ARCHIVE: God's mass-murder in the flood


When Abel was expelled there was a society, in fact God wanted people to leave him alone. That is why he placed a mark on him.


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Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Turbo
It's actually instituted right after the flood.

Oh, all right. But was the family given that authority or what kind of caveat was placed on it? Just "by man shall his blood be shed," if I remember...



We are getting off on a tangent here. You never asked my question: if a creator has the authority to kill his "children" why can't a parent? I would posit that killing a child is evil, therefore God killing billions of beings is also evil.


Absolutely! If everyone one dies, why can't I just kill my children? The answer is obvious, killing someone is taking their life in an unnatural and avoidable nature and is therefore wrong. God killed four year olds whose only "sin" was being alive.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Turbo
By saying that God is "far more evil than the abortionists," you concede that abortion is evil.

God, being the Creator, has authority over His creation. He can move people from their earthly lives to the afterlife as He chooses.

Humans do not have that authority, except in cases where God has delegated His authority to humans.

P.S. smothers you are a retard. Just in case you didn't know already. :)

Nathon Detroit

Oh come on Jukia and smothers can’t you do better than this? I mean seriously…. what a brainless topic.

Don’t you think we all realize that only immature God hating imbeciles are shallow enough to entertain such lame notions?

If you expect serious responses you are going to have to put a bit more thought into your posts.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
And it might have been helpful if you had read the story of Cain and Abel before you commented on it. You even could have gotten by if you had read my post with the slightest bit of care:
Originally posted by Turbo
Was God wrong to forbid Adam and Eve from killing Cain to avenge Abel?
Just by reading this sentence you should have been able to comprehend that:
  1. Cain murdered Abel.
  2. God did NOT allow Adam or Eve to punish Cain by killing him.
But you answered my question by contradicting yourself,
Originally posted by smothers
No, justice requires death for death."
In a later post, you further reveal your ignorance by confusing the victim for the perpetrator:
When Abel was expelled there was a society, in fact God wanted people to leave him alone.
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New member
"immature God-hating imbeciles"--up to 7th grade perhaps.

And how is this a brainless topic? I must admit I never thought of it before. God killed every human being, other than those in the Ark (8 people?), for what purpose? To show to the rest of us that he could? To punish man--even the 3 year olds--what were they doing that was so sinful? Or did He do it to confuse us with fossils?

Gotta go to work, you kids play nice now, no running with scissors, etc.


Resident Atheist
... don't forget the thousands of unborn killed in the flood, or for that matter the millions of unborn dying (killed by the deity?) in spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) every year in modern times...


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Knight called smothers a retard, to which he replied,
Originally posted by smothers
I can usually find out when the opposition is loosing[sic] when they start calling you names."

Jukia, you defended this stance by comparing Knight's comment to that of a 3rd or 5th grader. That is a thinly-veiled form of name-calling, Jukia. You are a hypocr-- er, I mean, your behavior is like that of a hypocrite. ;) ;)

Retard is an informal synonym for fool.

Jukia, God calls unbelievers fools (Psalm 14:1, 53:1). Should Knight hide this fact?

Jesus called people fools in public discourse (Mat. 23:17, 19; 25:2-8; Luke 11:40; 12:20). He also called people swine, dogs, vipers, hypocrites... Was this a sign that Jesus was losing these arguments?

P.S. Retard and smother are both listed as synonyms of deaden. Check it out. :think: How appropriate. :D


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Zakath
... don't forget the thousands of unborn killed in the flood
We've been discussing that all along. I've already responded to that in post #9.

or for that matter the millions of unborn dying (killed by the deity?) in spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) every year in modern times...
Why do you blame a God whom you claim does not exist for miscarriages? Are you saying that if God exists, He must be killing these unborn babies?

That's silly.


New member
Retard was a word we all used between 3rd and 5th grades. While it may be a dictionary synonym for "fool" it is generally used in a different way.
I was trying to be sarcastic, not name calling.
I suspect Jesus was angry, not losing an argument.
But I guess if Jesus called people names, Knight can do the same. Ah, but can Knight perform a miracle?