Anyone Who Thinks Another Person Deserves To Be Raped Is A Knob

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Well-known member
Well, if my Bible is correct, and my Bible is correct, Jesus took captivity captive. You go figure out what that means.

Well by golly, that must mean no one has to pay for anything IN THIS LIFE, right? Crooks can steal and get off scot free. Killers can kill and go about their business. Women can play the harlot and nothing will ever happen to them.....because lifeisgood has declared it to be so.

If you had a clue what you just said there, you'd hang your head and admit you have made a fool of yourself.


Well-known member
You said " not deserve death".

I said "sluts do deserve death"

You then tried to change what I said to "only sluts do deserve death".

Then you tried to claim that I "only included 'sluts'" as if you were not the person that was the one making the claim that " not deserve death".

I repeat:

Sluts do deserve death, according to the Bible.

You can put up quotes for I tried to do....but she still can't follow the bouncing ball. It's either willful blindness or poor reading skills. :idunno:


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Cause when people get drunk their judgment disappears. Guys and gals alike. Then you add a stripper to the mix. She makes herself bait for the hungry lions....unless they've "over indulged" already and have to sleep it off. Well, drunks deserve whatever they get. Perhaps they'll learn not to drink too much. Many of us have had to learn the hard way. Consequences, even painful ones, are probably the best teaching aids we have. Works better than lectures any day of the week.

I agree with this except the statement about deservedness.


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Well by that standard, so is telling people not to go into rough neighborhoods alone on a Friday night.

Why is it that it's only with this subject that we must treat it differently? Why do men have to be accountable for their safety but not women?
That's the real double standard.

I didn't say we had to treat rape any differently. Perhaps I do view it differently but at the moment I don't think I am. :idunno:

Maybe there is a parallel about going to certain places late at night. Like..."you're white! you can't go into the ghetto late at night!", or "you're black! You can't go to Ferguson!"


New member
You don't have a point.

Here is what you said, in context:

Not one thing about King David in this statement, so it is obvious that you mentioning King David was just a way of denying your own words.

So, to get back to what we (you and me) were actually discussing:

A slut deserves death according to the Bible.

In the TOTAL context of which you only took a small snippet of it, my words stand.

BTW genuineoriginal, What is best to tell a slut, as glorydaz put it, ‘hey, you slut deserve to die’ or would it be better to show God’s love toward that ‘slut’ and ask ‘has anyone shared with you God’s Redemption Plan?’ and share Jesus Christ and what He did for this particular slut you’re speaking with or ‘how do you know where you are going to spend eternity when you die?’ and share Jesus Christ and what He did for this particular slut you’re speaking with.

I certainly will not say to any ‘slut’, as glorydaz put it, that he/she deserves to die. I, to the best of my ability, am going to share Jesus Christ and what He did for him/her so that he/she can have an opportunity to allow the Lord to UNslut him/her.

There is nothing in, at least in MY Bible that says that a Christian is supposed to tell a slut, or anyone for that matter, that the slut or anyone else, deserve to die.

Jesus Christ marching orders is ‘go and tell them about Me.’
Jesus Christ marching orders have NEVER been ‘tell the slut he/she deserves to die.’

You, genuineoriginal, and glorydaz can go ahead and tell the slut in front of you that he/she deserves to die INSTEAD of telling the slut about the INCOMPREHENSIBLE love God has for the slut.

I ask your forgiveness if my response is not to your liking; however, it is the only one I have.


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That's just it ...

Also, it's very telling that no emphasis whatsoever has been placed on the person who is committing a criminal act of VIOLENCE.

Like pretty much saying "hey they are male ... it's allowed".

Not allowed, but the way some people talk it's as if men can't control their bodies if a girl acts in a certain way. Animal instincts or sin nature takes over. Something like that.


Hall of Fame
Maybe there is a parallel about going to certain places late at night. Like..."you're white! you can't go into the ghetto late at night!"

:think: Well, when you put it that way ...

I wonder if people will claim anyone white going into Ferguson deserves to get beaten or murdered?


New member
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That's just it ...

Also, it's very telling that no emphasis whatsoever has been placed on the person who is committing a criminal act of VIOLENCE.

Like pretty much saying "hey they are male ... it's allowed".

Its very telling that you have seen both doser and glory say outright that the rapist deserves his just punishment for his crime to the full extent of the law. At no time ever have either of them said the rapist is less guilty of what they did, because they say that sometimes someones idiotic behavior causes them to become a crime victim.

Keep pretending otherwise though. But you have to pretend.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I didn't say we had to treat rape any differently. Perhaps I do view it differently but at the moment I don't think I am. :idunno:

Maybe there is a parallel about going to certain places late at night. Like..."you're white! you can't go into the ghetto late at night!", or "you're black! You can't go to Ferguson!"

i believe i covered that in scenario 6:

Joe is planning to go down to the Ferguson protests dressed in klan robes and a hood, carrying a sign that says "Michael Brown Deserved To Be Shot!" and shout racial slurs at the protesters.

Joe tells his plans to his friend Frank.

Frank says "Don't do it - you'll get your butt kicked, severely."

Joe says "You're not the boss of me - I'll do what I want!"

Joe goes down to the Ferguson protests dressed in klan robes and a hood, carrying a sign that says "Michael Brown Deserved To Be Shot!" and shouts racial slurs at the protesters.

Joe gets his butt kicked, severely.

Those who assault Joe are arrested and charged.

Frank comes to visit Joe in the hospital.

Joe whines about how unfair it was that he got his butt kicked, severely.

Frank says "What are you talking about? You deserved to get your butt kicked. I told you not to go down there. You chose to get your butt kicked. Next time don't be such a moron."



Hall of Fame
Not allowed, but the way some people talk it's as if men can't control their bodies if a girl acts in a certain way. Animal instincts or sin nature takes over. Something like that.

Oh, I see that as well. Have you noticed though that in no other circumstance would this argument be used?

It just happens to be the one instance when a crime is normally against women. Women who have committed no crime.


:think: Well, when you put it that way ...

I wonder if people will claim anyone white going into Ferguson deserves to get beaten or murdered?

They are asking for it.

Which is another thing to note- the difference between 'asking for it' and 'deserving it'.

There seems to be some idea that these two things are synonymous. Women don't deserve to be raped, but are they often asking for it?
Yes, yes they are.

A woman has a far greater chance of being raped in certain situations they are aware of and nonetheless throw themselves at. And then they want to demand that men protect and fight for them, expecting that everyone should have all the compassion in the world for them and support their vanities.


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Yep, that would certainly be one instance. The example I used to begin with (the only one I could think of at the time) was a gal who strips at a frat party for a bunch of drunk guys. Provoking someone to sin and then complaining when they take the bait, is not only stupid but wrong. Those people deserve whatever they get. Maybe they'll learn not to do that anymore. I've known many people that require some really harsh lessons before they stop doing what they were doing. I even think the "victim" should be thankful she only got raped and didn't wind up dismembered and thrown in a dumpster.

Rape isn't taking the a bait. Taking the bait is if a girl strips at a party and a guy comes on to her. That's taking the bait. And if she says "No", he needs to stop. Forcing himself on her is way beyond taking the 'bait'.

Acting like a slut and then complaining when a guy thinks you'll sleep with him is stupid. Complaining if he forces you to have sex is not.


New member
Hall of Fame
i believe i covered that in scenario 6:

Joe is planning to go down to the Ferguson protests dressed in klan robes and a hood, carrying a sign that says "Michael Brown Deserved To Be Shot!" and shout racial slurs at the protesters.

Joe tells his plans to his friend Frank.

Frank says "Don't do it - you'll get your butt kicked, severely."

Joe says "You're not the boss of me - I'll do what I want!"

Joe goes down to the Ferguson protests dressed in klan robes and a hood, carrying a sign that says "Michael Brown Deserved To Be Shot!" and shouts racial slurs at the protesters.

Joe gets his butt kicked, severely.

Those who assault Joe are arrested and charged.

Frank comes to visit Joe in the hospital.

Joe whines about how unfair it was that he got his butt kicked, severely.

Frank says "What are you talking about? You deserved to get your butt kicked. I told you not to go down there. You chose to get your butt kicked. Next time don't be such a moron."

Joe is dumb, but still not deserving of getting beaten up.


Hall of Fame
Acting like a slut and then complaining when a guy thinks you'll sleep with him is stupid. Complaining if he forces you to have sex is not.

Also, the man who is being denied is no paragon of virtue. By the definition that is being utilized, he IS a slut.


New member
Hall of Fame
Is it a double standard that you have to lock your doors so your house isnt robbed or worse because of scumbags?

Its not about fair, or double anything, its reality.

Depends. Are you telling only a certain group of people to lock their doors because a certain other group of people might steal your stuff?
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