ARCHIVE: Open Theism part 1

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Now we know you are going to hell!!!!

I know it's a far drive, but bring some funyon to stack on and wear a sweater(I hear it is still cold in hell), but bring back a t-Shirt! And tell Clete not to stay too long while you are over there.

You win!
Of course it is cold in hell. The Colts won the Super Bowl, didn't they?

Nathon Detroit

Interesting ideas, Pat. I have to say you are stepping outside the boundaries of what Scripture says and delving into moderrn physics and philosophy.

That's all right, but you seem to doing the same thing that Christians in the Middle Ages are accused of doing by delving into philosophy. Remember Christian theologians only delved into the philosophy to defend the Church against ideas that were being rediscovered from the Greeks.

In fact, some of the Greek arguments against Christianity seem to follow open theism thinking.

Define what you mean as "thing" when you speak of the future and how do you perceive what "future" is.


Look everyone, Johnny Boy is back! Yay. :rolleyes:


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Define what you mean as "thing" when you speak of the future and how do you perceive what "future" is.

Next you'll be asking him to define what "is" really is. :freak:


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Are is was.

How are we to get "are" right when we haven't even established what "is" is?

And now you want to bring up "was"? :doh:


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Is was.

What will be, will not necessarily be.

Whoa!! That's really insightful. I think I'm gettin' it now.

Philetus said:
How in the world are you, my favorite smacker?

Just a tad on the delerious side, finding myself hallucinating at times, sometimes seeing things in the room that aren't there due to lack of sleep.

But other than that, I'm great, how 'bout yourself?


New member
Whoa!! That's really insightful. I think I'm gettin' it now.

Just a tad on the delerious side, finding myself hallucinating at times, sometimes seeing things in the room that aren't there due to lack of sleep.

But other than that, I'm great, how 'bout yourself?

Only insightful at four in the AM. Tomorrow it will seem different. But, hey, living for the now. Pushing the OV boundaries.


Blessed beyond measure
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Only insightful at four in the AM. Tomorrow it will seem different. But, hey, living for the now. Pushing the OV boundaries.


This flying monkey over here keeps telling me it's his turn to use the computer so I guess it's only fair. :wave2:



Active member
How are we to get "are" right when we haven't even established what "is" is?

And now you want to bring up "was"? :doh:

What was is, is what is but not now what is is just a while ago. Was is is, is is, but before now. So really was is is but not as in is as now.


New member
Hey Patman, is there anyway to hide the last dozen or so post before anyone sees em?

Oops, to late. Clete's reading.


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Patman: Hey Lonster, I didn't think you would ever talk to me again.
How come?

My point to E4E was in response to the, what I think of as, ODD thought process the SV has to go through to come to in order to believe.
Here I'm seeing a difference in our perspectives. God is the power for this belief. It is a quickening of the soul more than a thought process. I came to Christ when I was 7. I had not a lot of thought processes going on. It was rather simple. I knew I needed a Savior as a sinner.
If God repents from something he said, SV says he meant to repent all along, even when he originally said he would do what he repented of. That's just ODD.
The conundrum is again, in trying to fit God into our context. God just doesn't fit. This isn't anti-intellectual, it is super-intellectual.
The verses you shared are great. As an Open Theist I completely agree. His words are here to stay.

I am just going to quote those:

19 “God is not a man, that He should lie,
Nor a son of man, that He should repent.
Has He said, and will He not do?
Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?

Yeah, I think so. But the logic shown by many S.V. means God did lie, do you agree? noAnd repent in the fashion of repenting of lying is not the repenting that God does and proudly proclaims he will do in the event that we repent first.
You bolded the print, I concur. God does not lie.
I know you may never become an Open Theist. All along you have shown no interest in changing your mind no matter what we showed you because it just wasn't for you.
It hasn't been purported as a strong theological position. I believe it has gotten many things wrong. So yes, you are right, it isn't for me. I do appreciate the strenuous exercise it gives for a theological work-out. I appreciate the rigor in which you debate. I appreciate your commitment to the doctrines you hold, even though I see them as incorrect.
But on the other hand, I did make the change. I can't believe I read verses such as the ones you present in the way I did. The OV makes much better use of scripture.

Clete said that the difference between our views is likened to the percentage of how much we can understand concerning God. SV, he said might be considered1% while OV is likened unto 50%. When we don't even use 10% or our brains, I find this unlikely, but it does very much point to a foundational difference that is telling. When someone says 'your view of God is too small' what they really mean is that your self-perception of Him is too large. I get canned concerning anti-intellectualism often enough, to point to a basic philosophical difference. I believe it is telling more of our approaches than actual banter. (Romans 12:3; 1 Corinthians 1:20,21,25; 2:4,5,14;3:19; 2 Corinthians 1:12; Ephesians 1:17;Colossians 1:9). My perception is that we are in the 1% club, however intelligent I may or may not be.
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