Anyone Who Thinks Another Person Deserves To Be Raped Is A Knob

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New member
:juggle: All the "education" in the world will not help without the empathy to put it into place. I am all for teaching children to develop empathy. If there is not empathy for the victim then fear is the only thing which will keep those whose only drives are self-centered, those who are perpetrators, predators in check. Not all people have empathy....and only to varying degrees in those that do.
The legal system can indeed play a part, but I put it to you that all the things which should be "taught" to male children in hopes to ensure that they do not become rapists are the basics of what any good parent teaches their children in hopes that they do not become a criminal of any sort. If they are not good parents to begin with I doubt that fussing at them about teaching their sons "not to rape" is going to do much good.

You absolutely nailed it and you got to the heart of what makes it offensive to make a public initiative to teach young men not to rape.


Hall of Fame
Always trying to stay on topic!? lol. Not offensive to you, but to hardcore feminists it is. I have a facebook "friend" who was objecting to campus police teaching girls to walk with a friend late at night. She said men just shouldn't rape.

I agree with half of what she said. Men shouldn't rape. No one should commit an abuse towards another person. However, someone telling me I should be wary of walking at night alone does not offend me. It just confirms something that I already know ... it's not about night, but rather about the violent predators who wait until dark to slither out from beneath their rocks.

And yes, this whole thread is about abuse of the word 'deserve.'



New member
:) Yuppers!

:plain: The sad thing, and in my eyes the most offensive, is that such a mindset guarantees that rapes will go on because as long as a woman is relying on what another should/should not do, then she is not concentrating on keeping herself safe.

How dare you claim some women deserve to be raped!!!!!! JK

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond


New member
You know that feeling of relief when that really obnoxious person leaves the gathering? It feels something like this:

Ahh.... that's better.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You know that feeling of relief when that really obnoxious person leaves the gathering? It feels something like this:

Ahh.... that's better.

it's not really ignore if you have to make sure the other guy knows you're ignoring him :doh:



You weasel.

stop flirting with me you hussy

Oy, vey. Would you two cut it out?

OkDozer: it is simply unacceptable to insult M[r]s. Benedetti, especially on gender-related terms. Would you please refrain from openly insulting her?

Mrs. Benedetti:

1. If you really don't like what he says, there's no reason to fuel the flames by insulting him.

2. Furthermore, and I mean no offense by this: he kind of has a point. Your posts, as well as the posts of people like AB, in this thread (and, I imagine in others) haven't been particularly substantive. It's all amounted to a giant "BOOOOOO!"

I say this in common to you, as well as to AB, Rusha, etc: you disagree with him? Fine. Then what are your reasons for disagreeing? What do you understand him to be saying? Are you sure that you are understanding him properly? If you understand him properly, what are your reasons for disagreeing?

Short of that, it really does just amount to "boo hoo, he hurt my feelings."

You are a grown woman, darn it, and I am pretty sure that you have a decent head on your shoulders. Just saying.

In other words, if I may borrow a phrase from Pewdiepie:

Koban...Annabenedetti...DEUTSCHLAND! :madmad:

Edgar, Deutschland!
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