Lon, what do you mean when you speak of foreknowledge"?
Are you saying that God actually gains knowledge about the future in some way?
William Ames was one of the foremost of Reformed thinkers, often known as "the Learned Doctor Ames" because of his great intellectual stature among Puritans, said:
"Thereis properly only one act of the will in God because in Him all things are simultaneous and there is nothing before or after. So there is only decree about the end and means, but for the manner of understanding we say that, so far as intention is concerned, God wills the end before the means." (William Ames, The Marrow of Theology, translation and introduction by John,Dystra, Eudsen, [Boston: The Pilgrim Press, 1968], 153-154).
According to Ames all things in the eternal state are "simultaneous and there is nothing before or after." And since all things with God are "simultaneous" then the idea of Him having a "foreknowledge" of anything is an oxymoron, is it not?
Another respected person within the Calvinists community is Loraine Boettner and he wrote:
"We are creatures of time, and often fail to take into consideration the fact that God is not limited as we are. That which appears to us as 'past,' 'present,' and 'future,' is all 'present' to His mind. It is an eternal 'now'...Just as He sees at one glance a road leading from New York to San Francisco, while we see only a small portion of it as we pass over it, so He sees all events in history, past, present, and future at one glance" (Loraine Boettner, The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination; Chapter VI [Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1932]).
Since God sees the past, present and FUTURE in one glance then there is really no such thing as "FOREknowledge" with Him, is there?