Knight said:That's rat fink and rat fink likes halloween.
Cool, sorry to derail the topic a little bit, but I was just wondering. I can dig it.
Knight said:That's rat fink and rat fink likes halloween.
Do a web search on Rat Fink and you will see he has a "hip" and extensive history.TobiasKage said:Cool, sorry to derail the topic a little bit, but I was just wondering. I can dig it.
Knight said:Uh dude... are you kidding?
You may not agree with me on things but you may want to know the facts a bit better.
There is only one Holy Bible.
The Koran and the Book of Mormon are not part of the Bible.
Knight said:Do a web search on Rat Fink and you will see he has a "hip" and extensive history.
Superman is gay.TobiasKage said:I'm a 20 year old guy who idolizes Superman, so, I dont think I'm one to talk about odd or weird.
I also agree that the number of different translations is getting out of hand. I stick to about 3. My pastor will use several during a sermon and I don't like it. Usually he will at least quote several for each verse so it's not quite as bad, but still.TobiasKage said:I'm not sayng that they are. My point was that these religions that are comproble in size to christianity, and have similar pull, all have one book with one translation. And while there is one book with the name Holy Bible on it, you guys cant agree on which one should be used. You have some who say use NKJ, or NIV, or countless other versions. My point is this, why not just have one single translation of the book its self.
None of those other books have the historical, geographical, rational, logical, civil, moral accuracy that the Bible has, therefore we can objectively reject the other books and accept the one true holy book (the Bible).TobiasKage said:I'm not sayng that they are. My point was that these religions that are comproble in size to christianity, and have similar pull, all have one book with one translation. And while there is one book with the name Holy Bible on it, you guys cant agree on which one should be used. You have some who say use NKJ, or NIV, or countless other versions. My point is this, why not just have one single translation of the book its self.
Knight said:Superman is gay.
I agree.kmoney said:I also agree that the number of different translations is getting out of hand. I stick to about 3. My pastor will use several during a sermon and I don't like it. Usually he will at least quote several for each verse so it's not quite as bad, but still.
But I don't see how different translations mean that the HS isn't clear. Man has translated the bible different times for probably practical reasons, in that some are easier to read than others. They aren't doing it to change any meaning. Of course when changing words people can read the same verse in different translations and get 2 slightly different meanings, but the crux of the gospel is still there.
Knight said:None of those other books have the historical, geographical, rational, logical, civil, moral accuracy that the Bible has, therefore we can objectively reject the other books and accept the one true holy book (the Bible).
Smart people (like yourself) will find this out if they investigate.
I also think that reading it in the original form, or as close as possible, is best. That's why versions like "The Message" annoy me, unless they are used along with a more direct version.TobiasKage said:I could agrue that with you Knight, but that is for a different thread, I have done my research and that was one of the reasons I left the faith. But like I said, an argument for another time.
Thats not what I'm calling into question either, all I want to know is why these other books have on translation, and christians have hundreds, if not thousands.
Did you know that Muslims believe that if you translate the Koran out of the original language it loses all meaning and is usless. In order to fully understand it you need to read it in the original form. I find that interesting.
We take The Word of God very serious, indeed, because we would stake our lives on It's Truth, but a printed book is not our God, as is the case with Muslims. They don't know what they worship, or what they stumble over, since they're in darkness. We worship The Living God, Who is Spirit, not a book. Jesus is The Living Word, and He lives in us. We worship Emmanuel, God with us. We don't diefy a stack of paper, or even stone tablets. They are religious, we are free from that bondage. They are infidels, whose greatest enemy is the Jews and the Christians who know that the religion they have is from the devil, designed to make Judaism and Christianity appear demonic to the whole world.kmoney said:Muslims tend to take the Koran more seriously than Christians take the bible. That is why they will like kill you if you defile the Koran.
kmoney said:I also think that reading it in the original form, or as close as possible, is best. That's why versions like "The Message" annoy me, unless they are used along with a more direct version.
Muslims tend to take the Koran more seriously than Christians take the bible. That is why they will like kill you if you defile the Koran.
Where do you get that from?TobiasKage said:Thats true, a good Muslim knows the Koran by heart, a good christian knows a few key bible verses.
I agree, but they believe that if you defile that you are defiling the insprired word of Allah. A belief like that can be taken to extremes and can be full of a religious spirit, but I don't know if the belief in itself is that bad.Aimiel said:We take The Word of God very serious, indeed, because we would stake our lives on It's Truth, but a printed book is not our God, as is the case with Muslims. They don't know what they worship, or what they stumble over, since they're in darkness. We worship The Living God, Who is Spirit, not a book. Jesus is The Living Word, and He lives in us. We worship Emmanuel, God with us. We don't diefy a stack of paper, or even stone tablets. They are religious, we are free from that bondage. They are infidels, whose greatest enemy is the Jews and the Christians who know that the religion they have is from the devil, designed to make Judaism and Christianity appear demonic to the whole world.
Aimiel said:We take The Word of God very serious, indeed, because we would stake our lives on It's Truth, but a printed book is not our God, as is the case with Muslims. They don't know what they worship, or what they stumble over, since they're in darkness. We worship The Living God, Who is Spirit, not a book. Jesus is The Living Word, and He lives in us. We worship Emmanuel, God with us. We don't diefy a stack of paper, or even stone tablets. They are religious, we are free from that bondage. They are infidels, whose greatest enemy is the Jews and the Christians who know that the religion they have is from the devil, designed to make Judaism and Christianity appear demonic to the whole world.
kmoney said:Where do you get that from?