Anyone Who Thinks Another Person Deserves To Be Raped Is A Knob

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
doser notes:
when men kill unjustly, town calls it "murder" and a sin
town responds:
Rather, God does.

do you disagree with Him?

if not, why deny that "when men kill unjustly, town calls it "murder" and a sin"?

doser notes:
when God kills, town calls it not "murder" and just
town responds:
town said:
Do you disagree that when God executes His judgement it is just and not murder?

of course not :freak:

have you even been paying attention?



this whole discussion revolves around God using violent methods (that are sinful when used against His will) to punish evil-doers

do try to keep up

doser notes:
when men sexually assault women, town calls it "rape" and a sin
town responds:
town said:
God does.

and you don't?

town said:
Only a man married to a woman can have relations with that woman without it becoming sin. Do you disagree?

of course not

only a man acting according to God's will can kill another man without it becoming sin. Do you disagree?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Skipping over your spate of unintentional irony...the visual was funny though.
this whole discussion revolves around God using violent methods (that are sinful when used against His will) to punish evil-doers
No, it doesn't. That's how you're muddling it. God's methods can be violent, but they're not inherently sinful. That's why I noted the distinction between killing and murder. Rape is inherently sinful.

I set out why and it wasn't refuted or addressed, unsurprisingly.

and you don't?
You'd already agreed I did. You beat that drum as though it was simply me declaring a thing, so I noted it wasn't. You didn't like that and so this song and dance routine.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
No, it doesn't.

well, yes

it does

until you accept that, we're just talking past each other

and there's been plenty of that in this thread

do see if you can catch up and i'll see you when i come back from a nice boat ride in this wonderful weather God has blessed us with up here in the north country


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
well, yes

it does

until you accept that, we're just talking past each other
Rather, I'm offering argument and you're doing this dog and pony declaration act of yours while failing to rebut.

Saw your "freak" remark in Quixote's when I was speaking to my father's heart attack. I think that and this sums you sufficiently, as did your apparent inability to stop thinking and writing about me while I was gone. Well, knock yourself out. As I said once before, it could only improve the quality of your writing.


Well-known member
There's always a balance. Christ paid the price for our eternal security, but down here, reaping what you sow is still very much a reality. And without obedience in grace, penalty is still upon people.

Which is why grace only comes into this discussion when we aren't required to reap what we've sown here in this life. And that grace is not a matter our eternal salvation. Just as being saved in this life is not the same as saved eternally.


Well-known member
Have you considered that "evil happens" and whether a person deserves it or not is not the real issue for us. Rather, how does one handle misfortune? How does one react to it? Does one pick oneself up and seek healing?
You seem a rational person.

Actually, that is the issue at hand.

Therefore, that statement explains perfectly why we're being led down so many rabbit trails. :chew:


Well-known member
But he has a heart. Yours has yet to be found....

You realize it's wrong to tell lies like that, don't you?

Do you somehow work it out in your mind that you are justified in lying about me the way you do? That must be nice for you.

As a matter of fact, I care more about the ungodly than you do because you lie to them and tell them they don't deserve any of the bad things that come upon them because of their behavior. You ought to be ashamed of yourself, but you have no shame.


New member
You realize it's wrong to tell lies like that, don't you?

Do you somehow work it out in your mind that you are justified in lying about me the way you do? That must be nice for you.

As a matter of fact, I care more about the ungodly than you do because you lie to them and tell them they don't deserve any of the bad things that come upon them because of their behavior. You ought to be ashamed of yourself, but you have no shame.

And yet your snide and unjustified insult about lawyers was the work of someone who cares?
You sure do dish out the insults but can't take it when it boomerangs back at you!


Well-known member
I disagree.

I'm sure you do.

I pointed out that you said whether or not someone deserved it or not was not the real issue for you.

Is this not the title of this thread? Anyone Who Thinks Another Person Deserves To Be Raped Is A Knob

If whether a person deserves it or not is not the real issue for you, as you stated, then why are you posting in this thread? I think that's called trolling or something....disrupting the thread, perhaps. :think:


New member
I'm sure you do.

I pointed out that you said whether or not someone deserved it or not was not the real issue for you.

Is this not the title of this thread? Anyone Who Thinks Another Person Deserves To Be Raped Is A Knob

If whether a person deserves it or not is not the real issue for you, as you stated, then why are you posting in this thread? I think that's called trolling or something....disrupting the thread, perhaps. :think:

You are the storm trooper for TOL?
If Arthur asks me to cease and desist of course I shall.
It is not your call to make Miss Nosy Parker!


Well-known member
And yet your snide and unjustified insult about lawyers was the work of someone who cares?
You sure do dish out the insults but can't take it when it boomerangs back at you!

Good Lord, woman. I happen to love lawyers, and I love Town Heretic, and you're so invested in you hate for me that you can't even read what I post like a civilized adult. Shame on you, Bybee.

I would love to have Town arguing my side, and I know for a fact he would do an excellent job of it, too. He is quite capable of arguing both sides of any issue quite effectively. That was a complement which went right over your incredibly small mind. Just as my approach to strippers goes over your small judgmental view of the world. You can't even understand what it means to speak the truth to those who need to hear the truth more than anyone else. A stripper has needs you won't even admit....much less help her with. You're a hypocrite...incapable of helping anyone except telling them how they are worthy of all praise. Just like all bleeding're just plain in lala land. :nono:


New member
Good Lord, woman. I happen to love lawyers, and I love Town Heretic, and you're so invested in you hate for me that you can't even read what I post like a civilized adult. Shame on you, Bybee.

I would love to have Town arguing my side, and I know for a fact he would do an excellent job of it, too. He is quite capable of arguing both sides of any issue quite effectively. That was a complement which went right over your incredibly small mind. Just as my approach to strippers goes over your small judgmental view of the world. You can't even understand what it means to speak the truth to those who need to hear the truth more than anyone else. A stripper has needs you won't even admit....much less help her with. You're a hypocrite...incapable of helping anyone except telling them how they are worthy of all praise. Just like all bleeding're just plain in lala land. :nono:

And you continue to be hatefully and egotistically judgmental.
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