I agree, they are not even in the same league.
I'm talking about how quickly social pressure can make depravity seem "acceptable".
The homo lifestyle used to be shunned openly.
Now look at how it is treated.
And that's just within my lifetime.
There were always places gays could go to socialize, some places more openly than others, some eras more openly than others (you might be surprised what was acceptable in the Roaring Twenties) but they were also persecuted and discriminated against in a way that just wasn't acceptable under our constitutional legal system. And look how many things have changed in the same span of time, including advances in civil rights legislation. African Americans used to be shunned openly too.
I don't think anyone here overlooks it.
I don't see too many threads about heterosexuals being "pedos."
Yep, they are all disgusting perverts.
That's why it's a criminal act to sexually molest, abuse, or assault a child.
Legal sexual assault of children isn't the next stop on the slippery slope from homosexuality, though thank goodness we've come a long way from the days that girls were married off at age 12 or even younger, although that still happens in some cultures, including Muslim culture. But when it's Muslim, it's condemned. When it's Mary in the Bible at age 12, somehow that's okay. There's some inconsistency there.
That doesn't make the pervert in the article Musty posted any less disgusting.
Child pornography is a terrible, awful thing, regardless of the orientation of the perpetrator.
I'd be willing to bet though, that he never would have posted the thread if the criminal had been a heterosexual.