Anybody know much about Islam?


New member
No Christian ever pushed a homo off a building for being a homo. Firing squad maybe.... Or chopped the head off a non-Christian for being non-Christian. You are a liar and the truth is not with you.
You need to read my post again, also you need to read history of christianity and christian countries , know it by your self don't force me to say a bad words about both.


Well-known member
You need to read my post again, also you need to read history of christianity and christian countries , know it by your self don't force me to say a bad words about both.

:nono: Today we are looking at who is currently doing the loving thing. I don't care 'if' Muslims were nice to Christians in the past (they weren't, the persecution and friction remains). You are engaging in 'excusing' behavior for what you too, know is wrong.

We are talking about only what concerns us today: Muslim countries are against other religions and do not allow them to exist freely. Christians do not push people off of buildings. They don't imprison Christians who convert to Islam.

We don't imprison Muslims for talking about Islam. We don't believe God honors suicide bombings or that we can do drugs the day we do it and that God will be pleased with us somehow afterwards.

What are your two greatest commands? Ours is to Love God, and the second is to love others.

patrick jane

:nono: You can be a muslim who is free to practice his/her religion among Christians in America. You cannot be a Christian in a Muslim country and talk about your faith without going to prison and having your life forfeit. Contrasts, I love them.
He doesn't get it Lon, no comprende, he only understands allah and Mohamhead
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New member
Again, if Muslims ever are in charge of government (including Dubai), it is illegal for Christians to talk about their faith. Not so in America. These are not 'extremist' Muslims in Dubai or Iran, these are the average everyday Muslims and they will not tolerate or allow people to carry their own faith. It is illegal to deconvert from Islam in these countries. Even 'if' Christianity were wrong, our two great commands are to love God and love others as ourselves. Islam does not do the second great command. You are to hate your enemies and do bad to them. We are to love our enemies, pray for them, and do good to them. Why? Because our God is not powerless, He listens to prayer and changes hearts. You Muslims have a god who must use you or cannot get the job done. Worse? He doesn't care about love, he cares about conquering. So, even if the Christian god didn't exist, he is a better god than your's. I 'think' that the God we are both supposed to be following is a God of love. Which god actually exists? If God is a God of Love, which faith serves him? Look again to contrasts. No Muslim is in jail in the U.S. for his/her faith. Not true the Christian in a Muslim state.
Secularism is the cause of growth of human rights in western countries but not christianity

Radical muslims are the source of our problems but now they are greatly defeated and uncovered and lose all their popularity.

To love your enemies is illogical and non practical thing, how to love the people who fight you, do you love terrorists??
Do you believe in hellfire??.
Punishment of criminals is natural thing but to be completely innocent leads to growth of crimes


Well-known member
Secularism is the cause of growth of human rights in western countries but not christianity

Radical muslims are the source of our problems but now they are greatly defeated and uncovered and lose all their popularity.

To love your enemies is illogical and non practical thing, how to love the people who fight you, do you love terrorists??
Do you believe in hellfire??.
Yes I do love them. Given a choice: 1) Kill your enemy. 2) Convert your enemy to the God of Love, by love.
Punishment of criminals is natural thing but to be completely innocent leads to growth of crimes
:nono: Crime is done by the heart. Rich kids kill people, poor kids kill people. I think, however, that loved kids kill much less. A religion, then, that promotes love is a better religion. On top of that, I believe Christianity is also the only 'right' religion as well as being the 'better' and more loving one. For you Muslims, 'loving God' is self-serving and demands very little of you. Mine demands I try to love my enemies and do good to them. Romans 12:17-21 Philippians 2:4 "If" you are trying to hurt someone I love, I may have to make a choice at that point, but my rule of thumb is, if I can, to love those who persecute and harm. Some Christians believe in defense (never oppression or offensive attack), some are completely pacifist believing all is in the hands of God and He calls us to live peaceably no matter what. Both, however, are about doing the most loving thing, even as much as possible, toward one's enemies. This is different between Muslims and Christians and between how powerful we alternately believe God is to be.


Well-known member
Is there a christian country?
You can be 'born' a Muslim, but you cannot be 'born' a Christian. Only God makes Christians.

Yes, there is a "Christian" country, but Jesus said it was not of this world, so no, there is no Christian country when we cannot know who will be Christian. Even if we tried to form a Christian country, it would only be Christian as long as the citizens were Christians and continuing to become Christians. This was the case with America and may even one day be so again. A Christian country is one that is mostly full of Christians, who themselves, have come to Christ. It may be that China will become more Christian than atheist in this century.

We still have "In God We Trust" and "One nation under God" and the Declaration as our documents and pledge in this country. I am not sure it makes us a "Christian" nation, we certainly aren't well represented by politicians and leaders by Christians. But, I think we Christians may yet take over the voice for our nation sometime in the future. We seem to go through rebellious stages where the nonChristians have to be reminded where we came from and what our heritage is. I pray the atheists and agnostics will tire of the ill that comes with godlessness and will return to sanity, love, God, and families once again.


New member
You can be 'born' a Muslim, but you cannot be 'born' a Christian. Only God makes Christians.

Yes, there is a "Christian" country, but Jesus said it was not of this world, so no, there is no Christian country when we cannot know who will be Christian. Even if we tried to form a Christian country, it would only be Christian as long as the citizens were Christians and continuing to become Christians. This was the case with America and may even one day be so again. A Christian country is one that is mostly full of Christians, who themselves, have come to Christ. It may be that China will become more Christian than atheist in this century.

We still have "In God We Trust" and "One nation under God" and the Declaration as our documents and pledge in this country. I am not sure it makes us a "Christian" nation, we certainly aren't well represented by politicians and leaders by Christians. But, I think we Christians may yet take over the voice for our nation sometime in the future. We seem to go through rebellious stages where the nonChristians have to be reminded where we came from and what our heritage is. I pray the atheists and agnostics will tire of the ill that comes with godlessness and will return to sanity, love, God, and families once again.
I need to explain how I can't born christian, is God racial?
Who is the christian?
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I need to explain how I can't born christian, is God racial?
Who is the christian?
No. Christianity is about something God does to man, not that man is, before or without that happening.

Jesus told Nicodemus in John 3 that he had to be 'born again.' This wasn't a command. I cannot tell you 'be born.' It either happens or it doesn't and you and I had no control at all over whether it did or did not happen. IOW, we were born because somebody else decided (God, our mother and father).

Likewise, Nicodemus asked "how can I be 'born-again?'" To him, it was impossible. Nicodemus was right: "I can't do it!" Jesus said this to him: John 3: 5 Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. 6 Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. 7 You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.’ 8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”

Jesus wasn't telling Nicodemus to 'be' born again (something he could do), but that it (born again) must happen for one to see God's kingdom. IOW, we are passive. It is supernatural and it is done to us, rather than us trying to be like God or get to God. 2 Corinthians 5:17 God makes new people of those who call on His name: Romans 10:9&10 It does not matter who you are or what race, or what gender. Christians come from all nations and all nationalities.

And remember please, I would be imprisoned for telling you this if I lived in a Muslim run country. :(


New member
I need to explain how I can't born christian, is God racial?
Who is the christian?
Lon, if you asked me who is the muslim , I'll say who 1- obdient to God the One the Creator the origin of everything 2- who has the best names and 3- nothing is in likeness to Him.

1- Say, "Indeed, my prayer, my rites of sacrifice, my living and my dying are for Allah, Lord of the worlds.
[Quran 6 : 162 ]

2- And to Allah belong the best names, so invoke Him by them. And leave [the company of] those who practice deviation concerning His names. They will be recompensed for what they have been doing.

He is Allah, other than whom there is no deity, Knower of the unseen and the witnessed. He is the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.
He is Allah, other than whom there is no deity, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Perfection, the Bestower of Faith, the Overseer, the Exalted in Might, the Compeller, the Superior. Exalted is Allah above whatever they associate with Him.

He is Allah, the Creator, the Inventor, the Fashioner; to Him belong the best names. Whatever is in the heavens and earth is exalting Him. And He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.
[Quran 59 : 22-24 ]

3- [He is] Creator of the heavens and the earth. He has made for you from yourselves, mates, and among the cattle, mates; He multiplies you thereby. There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the Hearing, the Seeing.
[Quran 42 : 11 ]

Who is the Christian? Is your answer accepted by all/most christians?


New member
No. Christianity is about something God does to man, not that man is, before or without that happening.

Jesus told Nicodemus in John 3 that he had to be 'born again.' This wasn't a command. I cannot tell you 'be born.' It either happens or it doesn't and you and I had no control at all over whether it did or did not happen. IOW, we were born because somebody else decided (God, our mother and father).

Likewise, Nicodemus asked "how can I be 'born-again?'" To him, it was impossible. Nicodemus was right: "I can't do it!" Jesus said this to him: John 3: 5 Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. 6 Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. 7 You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.’ 8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”

Jesus wasn't telling Nicodemus to 'be' born again (something he could do), but that it (born again) must happen for one to see God's kingdom. IOW, we are passive. It is supernatural and it is done to us, rather than us trying to be like God or get to God. 2 Corinthians 5:17 God makes new people of those who call on His name: Romans 10:9&10 It does not matter who you are or what race, or what gender. Christians come from all nations and all nationalities.

And remember please, I would be imprisoned for telling you this if I lived in a Muslim run country. :(
The prison is for the persons who does pronounced /puplicised unrespectable words about God , His religions and His messengers.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Again, if Muslims ever are in charge of government (including Dubai), it is illegal for Christians to talk about their faith.

There are exceptions, even in a strict country like the State of Kuwait. Not to contradict your post, just to add to it.
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Well-known member
The prison is for the persons who does pronounced /puplicised unrespectable words about God , His religions and His messengers.
And again, the contrast: My God is Sovereign. He, Himself, holds men accountable for every word. Not so the Muslim. It is like you actually have no hope in Allah and must 'do it for him' because he is impotent.

Is God able to judge and carry out judgement? I do not 'imprison' atheists here (not that it is in my power anyway not having a Christian dictatorship of my own), but pray for them. Why? The God I believe in is all-powerful and can easily bring mercy/judgment. I pray a lot more than imprison. Because someone can 'become' a Christian, even in late life, prayer is the preferable. "If" the Muslim faith were correct, you give no Christian the opportunity to find out from God, again, because your view has God impotent and unable. Putting them to death ends that possibility. The Catholics also made this mistake. They didn't realize you cannot 'make' a Christian. Only God can.

Read this from Acts: Acts 5:12-42 but especially Acts 5: 35-42
Acts 5:35 And said unto them, Ye men of Israel, take heed to yourselves what ye intend to do as touching these men.
Acts 5:36 For before these days rose up Theudas, boasting himself to be somebody; to whom a number of men, about four hundred, joined themselves: who was slain; and all, as many as obeyed him, were scattered, and brought to nought.
Acts 5:37 After this man rose up Judas of Galilee in the days of the taxing, and drew away much people after him: he also perished; and all, even as many as obeyed him, were dispersed.
Acts 5:38 And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought:
Acts 5:39 But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.
Acts 5:40 And to him they agreed: and when they had called the apostles, and beaten them, they commanded that they should not speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go.
Acts 5:41 And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name.
Acts 5:42 And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.


New member
And again, the contrast: My God is Sovereign. He, Himself, holds men accountable for every word. Not so the Muslim. It is like you actually have no hope in Allah and must 'do it for him' because he is impotent.

Is God able to judge and carry out judgement? I do not 'imprison' atheists here (not that it is in my power anyway not having a Christian dictatorship of my own), but pray for them. Why? The God I believe in is all-powerful and can easily bring mercy/judgment. I pray a lot more than imprison. Because someone can 'become' a Christian, even in late life, prayer is the preferable. "If" the Muslim faith were correct, you give no Christian the opportunity to find out from God, again, because your view has God impotent and unable. Putting them to death ends that possibility. The Catholics also made this mistake. They didn't realize you cannot 'make' a Christian. Only God can.

Read this from Acts: Acts 5:12-42 but especially Acts 5: 35-42
What was the teaches of Peter to the people? Is peter in this time one of Jews or of Christian?
It is bad to say that Allah is impotent it is athiest like speaking.
I explained before who is the muslim, and somethings about God in Quran #433 can you read it again and tell who is God in christianity?
I'm waiting your answer , who is the christian?


New member
It is bad to say that Allah is impotent it is athiest like speaking.

الله الصمد

Allahu alssamadu

112.2 " The erecting of allah."

Observe the key term used only this one time in the Koran…in reference to the god that you worship...

صمد = “samadu”

“samadu” definition:

Masculine singular noun. Elevated ground: or elevated and rugged ground, not so high as to be a mountain: or hard, firm, or tough, ground: or a narrow, rugged, and low part of a mountain, producing trees. With the article “al”, an epithet applied to God. A lord; because one repairs, betakes himself, or has recourse, to him in exigencies; or, when applied to God, because affairs are stayed, or rested upon Him; or a person to whom one repairs, betakes himself, or has recourse, in exigencies; or signifies a lord to whom obedience is rendered, without whom no affair is accomplished: or one to whom lordship ultimately pertains; or a lord whose lordship has attained its utmost point or degree; in which sense it is not applicable to God: or the Being that continues, or continues forever for ever, after his creatures have perished: or the Creator of everything, of whom nothing is independent, and whose unity everything indicates: or one who takes no nourishment, or food: also high, or elevated; applied to anything: a man above whom is no one: a man who neither thirsts nor hungers in war. A Lord, one to whom reference is made in matters of importance; as an adjective it means sublime, everlasting. Solid: not hollow; in which sense it may not be applied to God. A people having no trade, or occupation, nor anything by means of which they may live.

الصمد = “al” + “samadu” = “alssamadu” = the setting up, or erecting, a thing

It comes from the root “samada” (sad-miim-dal), which means he tended, repaired, betook himself, or directed himself or his course or aim, to, or towards, him, or it; or endeavored to reach, or attain, or obtain, him, or it; or had recourse to him, or it. He pointed towards it. Set up, erect a thing, adorn, wish, repair, strike. To wish to approach any one.

An Arabic-English Lexicon, E.W. Lane, volume four, pp. 1726 - 1727
The Dictionary of the Holy Qur’an, 1st edition, Abdul Mannan Omar, pp. 321 - 322
A Dictionary and Glossary of the Koran, John Penrice, p.86
Concordance of the Koran, Gustav Flugel, p. 111

Even a casual study of the term “alssamadu”, being applied directly to the Koranic “allah”, is disturbing to say the least.

The term itself obviously emanates from pagan idol worship.

Look at the root definition:

• He directed himself towards it
• He pointed towards it.
• Set up, erect a thing

All these things speak of an idol that was worshiped as deity.

The term itself also speaks of an idol:

• Solid; not hollow
• Applied to anything
• A lord whose lordship has attained its utmost point or degree
• Elevated ground

A solid idol that has been placed on elevated ground and is worshiped due to the fact that it has attained its utmost point or degree.

Is this what the Koran “allah” is….?

An idol that was worshiped as deity?


New member
الله الصمد

Allahu alssamadu

112.2 " The erecting of allah."

Observe the key term used only this one time in the Koran…in reference to the god that you worship...

صمد = “samadu”

“samadu” definition:

Masculine singular noun. Elevated ground: or elevated and rugged ground, not so high as to be a mountain: or hard, firm, or tough, ground: or a narrow, rugged, and low part of a mountain, producing trees. With the article “al”, an epithet applied to God. A lord; because one repairs, betakes himself, or has recourse, to him in exigencies; or, when applied to God, because affairs are stayed, or rested upon Him; or a person to whom one repairs, betakes himself, or has recourse, in exigencies; or signifies a lord to whom obedience is rendered, without whom no affair is accomplished: or one to whom lordship ultimately pertains; or a lord whose lordship has attained its utmost point or degree; in which sense it is not applicable to God: or the Being that continues, or continues forever for ever, after his creatures have perished: or the Creator of everything, of whom nothing is independent, and whose unity everything indicates: or one who takes no nourishment, or food: also high, or elevated; applied to anything: a man above whom is no one: a man who neither thirsts nor hungers in war. A Lord, one to whom reference is made in matters of importance; as an adjective it means sublime, everlasting. Solid: not hollow; in which sense it may not be applied to God. A people having no trade, or occupation, nor anything by means of which they may live.

الصمد = “al” + “samadu” = “alssamadu” = the setting up, or erecting, a thing

It comes from the root “samada” (sad-miim-dal), which means he tended, repaired, betook himself, or directed himself or his course or aim, to, or towards, him, or it; or endeavored to reach, or attain, or obtain, him, or it; or had recourse to him, or it. He pointed towards it. Set up, erect a thing, adorn, wish, repair, strike. To wish to approach any one.

An Arabic-English Lexicon, E.W. Lane, volume four, pp. 1726 - 1727
The Dictionary of the Holy Qur’an, 1st edition, Abdul Mannan Omar, pp. 321 - 322
A Dictionary and Glossary of the Koran, John Penrice, p.86
Concordance of the Koran, Gustav Flugel, p. 111

Even a casual study of the term “alssamadu”, being applied directly to the Koranic “allah”, is disturbing to say the least.

The term itself obviously emanates from pagan idol worship.

Look at the root definition:

•He directed himself towards it
•He pointed towards it.
•Set up, erect a thing

All these things speak of an idol that was worshiped as deity.

The term itself also speaks of an idol:

•Solid; not hollow
•Applied to anything
•A lord whose lordship has attained its utmost point or degree
•Elevated ground

A solid idol that has been placed on elevated ground and is worshiped due to the fact that it has attained its utmost point or degree.

Is this what the Koran “allah” is….?

An idol that was worshiped as deity?

You can't deform Quran

Allah, the Eternal Refuge.
[Quran 112 : 2 ]


Well-known member
What was the teaches of Peter to the people? Is peter in this time one of Jews or of Christian?
It is bad to say that Allah is impotent it is athiest like speaking.
It is worse to 'act' as if God is impotent than to say what one does seems to indicate that truth. IOW, it is a comment on what Muslim actions mean. If you have to enforce God's directions for Him, you are, in my opinion, over asserting your own authority and importance. You are actually interjecting yourselves between God and man and not allowing God to do anything Himself. My point? --> I think you don't trust God as much as Christians do with God.
I'm saying I think 'you Muslims think, God is less potent.' Look at your verses from the Quran now below:
I explained before who is the muslim, and somethings about God in Quran #433 can you read it again and tell who is God in christianity?
I'm waiting your answer , who is the christian?
First of all, this part of the Quran echo's both the Jewish Torah and the New Testament:
Lon, if you asked me who is the muslim , I'll say ...
[Quran 6 : 162 ]

2- And to Allah belong the best names, so invoke Him by them. And leave [the company of] those who practice deviation concerning His names. They will be recompensed for what they have been doing.
This part of the Quran agrees with Christianity:

But Christianity goes further, you, the Muslim are not to carry out God's vengeance or judgment:
Rom 12:16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight.
Rom 12:17 Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all.
Rom 12:18 If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.
Rom 12:19 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord."
Rom 12:20 To the contrary, "if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head."
Rom 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
1Pe 3:9 Do not repay evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary, bless, for to this you were called, that you may obtain a blessing.
1Pe 3:10 For "Whoever desires to love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit;
1Pe 3:11 let him turn away from evil and do good; let him seek peace and pursue it.
1Pe 3:12 For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayer. But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil."
1Pe 3:13 Now who is there to harm you if you are zealous for what is good?
1Pe 3:14 But even if you should suffer for righteousness' sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled,
1Pe 3:15 but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,
1Pe 3:16 having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame.

..... He is the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.
I believe that too, but why kill or persecute a nonMuslim if God is merciful? Do you not wish to be like that? How Merciful is He to you? 2 Peter 3:9
Who is the Christian? Is your answer accepted by all/most christians?
I have answered, only one who is born-again is a Christian. One is not born a Christian, He / she must become a Christian by God's hand. Most do agree though 'how' this happens is not all agreed upon. We all believe it is by God, but argue over percentages: How much is by God, how much is by man to become a Christian but we all mostly agree about being born again. It is God changing our hearts and minds.
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