustive foreknowledge it isn't that things simply will not happen, its that they cannot happen. I've presented the rational argument a hundred times. If you like I will post it again for you.

I'm not concerned about God hurting me. I'm concerned about ME hurting me.
Rhetorical mumbo-jumbo. If a person promises you something and then unjustly breaks that promise then you have been hurt. No matter how you slice it, if you're worried about God not fulfilling His promises, you're worried about being hurt by God.

We have all proven that if the capacity for rebellion exists, we will actualize it.
We humans have but there are lots of angels that have not rebelled and Jesus has the ability to rebel in the wilderness and didn't do it.

God is not a fallen human being!

God is not fickle, I am. You are. We all are.
All of us who are fallen in Adam are, yes but God is not in that category!

And yet it is a point that is lost to all the debate among godly men and women that suggests otherwise. Equally godly men and women have struggled with these very same questions for years. Decades. Even centuries.
This is true but it has nothing to do with how rational one position is over the other. This is true because most people make decision based on emotional considerations.

If your theological framework were truly as unassailable as you state, we wouldn't be on page 20 something of the third thread of this debate.
Anyone can assail anything! Look at the idiots that are on these threads debating this stuff! Not exactly the most rational group of people on the planet.

Which is essentially a meaningless statement. That's what EVERY theological framework attempts to do. And ATTEMPT is the key word in all of them.
Oh no it isn't what every theological framwork attempts to do!!!

Have you read any of Lon's most recent posts in response to me?

He openly advocates the notion that you cannot trust your own ability to rightly use logic! How in the Hell is one expected to have a rational theology if you, from the very beginning, undermine sound reason or your ability to recognize it?

And it isn't meaningless at all in any case! The point of it is that we formulate our theology from the objective foundations of Scripture and SOUND reason. That is to say that we don't get to just make up our theology as we go. We start with Scripture and proceed with sound reason. Thus any doctrine that is in contradiction to Scripture is false not because we don't like it but because sound reason insists that the contradictory (or otherwise irrational) is false! What other path is there to follow that makes any sense?

Resting in Him,

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Quoting a verse does not mean right interpretation necessarily. I gave an alternate, accepted interpretation to your verse.

Adam where are you? Rhetorical or hide and seek?

How about he wanted to see what Adam would say. Just as Genesis 2 stated, to see what Adam would call them.

Uh, okay. I can't argue with that.

...which is precisely why I haven't. :squint:

I'm not positive I understand the point you are trying to make, but I think it boils down to something remarkably like, "God is a really, really, good guesser." :plain:

Again, not only don't I understand what you're trying to say, I fail to see it's relevance to the question.

Well, the Bible indicates he does not have a crystal ball. And since he comments on how certain babies were formed in the womb, he can make predictions or know what is likely to happen.

Genesis says God repented that he made man. God doesn't just repent on a whim like a man. He surely thought it out. Now justifiy that, or pretend like you don't know what "is" is.


New member
Only potentially.
So we could possibly fall all over again? I should probably build that bomb shelter I've been thinking about.

Any that might exist would instantly be removed.
I do not believe that any will actually exist in the first place.
And you have no Scripture to back these assumptions up. None.

How will it be avoided?

Through the power of the Holy Spirit of God. We (and the Jews that live in the New Jerusalem) will maintain our righteousness by the same power that God maintains His own. Indeed, our righteous (those of us in the Body of Christ) is the righteousness of God.
There will be no need for God to be a control-freak in order to ensure that we don't screw everything up all over again. We will be given new Resurrection bodies and we will dwell in a New Heaven and a New Earth.

Of course we do not know how all of this works but it is not necessary to know how it works. The point is that if there is not choice there is no love because love is a choice.
I agree that love is a choice, but love can also be an involuntary action. Consider a wife who is beaten by her husband on a regular basis, but does not seek a divorce. There may be several reasons for her reluctance to be free-- she may fear punishment, she may be ashamed, but she may also love him despite the pain he causes her. Love is biological, love is emotional, love is sometimes impulsive.

By the way, did you think that the trap you were waiting to spring on me was going to throw me into fits and stump me or something?
A trap? Good heavens. I was simply pointing out a major flaw in your beliefs.

I dare you to answer tough questions about your theology with the straight forward and direct answers I offer in defense of mine.
Your straight forward answers are most admirable. Your unwarranted ad hominem attacks are not.


New member
Oh, and I would like to add some Scriptural support for my position...

Rev 21:3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying: "Look! The residence of God is among human beings. He will live among them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them.
Rev 21:4 He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death will not exist any more — or mourning, or crying, or pain, for the former things have ceased to exist."
Rev 21:5 And the one seated on the throne said: "Look! I am making all things new!" Then he said to me, "Write it down, because these words are reliable11 and true.
Everything will be wiped clean. No mourning, no crying, no pain. "Hate" fits neatly under the category of "everything". There will be no hate in the New Heaven and New Earth, but there will be more than enough love to go around.

1Jo 3:2 Dear friends, we are God's children now, and what we will be has not yet been revealed. We know that whenever it is revealed we will be like him, because we will see him just as he is.
John says we will be like God, but you say that we will have the capacity for hate. So, tell me, does God have the capacity to hate us? He hates sin for sure, but what about his own children?


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I'll take the easy one

Omnipotent: Omni (all) potent (mighty-powerful)

Exo 6:3 I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob as God Almighty[omnipotent-same word], but by my name 'I AM' I was not known to them.

Job 5:17 "Therefore, blessed is the man whom God corrects,
so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty [omnipotent].

Job 8:3 Does God pervert justice?
Or does the Almighty pervert what is right?

Eze 1:24 When they moved, I heard the sound of their wings — it was like the sound of rushing waters, or the voice of the Almighty, or the tumult of an army. When they stood still, they lowered their wings.

Hos 12:5 As for the LORD God Almighty,
the LORD is the name by which he is remembered!

Job 40:2 "Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct him?
Let the person who accuses God give him an answer!"

Almighty does not mean "all powerful.":nono:

Okay, I'll take the others too

Omniscient: Omni (all) Scient (knowing)
Joh 21:17 Jesus said a third time, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" Peter was distressed that Jesus asked him a third time, "Do you love me?" and said, "Lord, you know everything [omniscient definition]. You know that I love you." Jesus replied, "Feed my sheep.
This you take literally...:rolleyes:

What version are you using here, by the way? All the ones I checked said, "all things."

And if you're wondering why this verse doesn't work for you, it's because there is no definition of "everything," as Peter meant it.

"Do not be afraid of them, for nothing is hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing is secret that will not be made known[omniscient definition].
This one really doesn't work.:doh:
And you, Solomon my son, know the God of your father and serve Him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind. For Jehovah searches all hearts and understands all the imaginations of the thoughts[omniscient definition].
Still not pertaining to omniscience.:nono:

Why does He have to search the hearts if He already knows them?

Omnipresent: Omni [All/everywhere] present [existing/seeing]

Jer 23:24 "Do you really think anyone can hide himself
where I cannot see him?" the LORD asks.
"Do you not know that I am everywhere?[omnipresent]"
the LORD asks.
I really have to ask what version you are using here. This does not coalesce with the KJV, NKJV, or NASB.


New member
Almighty does not mean "all powerful.":nono:

I don't need to argue for Lon, but I couldn't help this one. I never cease to get a chuckle out of all the things you know and are so sure about that simply aren't so. :chuckle:

al⋅might⋅y   [awl-mahy-tee] Show IPA Pronunciation
1. having unlimited power; omnipotent, as God.



The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I don't need to argue for Lon, but I couldn't help this one. I never cease to get a chuckle out of all the things you know and are so sure about that simply aren't so. :chuckle:

al⋅might⋅y   [awl-mahy-tee] Show IPA Pronunciation
1. having unlimited power; omnipotent, as God.

That definition was made with the preconception that God was omnipotent.


New member
Just FYI, Lighthouse. You'd have a lot more credibility around here if you could simply admit when you're mistaken.

I'm not taking your argument away, you are free to continue to try to assert (baselessly) that God lacks omnipotence, but you can't very well maintain that the definition of the word is flawed on the basis that it's inconvenient to your point.

That's like getting caught stealing red-handed and trying to explain it away by arguing that you were only going to 'borrow it.'