New member
Originally posted by ItsInTheEyes
No, no, no, you've got it all wrong. Ken is not HOMOsexual, he's METROsexual.![]()
What's METROsexual?
Originally posted by ItsInTheEyes
No, no, no, you've got it all wrong. Ken is not HOMOsexual, he's METROsexual.![]()
It's a homofriendly male.Originally posted by SOTK4ever
What's METROsexual?![]()
Originally posted by Tye Porter
It's a homofriendly male.
Somebody who tolerates that lifestyle.
Originally posted by Tye Porter It's actually a hetro male who mosturizes!
Originally posted by Baptist101
Have you solved the mystery?
Is Ken Gay.
TOL, ( RE: TruthSeeker45 is Banned! )
( Warning: This thread will be banned! )
I still can't believe Knight ban me over something so minor compared to others on TOL including Knight himself. Telling members to, "Go to hell, jerk", among other colorful or hateful remarks. It amounts to, life for jaywalking compared to, a slap on the wrist for murder! Such hypocrisy! But it is knights web site ( So I heard! ) And he has the freedom to do whatever he pleases (right or wrong, it doesn't matter ). This will probably be my last Posting unless Knight or Sozo are willing to debate their beliefs ( I doubt it! ). Knight, are you a man or WHAT! Ken, the gay doll is more man than Knight. ( CHIT-CHAT FORUM )
I wonder if freak, Sozo, and knight are related? To begin with, all three are blinded by pride, hate, lies, etc. They get hateful towards those who don't agree with them. Then, the name calling starts.
As you can see on the membership list, many leave without ever posting (smart!). Although the list states 3250 members, I'm sure it's more like 100 or less who post on a regular basis. Also the multiple user names some have. So far I have seven user names. (knight keeps banning me. :darwinsm: ) Free e-mail service is almost limitless! Or, just change E-mail names.
I was foolish enough to believe I could open some eyes (or be used to open eyes). I'm not sure if anyone changed their position on TOL. Most here are firmly entrenched in their beliefs (and I wasted all this time! :doh: Not really.)
The day of judgment is going to be very interesting. I hope you repent before that time Knight!:angel: As Jesus said, many or most will believe themselves to be saved but will in fact be lost.
TheologyOnLine is no doubt the most fun, entertaining, educational Theology forum on the internet. At TheologyOnLine you can fellowship, teach, learn, rebuke, convince, listen, repent, love, demonstrate righteous indignation, battle, debate, laugh, cry and experience just about every other emmotion possible.
Yeah, Right, Knight!
Rebuke! Just don't Rebuke Knight.
Demonstrate righteous indignation! Just don't do it to Knight.
DEBATE! Just don't debate knight. He'll ban you.
Just more Lies on TOL. Sad. No wonder very few stay?
Knight only Loves the Bozo's and Freaks of the world. Three peas in the same Pod. Scared to death of having an official debate. :shocked:
I wonder how many thousands were scared away when they viewed TOL's forums?:shocked:
Knight and his gay doll would have scared me away, or the fact knight and others tell members to, go to hell or they are going to hell. It's like Satan telling Jesus, "You need to get saved. Let me show you how" OK!
Anyway, Merry Christmas ( Jesus is the reason for the season )
David aka: TruthSeeker45
It really is scandalous that you banned me over something so minor. You were rebuked and challenged to a debate. But, like the coward you are, you chose to run and ban me. Your precious feelings got hurt! You love to dish it out but you can't take it!
Going back and re-reading some of Sozo's post/threads, I'm appalled that he was allowed to get away with all he has done and said. It really is, hypocrisy at its worse!
I was going to copy and paste some of his remarks, but there are so many! Here's just one minor example: There are hundreds of these examples!
Originally posted by Big Finn,
Well, tell us just what this witness is. Is it cursing and swearing at people who disagree with you?
Sozo said, "If it is directed at liars and perverters of the message of the gospel, then yes whatever it takes to shut the mouths of fools."
(knight, Just think if we all believed this way!)
Freak is not much better! Of course when you have no law to keep ( knight believes all of God's laws were nailed to the cross ) anything goes!
I know you will ban me again. I could keep coming back under a different name but I won't. As I said, I was just about ready to leave anyway. I was waiting for you or Sozo to accept my last offer to debate what you really believe. Again you both chickened out. All mouth but NO debate! What are you afraid of? The Truth!
Knight, go back and worry about your gay doll, Ken. Something you can handle. :darwinsm:
If anyone wishes to have a serious discussion, you can e-mail me at
David ( TruthSeeker45)
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Originally posted by Wamba the Fool
:shocked: Where'd this thread come from!?
Originally posted by Poly
Wunnerful, ain't it?
Originally posted by BillyBob
Is that a Ken Doll or a 'Lighthouse' Doll?