Another wolf is marked/exposed/identified.


New member
well, that was for nought....If you had really read that post, you would know. Instead you just skimmed it...not even bothering to open your ears. Your here not to learn, but preach.


I read it and I believe that the division you speak of; twelve judging twelve is very relevant. It is the different branches of the Vine which has been spread throughout the Earth. But they still judge the judgement of Christ surely.

Your post said to refer to a specific verse in order to competently respond to you.

Now you are acting as if I am doing something wrong for looking forward to said scripture?!

You are wasting your time.

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Well-known member


I read it and I believe that the division you speak of; twelve judging twelve is very relevant. It is the different branches of the Vine which has been spread throughout the Earth. But they still judge the judgement of Christ surely.

Your post said to refer to a specific verse in order to competently respond to you.

Now you are acting as if I am doing something wrong for looking forward to said scripture?!

You are wasting your time.

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That verse was posted twice in that post....if you read it, you would have seen a typo.

Your right, I am wasting my time with you.


New member
So your seeking God's will in YOUR life is helping all of us? What kind of a nut are you?

I'll tell you. You're a humanist. Humanism is a false religion. Just like the others you're looking into.


So silently striving to abide by the law of the Spirit is called humanism?

I don't think that is wholly accurate.

Sounds more like you attempting to smear another believer for no good reason.

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New member
That verse was posted twice in that post....if you read it, you would have seen a typo.

Your right, I am wasting my time with you.
So me trying to go into other detail for you is a waste of time because you do not care to hear in order to even contemplate?

If so; that isn't a good thing you are abiding by or a bad thing you are ignoring.

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New member
What is the content of faith, required to be believed, to be saved?

It's a simple question. We go through this type of exercise in the secular world, i.e., succinctly writing down(fill in the blank)- why do you/many resist this in the more important "spiritual" realm?

Lay it out, in simple terms-"now speakest thou plainly,.."(John 16:29 KJV).

Time to check out-it's Miller time.

What didn't you hear that you were expecting.

I expounded on the contents of one's Faith.

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Well-known member
No, I know that I'm reasonably smart. Not a genius, mind you, but I've got a good head. but I think you're fibbing. How did you find Christ? You have claimed your family did not bring you to him

You're accusing me of lying. "Fibbing" is a liberal word.

I've given my testimony on here before, but I'll give you the condensed version. My hippy friends brought a copy of Late Great Planet Earth to my attention, and I was amazed that a book as old as the Bible could be talking about things I was seeing in this modern world. Israel becoming a nation as predicted, etc. When I was visiting an old gal at her house, while my husband was shoveling the snow off her roof, I told her about what I had been reading and hearing (including what some JW's had said when they had come by). Right then and there, she preached the Gospel to me. She was a "completed Jew", as she called herself. One who was saved by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I went home and prayed, and was saved right there in the loft of our log cabin.

The Gospel is the POWER of God unto salvation. There is no other way.

Now, if you're capable of actually discussing the Word of God, you'd best make haste, or I'll write you off as a reprobate interested only in falsely accusing the brethren.


New member
your right, nah!
Figured as much.

I find it odd that some don't even care to expound on their own belief at all.

Fear is not of the Lord. We are to attempt; to the best of our ability; to explain the reason for our faith and the substance of our belief. Why do some out right refuse?

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New member
A believer in his own understanding of God is not a believer at all. He is a humanist.

Because my understanding is not aligned wholly and utterly with that of the mass or many is not a sign of unbelief; professing none do works as a result of salvation, and that the conscience is a thing that cannot be abided by are signs of such.

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Well-known member
Because my understanding is not aligned wholly and utterly with that of the mass or many is not a sign of unbelief; professing none do works as a result of salvation, and that the conscience is a thing that cannot be abided by are signs of such.

Humanism is man making himself a little god....his own understanding is put above the TRUTH.

There is nothing new with what you're doing. Everyone has figured out some way of how things must be, but that doesn't mean those beliefs are worth a hill of beans.

It's called unbelief.


New member
Humanism is man making himself a little god....his own understanding is put above the TRUTH.

There is nothing new with what you're doing. Everyone has figured out some way of how things must be, but that doesn't mean those beliefs are worth a hill of beans.

It's called unbelief.
Then that wouldn't apply to one who regards themselves and their life as nothing, except for what GOD has given them.

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New member
Do you have any idea of what the "law of the Spirit" is, or will you just make something up like you did with the Gospel?
If you were genuinely asking I might tell you. But going off of what you have shown; you just want it to devour it and then ask for more.

This is coming from one who believes the conscience cannot be followed. Think yours might be a little defiled ? Or not existent? Seeing as how you get your kicks from demeaning the nature, and by extension; the origin of one's Faith; I would have to take an educated guess and say seared; cut off

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Well-known member
If you were genuinely asking I might tell you. But going off of what you have shown; you just want it to devour it and then ask for more.

You don't have to tell me. I already know you have no idea what the law of the Spirit is. You've just added it to your religious vocabulary hoping it makes you sound knowledgable.

This is coming from one who believes the conscience cannot be followed.

Are you referring to yourself? I know you say you "try".

Think yours might be a little defiled ?

Not in the least. I'm not surprised you imagine it to be so, though.

Or not existent?

My goodness. You are certainly obsessed with my conscience? :chuckle:

Seeing as how you get your kicks from demeaning the nature, and by extension; the origin of one's Faith; I would have to take an educated guess and say seared; cut off

To think you actually imagine what give me kicks is sorta creepy. :shocked:

Voyeuristic almost.


Well-known member
For one to consider themselves GOD they would have to think they are their own creation. It is absolutely ridiculous.

I said "little god". In your little world, you are god and what you say is true must be true.

That's why you give your own private definition of "Gospel" and such.

And, yes, it is absolutely ridiculous, because what you think is true doesn't count for a hill of beans.


New member
You don't have to tell me. I already know you have no idea what the law of the Spirit is. You've just added it to your religious vocabulary hoping it makes you sound knowledgable.

Are you referring to yourself? I know you say you "try".

Not in the least. I'm not surprised you imagine it to be so, though.

My goodness. You are certainly obsessed with my conscience? :chuckle:

To think you actually imagine what give me kicks is sorta creepy. :shocked:

Voyeuristic almost.

It's plain to see.

As far as who said that; it was you and you know it.

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New member
I said "little god". In your little world, you are god and what you say is true must be true.

That's why you give your own private definition of "Gospel" and such.

And, yes, it is absolutely ridiculous, because what you think is true doesn't count for a hill of beans.
Then show it to be against scripture.

What is it, put up or shut up?

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