Yorzhik said:
Right. That's the point. "God could not tell you how your palms would be"
God knows, but He cannot say!
RobE said:
A note before I answer: This response will include an insult, but only for practical purposes. The insult is merely a label that applies to this situation, and it is the most effective thing to initiate change, despite its chances of actually being a catalyst for change. It's also the most efficient and effective way to express the depth of intellectual difficulty RobE has gotten himself into.
"SO WHAT"?!?!?! You idiot! You've just relegated your god to the same script the rest of us are in! The real question now becomes: who's the real God? Who's the script-maker for your god, this god that knows but cannot say?
RobE continues:
God can't tell you how they will be in this scenario because it will cause a rebellion within you changing the outcome. Again, so what? It doesn't mean that God doesn't know where you palms would be.
Just a side-note here; it doesn't matter whether rebellious people are the only people with will. HOWEVER, there is no rebellion contained in this scenario.
Neither turning your palms nor deciding to put your palms the other way is sinful. Try it with your wife.
Remember, God is not commanding you to put your palms a certain way in this scenario. He's just telling you how your palms will be (or knowing via divine-infinite-foreknowledge but
not telling :rotfl

Yorzhik said:
Get it? It's a logical contradiction. You have a few choices:
1. Don't get rid of the logical contradiction, just say "God can do the logically contradictory.
2. Say that mankind does not have a will.
3. Say that God does not know the future exhaustively.
That's it. You can create a 4th choice, but all choices after these 3 are "I'm illogical and nothing I say matters".
What's your choice RobE? Or are you going to retract "God could not tell you how your palms would be"?
RobE said:
What do options 1,2, and 3 have to do with God saying something to a rebellious individual? You're sure drawing a lot of conclusions from this. I'm interested in the thinking so why don't you explain where your conclusions come from?
First, it doesn't matter if it's a rebellious individual or not. HOWEVER, this scenario doesn't happen to include a rebellious individual.
So what's your choice? 1, 2, or 3? Or maybe you can find a way out of "what I say doesn't matter". Remember, there is no rebellion cited in this scenario.