4: You do know the truth and you deliberately refuse it and foster a false gospel. Oh yes, you will sincerely and deliberately go to hell because you you willfully remain in the flesh. You are quite the sinner alright. You have no excuse.
RULZ: Oh no. Another case of sozoitis. I have a cure. It is called the Word of God, not ad hominem logical fallacies that you are guilty of. I am very disappointed in you. I expected better from you, since I have appreciated many of your thoughts and thought you had more integrity than you-know-who.
4:According to you those in Christ remain in sin also and you count the blood atonement as a worthless thing.
RULZ: Those in Christ do not remain in sin. Because we are in Him, we should not sin. We are children of God. This does not preclude the possibility of a sinful thought, motive, or act. I John 'if' conditions about believers. The atonement is not worthless. It is provision for all past, present, and future sins. Are you lying or merely ignorant of my true views?
4: Now I know there is no excuse for your remaining in the flesh (sin) We are called Holy because we are Holy,We are called into the light and to walk in it because we are in Christ . Christ is the light. There is no darkness in Him. We are in the Spirit and not of the flesh if so be that Christ is in you and if you are not of the spirit you are none of his. Yes you are because only sinners sin. Are you saying that Christ is unable to deliver you from all sin? That Satan still has authority over you and Jesus was not victorious? That one sentence repudiates every word of theology that you have previously made. So don't try to tell me you don't know. That is why your punishment will be worse than if you had never heard. Your unbelief makes you a sinner. All Adam did was eat a bite of fruit. That didn't make him a sinner? because of that all flesh becomes guilty before God. So are you of the flesh and mind the things of the flesh or are you of the Spirit and mind the things of the Spirit? Is it you who sins or is it the sin (flesh) that sins. What does Paul mean when he says, "it is no longer I that do it?
RULZ: Romans 6-8 shows that we can have victory over sin (sanctification). Romans 4; 5 shows us that we are freed from the power and penalty of sin. When we are glorified, we will be free from the very presence of sin. You are emphasizing a positional aspect while ignoring the progressive, practical aspect. The issues about spirit, light, and be holy are couched in terms of exhortations or commands. You wrongly assume they are automatic just because we are converted. These authors command us to do these things because we are in Christ, but they also warn us about not doing the opposite since some believers were in fact not living up to the exhortations. You display an ignorance of basic Greek and English grammar and have not read the verses in context if you counter all of the phrases with your sentences that are not fully true. We are to be like Christ, but that does not mean that we are the God-Man. Things that apply to Him are not identically applied to us. We are to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ and put off the old self. You assume it is automatic and that we no longer have will, intellect, or any responsibility. An imperative is a command that can be obeyed or disobeyed. An exhortation to do or not do is just that. Do you just cut these out of the text? I Peter 1:13-15; Rom. 6; 2 Cor. 7:2 should be enough to get you beyond your simplistic views that do not match Scripture nor the experience of godly believers.
If I did not believe in Christ and His finished work, you could call me a sinner and hell-bound. Since I am not guilty of unbelief, but affirm the essential truths of Christianity that hundreds of millions of other believers do, it seems to me that you should retract your nonsense.
Paul's expressions of struggle (difficult to exegete as to when he was a believer and when he was not...Rom. 7) cannot be used as a wooden literalism to make 'flesh' metaphor a real biological entity inherited from Adam. As long as you see sin as substance or two wills in man, you will continue to have a confusing harmartiology/soteriology.