Any universalists on TOL?


New member
1) You'd never say that to my face. 2) Your little boy emoting doesn't mean squat tiny weakling. 2) No, you wouldn't tough-talk-whimp.

3) Did you do your devotions today? Did you pray? I don't really care what someone that gives lip-service to God but doesn't love Him enough to spend time with Him does, little girl.

I would say it to your face. PM me and we can meet.


Well-known member
I would say it to your face. PM me and we can meet.
Would love to. I'm always praying for God to mellow me because I come from a rough neighborhood of bullies.

For no reason, whatsoever, you jumped into a conversation as the most ugly vile poster I've seen and called me a snake. You then said you'd spit on me (would be the last time sissy-freak) while then saying I spit venom. You are a little punk. I wouldn't gladly put you in your place, but it'd be done. Drunk today? I don't drink so have all my God-given strength. I've no idea what set you off, but I'm not your patsy. You are just a mean punk.


New member
Would love to. I'm always praying for God to mellow me because I come from a rough neighborhood of bullies.

For no reason, whatsoever, you jumped into a conversation as the most ugly vile poster I've seen and called me a snake. You then said you'd spit on me (would be the last time sissy-freak) while then saying I spit venom. You are a little punk. I wouldn't gladly put you in your place, but it'd be done. Drunk today? I don't drink so have all my God-given strength. I've no idea what set you off, but I'm not your patsy. You are just a mean punk.

PM me then. I spent two years in Iraq, do you think I'm afraid of some bible geek?

Eagles Wings

New member
Universalism or universal reconciliation teaches that all men will ultimately be saved and go to heaven. No one will ever go to hell.

The gospel teaches that Christ has in fact saved all men but only those who believe will receive it. Those who persist in unbelief will go to hell even though Christ shed his blood for them.
I think this distinction needed to be clarified, otherwise it was hard to tell what you believe.

Eagles Wings

New member
I'm a monergist. The only requirement to be saved is belief and even faith is spoken of as the gift of God so at the end of the day all the glory goes back to God.
If it's all monergistic, how can a believer fall from grace?

What I find so thoroughly biblical is the Reformed teaching that God preserves those He brings to faith, forever.

Can we seriously sin, yes, but never at the detriment of our eternal security in Christ.


New member
If it's all monergistic, how can a believer fall from grace?

What I find so thoroughly biblical is the Reformed teaching that God preserves those He brings to faith, forever.

Can we seriously sin, yes, but never at the detriment of our eternal security in Christ.

How did Satan who was created perfect fall? How did Adam who was created perfect fall? How did David commit the worst of sins and become a type of Christ? There are more questions in the bible than answers.

Eagles Wings

New member
How did Satan who was created perfect fall? How did Adam who was created perfect fall? How did David commit the worst of sins and become a type of Christ? There are more questions in the bible than answers.
In the simplest terms, I see these questions answered in Titus 2:14.
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George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
How did Satan who was created perfect fall?

He was created with free will and deliberately misused it against his creator. If he had not had free will, he would not have been perfect.

How did Adam who was created perfect fall?

He was created with free will and lost it when he disobeyed. If he had not had free will, he would not have been perfect.

How did David commit the worst of sins and become a type of Christ?

He was not free or perfect. He was a servant of sin because he was a descendant of Adam who lost free will when he sinned.
God designated him as typical of Christ's kingship, not his sinfulness.
David had the requirement for redemption from sin - faith. God's grace applied that faith and he received forgiveness because of Christ's blood. You can have that faith too if you will ask for it.

There are more questions in the bible than answers.

The Bible has only answers for those who are willing to hear them.
For those who do not want to hear them, there will be more questions than answers.


New member
He was created with free will and deliberately misused it against his creator. If he had not had free will, he would not have been perfect.

He was created with free will and lost it when he disobeyed. If he had not had free will, he would not have been perfect.

He was not free or perfect. He was a servant of sin because he was a descendant of Adam who lost free will when he sinned.
God designated him as typical of Christ's kingship, not his sinfulness.
David had the requirement for redemption from sin - faith. God's grace applied that faith and he received forgiveness because of Christ's blood. You can have that faith too if you will ask for it.

The Bible has only answers for those who are willing to hear them. For those who do not want to hear them, there will be more questions than answers.

So we have a real smart guy here with all the answers. Why don't you expound this -

And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.

For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe.

Let's see the superior intellect explain away the clearest verses of scripture.

Eagles Wings

New member
You have none of your questions answered because you reject truth and the gospel and Christ. Darkness gives answers too exactly the way you want to hear them, Clavinist.
Hi Epo,

I didn't think your angst was just with, Lon, and this proves it.

After spending over a year attending an LCMS because we have no Reformed nearby, I have learned to rejoice in what we have in common. Most importantly, we are Trinitarian.

We profess/confess the historic creeds of the Christian church. I am particularly drawn to the Athanasian Creed.

We are monergistic in justification by faith alone.




New member
I am particularly drawn to the Athanasian Creed.

And in this Trinity none is afore or after Other, None is greater or less than Another, but the whole Three Persons are Co-eternal together, and Co-equal. (Athanasian Creed)​

Is this what Paul taught?

"Now when all things are made subject to Him, then the Son Himself will also be subject to Him who put all things under Him, that God may be all in all." (1 Corinthians 15:28)

What does the phrase "subject to him" mean?

Eagles Wings

New member
And in this Trinity none is afore or after Other, None is greater or less than Another, but the whole Three Persons are Co-eternal together, and Co-equal. (Athanasian Creed)​

Is this what Paul taught?

"Now when all things are made subject to Him, then the Son Himself will also be subject to Him who put all things under Him, that God may be all in all." (1 Corinthians 15:28)

What does the phrase "subject to him" mean?
Jaime, I don't debate with non-Trinitarians much. It just goes round and round. Regards and have a good day. EW


New member
Jaime, I don't debate with non-Trinitarians much.

Hey, I believe in the Godhead of the Father, the Son, and the holy Spirit. I just can't believe in the veracity of the Athanasian Creed.

However, I well understand why you would not want to discuss it.


Well-known member
PM me then. I spent two years in Iraq, do you think I'm afraid of some bible geek?

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George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
So we have a real smart guy here with all the answers. Why don't you expound this -

And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.

For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe.

Let's see the superior intellect explain away the clearest verses of scripture.

Not at all a smart guy by any means.

The answer is found in the text.

Salvation is not just of the Jews, but for all men; all nationalities, all tribes.
But only to those who believe is He a Saviour in the "special" sense of appropriation and eternal forgiveness.
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