Any universalists on TOL?


Well-known member
There is no second chance. However the Spirit is calling a few to work with Christ in his kingdom.

The rest will be called in the second resurrection.

If you don't believe what the Father says about the Last Day then the kingdom may not be for you.

Bull, all things are possible with Jamies letter bound god! not.


Well-known member
A Universalist hates the work of Christ 1 Corinthians 15:14,17, hates His words John 12:48; 14:6; 6:44, and hates Christ Himself John 15:25 Mark 12:10. John 14:6 John 6:44 Matthew 7:14 John 3:16


Well-known member
Bull, all things are possible with Jamies letter bound god! not.

You love your sin and habits more than God, Zeke. This has been obvious from the start, you don't have to explain it. It is clearly seen. Your theology is from your desperation and desire to have your cake and eat it too. John 8:11 Hebrews 7:25 For you? You had to make Him unreal to continue in your sins. :( Yours is the sad religion, Zeke. We all see it.

It has made you a bitter person because your god has to accept you, rather than you accepting God, on His terms. He is love. That does not mean all things go.


You love your sin and habits more than God, Zeke. This has been obvious from the start, you don't have to explain it. It is clearly seen. Your theology is from your desperation and desire to have your cake and eat it too. John 8:11 Hebrews 7:25 For you? You had to make Him unreal to continue in your sins. :( Yours is the sad religion, Zeke. We all see it.

It has made you a bitter person because your god has to accept you, rather than you accepting God, on His terms. He is love. That does not mean all things go.
It's one of the things that won me over to the "Romish" views, is our sin that we continue to commit (Gal2:17KJV). Scripture and the Church clearly teach very powerful morals, and the difficult thing is to honor that, very difficult. Neither teaches antinomianism, so it can't be right that our sins are somehow not immoral once we come to believe in the resurrection of the Lord Jesus from the dead on the third day. I found no satisfaction from my days as a fervent Calvinist, fervently seeking Calvinist answers to this matter, and I couldn't tease out an acceptable and fully cogent solution myself, that took into account every stray scripture (meaning no disrespect to Sacred Scripture, with "every stray," it's just an expression :)) that handled it all.

In accepting Scripture exclusively, without any attempt at integrating together in our minds, the One that Scripture forms for us and reflects to us, I've found to be impossible. I must know the truth, and the truth is the Word of God, and so the words of God must knit together seamlessly somehow, and it is that seamless knitting that we search for, and I found it, and it's Catholicism.

FWIW. Maybe nothing at all. :)

(The OP themselves introduced the subject of Catholicism, I didn't open this can of worms. :chuckle:)


Well-known member
It's one of the things that won me over to the "Romish" views, is our sin that we continue to commit (Gal2:17KJV). Scripture and the Church clearly teach very powerful morals, and the difficult thing is to honor that, very difficult. Neither teaches antinomianism, so it can't be right that our sins are somehow not immoral once we come to believe in the resurrection of the Lord Jesus from the dead on the third day. I found no satisfaction from my days as a fervent Calvinist, fervently seeking Calvinist answers to this matter, and I couldn't tease out an acceptable and fully cogent solution myself, that took into account every stray scripture (meaning no disrespect to Sacred Scripture, with "every stray," it's just an expression :)) that handled it all.

In accepting Scripture exclusively, without any attempt at integrating together in our minds, the One that Scripture forms for us and reflects to us, I've found to be impossible. I must know the truth, and the truth is the Word of God, and so the words of God must knit together seamlessly somehow, and it is that seamless knitting that we search for, and I found it, and it's Catholicism.

FWIW. Maybe nothing at all. :)

(The OP themselves introduced the subject of Catholicism, I didn't open this can of worms. :chuckle:)

While I see your meaning, with Zeke, he denies that the Lord Jesus Christ even existed. He is a Universalist.

As far as Calvinism, I am that man and reconcile those scriptures and concerns just fine. Start a thread and invite me in if you'd like more perspective. I come at things a bit differently and may be able to help along that line. -Lon


As far as Calvinism, I am that man and reconcile those scriptures and concerns just fine. Start a thread and invite me in if you'd like more perspective. I come at things a bit differently and may be able to help along that line. -Lon
OK thank you. I'd rather not start a thread, but I will, can I just ask how you would word the topic, for clarity's sake? Thanks again. :)
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New member
I have to hold my tongue on a statement like this.

My comment is not meant in a negative way. It's just that you may be overqualified for the kingdom. Paul explained that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called. But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, etc.

The original twelve apostles were simple men, a third of them were fishermen just trying to make a living. Peter and John were perceived as unlearned and ignorant. And one of the original twelve sold out Jesus to the Romans.

Paul said he was not worthy to be called an apostle because he persecuted God's people. This was not wise.

If you are interested in the kingdom then keep it simple.


Well-known member
My comment is not meant in a negative way. It's just that you may be overqualified for the kingdom. Paul explained that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called. But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, etc.
:think: What if I am wise according to the flesh AND according to the Spirit?

The original twelve apostles were simple men, a third of them were fishermen just trying to make a living. Peter and John were perceived as unlearned and ignorant. And one of the original twelve sold out Jesus to the Romans.
3 years. 24/7. That is NOT unlearned. Perceived and actual are two different things.

Paul said he was not worthy to be called an apostle because he persecuted God's people. This was not wise.

If you are interested in the kingdom then keep it simple.
Er, but NOT simpleton. Peter had difficulty reading Paul's writings. Paul was a learned man. All of the Prophets were learned men and part of a college.


New member
A Universalist hates the work of Christ 1 Corinthians 15:14,17, hates His words John 12:48; 14:6; 6:44, and hates Christ Himself John 15:25 Mark 12:10. John 14:6 John 6:44 Matthew 7:14 John 3:16

The cross was universal and it wasn't a possibility either. Christ redeemed the whole world and became the 2nd Adam.


New member
While I see your meaning, with Zeke, he denies that the Lord Jesus Christ even existed. He is a Universalist.

As far as Calvinism, I am that man and reconcile those scriptures and concerns just fine. Start a thread and invite me in if you'd like more perspective. I come at things a bit differently and may be able to help along that line. -Lon

Calvinists are so stupid that they don't believe in end-time prophecy either. Just worthless in my opinion.


Well-known member
Calvinists are so stupid that they don't believe in end-time prophecy either. Just worthless in my opinion.
But I'm smarter than you.... :think:

The cross was universal and it wasn't a possibility either. Christ redeemed the whole world and became the 2nd Adam.
Just to be sure, you are a Universalist? One that believes none go to hell? If not, the irony is sad. If so, most on TOL, including those from your own church, will determine you are not a Christian according to scripture.



New member
But I'm smarter than you.... :think:

Just to be sure, you are a Universalist? One that believes none go to hell? If not, the irony is sad. If so, most on TOL, including those from your own church, will determine you are not a Christian according to scripture.


The slimy Calvinist snake loves to flaunt his anti-christ doctrine. Christ died for and redeemed the whole world. Those that believe receive it.

Calvinists don't believe that Christ is the savior of the world point blank.

Arminians don't believe because their free-will gets in the way

Catholics don't believe because their good works merit Salvation for them.

No one actually believes that Christ died for and redeemed all men, it's so obvious.


New member
But I'm smarter than you.... :think:

Let's debate Daniel and Revelation and see who's smarter or any other book in the bible for that matter or church history or the Reformation or just about anything. I guarantee you will tap out before me.


Well-known member
The slimy Calvinist snake loves to flaunt his anti-christ doctrine. Christ died and redeemed the whole world. Those that believe receive it.
Is that better than being a slimy nonCalvinist? You have to live with your own name-calling. Hatred isn't a good thing. Never was. How's your daily walk with Christ? Doing your devotions? Praying?

Calvinists don't believe that Christ is the savior of the world
I asked, rather, if you were a Universalist as you claimed. 1 John 2:2 doesn't claim it. John 3:16 doesn't claim it.
You can cry about us Calvinists, Arminian, and Catholics all you like.

Armenians don't believe because because their free-will gets in the way
Oh, so you are a universalist. Correct, we don't believe you are a Christian nor do you believe the Lord Jesus Christ.
Frankly, as a Universalist, you spit on Him.

Does Tet know you are a Universalist?

No one actually believes that Christ died for and redeemed all men, it's so obvious.
Correct. I do not believe that. No Christian does.

Let's debate Daniel and Revelation and see who's smarter or any other book in the bible for that matter or church history or the Reformation or just about anything. I guarantee you will tap out before me.
Already doing that here.... :yawn:


New member
I asked, rather, if you were a Universalist as you claimed. 1 John 2:2 doesn't claim it. John 3:16 doesn't claim it.
You can cry about us Calvinists, Arminian, and Catholics all you like.

Oh, so you are a universalist. Correct, we don't believe you are a Christian nor do you believe the Lord Jesus Christ.
Frankly, as a Universalist, you spit on Him.

Does Tet know you are a Universalist?

Correct. I do not believe that. No Christian does.

Show the post where I have ever said all men go to heaven and no men go to hell if I'm a universalist! You can't because you're a liar and can't even debate properly.


Well-known member
Show the post where I have ever said all men go to heaven and no men go to hell if I'm a universalist! You can't because you're a liar and can't even debate properly.

Christ died for and redeemed the whole world.

...Christ is the savior of the world point blank.

...Christ died for and redeemed all men, it's so obvious.



New member
Calvinists are such slimy anti-christian snakes that they try to make the universal aspect of the atonement into Universalism which are in no way related in any shape or form. Just business as usual for the anti-christ worker bees.


New member
Hey Lon you mean to tell me that you are so smart and you don't know the difference between the atonement and Universalism? Do you want the definition of Universalism?