ARCHIVE: God's mass-murder in the flood


Ethics as taught by Jesus

Ethics as taught by Jesus

There be eunuchs which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it. (Matthew 19:12) (Mutilate yourself for God. (And I thought circumcision was barbaric!)

If you do something wrong with your eye or hand, cut/pluck it off (Matthew 5:29-30, in a sexual context).

Marrying a divorced woman is adultery. (Matthew 5:32)

Don't plan for the future. (Matthew 6:34)

Don't save money. (Matthew 6:19-20)

Don't become wealthy. (Mark 10:21-25)

Sell everything and give it to the poor. (Luke 12:33)

Don't work to obtain food. (John 6:27)

Don't have sexual urges. (Matthew 5:28)

Make people want to persecute you. (Matthew 5:11)

Let everyone know you are better than the rest. (Matthew 5:13-16)

Take money from those who have no savings and give it to rich investors. (Luke 19:23-26)

If someone steals from you, don't try to get it back. (Luke 6:30)

If someone hits you, invite them to do it again. (Matthew 5:39)

If you lose a lawsuit, give more than the judgment. (Matthew 5:40)

If someone forces you to walk a mile, walk two miles. (Matthew 5:41)

If anyone asks you for anything, give it to them without question. (Matthew 5:42

"If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." (Luke 14:26) (Don't be a family man.

"I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household." (Matthew 10:35-36)

"And that servant [slave], which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes." (Luke 12:47) (Beat your slaves.)

What Jesus said against slavery: NOTHING

What Jesus said against rape: NOTHING

What Jesus said against social injustice: NOTHING

God isn't evil?

Nathon Detroit

Ahhh how cute... smothers got himself a "Things your church doesn't want you to know" book. :rolleyes:

Just a heads up to you smothers....

These claims against God are old and lame and have been refuted about a billion times.

Surely you can do better.

Can't you?


I guess you would rather criticize the facts than confront them? Ad hominem attacks and unsubstantiated claims are easier than thinking isn't it?

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by smothers
I guess you would rather criticize the facts than confront them? Ad hominem attacks and unsubstantiated claims are easier than thinking isn't it?

Maybe if you did some "thinking" of your own, we would take you more seriously. Until then.... you are a cartoon.


New member
Hall of Fame
"What Jesus said against slavery: NOTHING

What Jesus said against rape: NOTHING

What Jesus said against social injustice: NOTHING"

What Jesus said about the law: that it was not going to pass away. And that those who love him would keep the law.

Smothers, get over yourself.



New member
There are 2 fundamental classes of cognizant entities: creator and creature.

The creator makes the laws, both physical and moral. The creature is subject to those laws.
The creator judges the creature, not the reverse.

When the creature uses the very breath that the creator affords him, to criticize (i.e. call evil) his creator, it is the height of arrogance, impropriety and wickedness.

smothers presumes to call God on the carpet, as if the creator is obliged to give account to His creatures. I'll just step back and let you go ahead there big cheese. Methinks you will be in for a rude awakening.


Just because the creator made the physical/moral laws do not make them just. Conidering the amount of evil commited by commision and ommision of your God, His followers, His Church and His creation, I think He deserves to be called on the carpet, don't you?

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by smothers

Besides calling me names (I'm noticing a trend here.), what is your point?

You are right... there is a trend here.

Did you ever consider that the reason people call you names is that you are deserving of the titles?

You see....

TOL has been around a looooonnng time.

And during that time many, many debates have taken place. Most of these debates are interesting.... others aren't. And during this time TOL "regulars" have become very aware and astute at picking out those posters that are interested in serious conversation and those that aren't. It is also very easy to spot those that "copy paste" pre-existing arguments and attempt to pass them off as their own.

You happen to be one of the more transparent posters in TOL history.

Congratulations! You're clear! :first:


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by smothers

Besides calling me names (I'm noticing a trend here.), what is your point?


Have I? Don't recall...although now that you mention it, your whole argument on this thread strikes me as sophomoric, repetitive, pointless, and lame.

So, let's call God on the carpet, shall we? Give him a sit-down. Put him through a business review. What exactly are you trying to prove? Life's unfair? God's unfair? God's evil, God's unjust?

Keep shaking your fist, what good it'll do you...



I see. Again, instead of confronting the facts, you resort to name calling. I could say things like "Your Christian mythology is showing.", but I haven't; they are irrelevant to the discussion I am really interested in a response to my supposition that your version of the divinity is evil. I have gotten exactly two intellegent cogent responses, the rest are a long the lines of:
1) I am a retard.
2) My ideas are retarded.
3) How dare I question God!
4) God's laws are just because he created them.

The lack of rational response to my posts indicates that most on TOL are unwilling to wrestle with the hard questions. I'm willing to change my mind if presented with opposing evidence, are you?


New member
Originally posted by smothers
Just because the creator made the physical/moral laws do not make them just. Conidering the amount of evil commited by commision and ommision of your God, His followers, His Church and His creation, I think He deserves to be called on the carpet, don't you?
God has the authority to bring His church front-and-center to give an account.
God has the authority to bring all of His creation front-and-center to give an account. You do not have standing to call God to account. Perhaps in your own mind this seems reasonable. But in reality, to shake one's fist at God is just plain stupid. It demonstrates ignorance of your position as creature.

Perhaps you think you have reason to be mad at God. I suggest you approach Him about that in a more respectful way. Here's a rule for you to memorize: God has morally sufficient reasons for whatever He chooses to do or not do.



God has morally sufficient reasons for whatever He chooses to do or not do.


What are the morally sufficient reasons for allowing abortion doctors to kill babies?


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by smothers
I see. Again, instead of confronting the facts, you resort to name calling. I could say things like "Your Christian mythology is showing.", but I haven't; they are irrelevant to the discussion I am really interested in a response to my supposition that your version of the divinity is evil. I have gotten exactly two intellegent cogent responses, the rest are a long the lines of:
1) I am a retard.
2) My ideas are retarded.
3) How dare I question God!
4) God's laws are just because he created them.

The lack of rational response to my posts indicates that most on TOL are unwilling to wrestle with the hard questions. I'm willing to change my mind if presented with opposing evidence, are you?

The idea that we must hold God accountable to a human standard is by itself irrational: it implies an equal playing field between created and creator.



Now we are getting somewhere. If it is evil for the "created" to do "x', would it not follow that it is also evil for the creator to do "x"? I await your response.


Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by smothers

God has morally sufficient reasons for whatever He chooses to do or not do.


What are the morally sufficient reasons for allowing abortion doctors to kill babies?
God is not a kidnapper.

God sovereignly chose to create beings with a true freewill. Therefore logically He allows them to choose both good and evil. For if God did not allow His creation to do anything BUT good these creations would have no will of their own which would defeat the purpose of the intended creation.


The logical conclusion of free-will (created by God) is that His creation could DO evil. I am assuming that God knew this possibility when he created this environment. God is responsible for evil in that he chose not to set up an environment in which abortion doctors could kill babies while He looks on and does nothing.