Oh, what is that message?
That we can rob banks, strip naked, and have sex with the mailman, and never have to pay any price at all? Not even in this life? Suffer no consequences whatsoever? :shocked:
Wow....I can't wait to start preaching that Gospel. :thumb:
Actually, Bybee. I happen to care about the eternal life of every unbeliever...even strippers. And I pray the Lord will use WHATEVER means HE deems necessary (IN THIS LIFE) to turn people from their sins to Him. I won't LIE and tell them they don't deserve to suffer consequences for their immorality, because they surely will. Suffering is a consequence of sin. There is no getting around it.
Suffering is a consequence of life regardless of sin. Even the most righteous and sinless suffer consequences of living. You seem hell bent on folks getting their deserved punishments, almost wishing for it and
taking glee. Then you justify your responses with select Bible verses, which btw, i can do too, even Proverbs no less.
People do no wrong in life and still suffer things reserved for sinners, bad people do bad things and never pay. This thread wasn't started as a Bible debate, it's about people claiming that others deserve being raped.
I affirmed, confirmed, and learned quite a bit about you from these rape threads.
Matthew 7:1-2 KJV - John 7:24 KJV -