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Of course it does, and every corporation is made up of specific individuals.
However, you don't need have foreknowledge of every individual to make predictions about the group.
Of course it does, and every corporation is made up of specific individuals.
Perhaps God doesn't make the choices or cause the actions of the people directly. He just foreknows the choices all individuals will make. He knew the evil Chief Priest and had Jesus born and live so they would interact appropriately to have an unblemished lamb shed His blood to pay for your sins.
Ahh, the internet. In general, persons that rely upon the internet to cherry-pick arguments in hopes of bolstering their own should take heed that they may encounter others who are more informed about the full spectrum of the issues that they are attempting to argue or persuade.Exhaustive, definite foreknowledge and free will are incompatible. link
Knowledge of the exact course of events isn't necessary for the prophecy to be fulfilled.
However, you don't need have foreknowledge of every individual to make predictions about the group.
It's not a prediction.
Rom 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also DID predestinate to BE CONFORMED to the IMAGE of his SON, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
How can something happen to the unit, if the individuals of that unit are not affected?
Rom 8:30 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.
It's pretty clear that those God foreknew would make up the Body were identified
with Jesus Christ, justified with him, and identified in his glorification.
No, Paul is speaking of those who are already saved. God foreknows that He will save those who believe, and this describes those who believe. There isn't any need to foreknow the individuals who will be glorified.
Another INTENTIONAL lie!
AMR MUST know that this is not true! It doesn't follow in any way!
AMR used the word "necessarily". I'd like for him to present the syllogism that proves that claim! He won't do it because he can't! There simply isn't any such rational argument that exists. Foreknowledge is a sufficient condition to falsify free will but not because the foreknowledge it causative in any way but simply because the conditions that allow foreknowledge to exist are mutually exclusive to free will. Its like when you put a piece of litmus paper into a liquid and it gives a PH reading of 4.2. That is sufficient to prove that the liquid is an acid. The litmus paper didn't cause it to be an acid, it just proved that it was.
Foreknowledge in no way causes anything! None of the arguments any of us have ever put forward even mention causation as a premise in the argument! It doesn't matter what causes the action! The action could have been caused by the Tooth Fairy for all we know! The point is that the acting agent's will didn't cause it and yet the acting agent is held responsible for his action anyway. That is unjust, by God's own definition of justice!
Resting in Him,
The corrected statement in that post: "No, the Calvinist does not believe foreknowledge is causal. Openists erroneously believe the Calvinist view of foreknowledge means that it is causal."
My corrected response:
As we've said before, if God were to give exhaustive foreknowledge to one of His creatures, we certainly wouldn't say that created creature caused anything at all. Even with exhaustive foreknowledge.
Thus, knowledge, whether it be exhaustive or labeled "calvinist" is not causal.
AMR went on in a subsequent post to quote what I've said about knowledge and causation:
Creation plus foreknowledge is the definition of a computer program. And by necessity a computer program cannot have will.
What we see is RobE's complete inability to use his pea sized brain.And we see here --- "It doesn't matter what causes the action!" --- the lie which Clete has swallowed whole.
It can only be your will that causes it if it wasn't determined before you (and thus your will) existed and if your having done otherwise was a real possibility, you blithering idiot!It does matter. If your own will is what causes the action then it remains free. It is only unfree if some outside force causes it!
So what? This is completely irrelevant to the argument.All actions have preceeding causes. Otherwise, they would not occur.
Oh, yes he is! You're just too stupid to detect it.AMR is not lying as Clete claims.
Wrong! You might just be stupid enough to not have known this was false when you stated it and so while you are a complete imbecile, I can't rightly accuse you of lying here.If God foreknows the future and creates it as a reality, then Clete's dishonest belief deduces that God's foreknowledge caused the action.
AMR is an intentional liar. I can't remember the last time he engaged the debate in an honest manner. He distorts the Open View at every opportunity and does so intentionally. He is a liar - pure and simple.Is there any other interpretation? Will Clete retract his dishonest statement about AMR lying?
No this qualifies as a lie! You know full well that no one has ever suggested any such thing. But that does matter to you at all, does it?Why do acts of the will have to be completely random to be free?
A program executes based on the instructions provided by the programmer.
If God foreknows the future, but he didn't execute the program, nor did I execute the program (since I have no will), then who brought about the foreknown events?
The tooth fairy, as Clete suggested?
How did Christianity survive before the printing press? Before the Enlightenment? Before the academy? Before Sunday School? Before bible dictionaries and commentaries? Modernism has done more to convince Christians (especially in the West) of what they can't possibly know to the point that they have forgotten WHO they CAN know. Our knowledge of God is possible because we have the Holy Spirit to 'remind us' of all that 'Jesus taught and did' and to lead us into all truth. The scriptures and the academy are secondary to the presence of the risen Master of our discipleship. That is neither to minimize nor exaggerate the importance of scripture and teaching and the role the ecclesia might play in discipleship.
As important as it is not to say to little, we must also be careful not to say to much. Before bibles were readily available, the church of necessity held the prominent place of authority. As scripture circulated more widely it became clear to the 'laity' and honest clergy that the church was abusing its authority and the bible became the authority; 'scripture alone' served as the litmus test for checks and balances in knowing the truth. Through 'scientific' methods Modern theologies have done everything they can to strip the scriptures of what is 'unknowable' leaving us with little more than an ancient Palestinian Jew with the big head and a biblical account that is exaggerated by myth. Surely the One who changed water to wine can change our thinking as He disciples us with the help of scripture and the Spirit and the fellowship of believers.
God help us! The remedy is not some knee-jerk reaction that exaggerates the 'Omnis' through proof texting, but an honest faith that humbly seeks understanding in a triune God. 'Faith alone!' Faith in a risen savior who is Lord over all things for the church; Faith that as we open the bible we do so with full expectation that God will speak to us and give us understanding, not merely lead us to a proof text to reinforce our preconceived theologies; Faith that when we gather in His name He is present not as referee, but as Servant of God and servant to man. It is only under the Lordship of Jesus as the final authority in heaven and on earth that scripture and fellowship smooth out and we begin to understand our role as servants of Christ Jesus - being disciples and making disciples.
Nit-picking comes naturally; you were born with it: specks in the eye that become logs with enough mishandled scripture and divided fellowships. The only cure is to be 'born again' - born from above - born of the Spirit and that comes only and entirely by grace through faith.
Of course it does, and every corporation is made up of specific individuals.
The foreknowledge is primarily corporate.
To take Romans 8:28-31 at a face value/common sense approach would be to believe that God foreknew the individuals who make up the "whom". You can't take it at face value because you are convinced that it's illogical.
I think we'd all be better off to just believe God and let every man
constructed logic "proof" be a liar.
The Rapture defies logic and the laws of physics, yet you can believe that![]()
The only way you would believe that is if those were the only 4 verses of Scripture you had ever read.To take Romans 8:28-31 at a face value/common sense approach would be to believe that God foreknew the individuals who make up the "whom". You can't take it at face value because you are convinced that it's illogical.
This very sentence is constructed of logic! You cannot escape logic, STP! Your every attempt is a self-defeating dive into a world where no proposition can be declared true or false. Without logic, knowledge is impossible.I think we'd all be better off to just believe God and let every man
constructed logic "proof" be a liar.
The Rapture doesn't defy logic! In what way is the Rapture logically incoherent (i.e. not self-consistent)? Which of the laws of reason does the doctrine violate?The Rapture defies logic and the laws of physics, yet you can believe that![]()
The Rapture doesn't defy logic! In what way is the Rapture logically incoherent (i.e. not self-consistent)? Which of the laws of reason does the doctrine violate?
And the Rapture is a super-natural event and so who would expect for it to conform to the laws of physics?
Uh . . .you just introduced a logical contradiction . . .
You are the stupidest person alive!
Of course it does, and every corporation is made up of specific individuals.
To take Romans 8:28-31 at a face value/common sense approach would be to believe that God foreknew the individuals who make up the "whom". You can't take it at face value because you are convinced that it's illogical.
I think we'd all be better off to just believe God and let every man
constructed logic "proof" be a liar.
The Rapture defies logic and the laws of physics, yet you can believe that![]()
I think we'd all be better off to just believe God and let every man
constructed logic "proof" be a liar.